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Do you play as a male or female in a game, given a choice?

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I tend to go with whatever character feels more "main characterish" I think

Pokémon I go female cuz I´m pedo for Dawn (though for HG/SS I'll prolly go Male for nostalgic reasons)

Legend of Mana I always choose the guy (and I always name him Loki)

I don't play MMO's though cuz they straight up do not appeal to me

so yeah "main characterish"


Usually I play as a girl. You know, cause I am one. Some games I'll start a new game as a guy just for the hell of it.

I briefly played World of Warcraft once, with a female character. That lasted about a month because I got kinda sick of people automatically assuming that because I was a lady dark elf in the game, I was a creepy forty year old man in real life. I stopped playing soon after because of that and, you know, I enjoy having a real life. Maybe someday I'll give it a shot again, but not anytime soon.


I don't play many games that allow for custom gender, but when I do it's almost always as a guy. However, whenever presented with a game that has NO females in its options for playable characters, I tend to get a little miffed. Especially if there's a strong female character in the game already.


When I play Baldur's Gate, I play a male character. I just like the story being more relateable that way.

But, when I play Icewind Dale, for some reason, I choose a female character (the redhead template). Not sure why. I think I just want Icewind to be a different experience.

With Final Fantasy, I just play whatever they tell me to play.


TBH, women characters because I think it's cute to kick @$$ in Melee or Brawl with a female. In SF Cammy is my girl! I'd fly with Peach in SMB 2! Samus is my HERO! The list goes on.


It really just depends. I play a lot of both. In MMOs, I used to be strictly male, but more recently, I've been making more female characters. I do tend to prefer playing the female characters in fighting and racing games and always have. Chun Li in Street Fighter, Peach in Mario Kart, Samus in Smash Bros., etc.


In MMOs I'll generally play a female character, either because they're not as played (orc and troll chick in WoW for example) or simply because they got more interesting animations than their male counterpart (female UD melee!). It's rarely because I'm a girl irl.

I also prefer playing a non-human whenever possible (which is why Horde > Alliance to me).

For games in general, I don't really care.


In single-player RPGs, I usually do one male run and then one female run, just to see what the differences are.

I generally don't do MMOs, but I did have some brief stints with Anarchy Online and WoW. In AO, I had to play as a woman because, when viewed from the back, the male characters had WAY too much hip movement in their walking animations and it just looked weird. In WoW I played as a woman because all the men were ugly as sin. And so that people would lavish me with gifts (which they did). And because the only real reason I tried it was because all my friends were so into it, and I think a cute little gnome with pink hair was the absolute last thing they expected me to play as.



"I play as females because I promote gender equality."

"I play as females because I'm horny and like girlbutts."

"I/you play as males/females because I'm/you're gay."

I'm going to show my nerd here. If I'm designing a character, I'll generally come up with a personality and a backstory beforehand, so gender pretty much matches whatever idea feels the most inspired (like Undead Cyborg Abe Lincoln in the trial for City of Villains). In video games, I'd say it's 50/50 girls/guys... in table top games (if those are considered part of the discussion too) it's about 10/90 girls/guys, because getting into character as the opposite sex is difficult and weirds some people out.

In fighting games, I play whoever's stats I like best, though that's often females because I prefer speed over power (Chun Li, Samus, and Seung Mina FTW).

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