Teliskopic Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 10 years already? Congratulations OCR!!! You're now double digits!!! Now where did those candles go? To the best music on the internet and the world! Go go video games! Quote
Char Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Happy 10 years OCR! I have only been a member of the forums since 2008, but have been here since 2002/2003. I have loved this site and community, as well as the great music that has come of it, so much so that I have an Ipod specifically for OCR! Here's to many more! Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Force your way down a path you choose to take and do it all yourself. THATS THE WAY TEAM OVERCLOCKED ROLLS! We evolve from the person we were a minute before. Little by little we advance a bit further by each turn. Thats how a drill works. The dreams of those who have fallen, the hopes of those who will follow. Those sets of dreams weave together in to a double helix forging a path to tomorrow! Here's to Ten years of doing it your way i hope for another 100. It's a shame some of our best are not here to see it. Quote
Nebula Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 Happy 10 to OCR. Big thanks to DJP, Larry, the judges, the composers, the remixers, and everyone else for making the site what it is. It's a remarkable achievement and a truly unique site and community. I was turned on to OCR in mid/late 2000 through #asherons-call on After over nine years of music, I have far too many favorites to mention, so thanks for them all! Quote
teh1archon Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 Wow 10 years! I can't believe it, that means that I'm heavily addicted to download in an obsessive-compulsive behaviour for about 9 years now - I discovered the site somewhere in 2000-2001 when the site was still associated with emulation, the background was orange, there was not even a single album, the remix count was roughly a little more than 400 pieces and my connection to the site was a 56.6k dial-up. My obsession with video game music started somewhere in 1989 when I was only 4. Just like in Reset Generation - I grew up with computers and video games. A mix I wait to hear to this day (I can't do it myself because I can't play any instrument) is from "Alley Cat". I still hold hopes to hear it here. Back then I loved it but never tried to collect it (although I'm sure that at one point I tried to record it on a tape-cassette and failed in a miserable way). Next it moved to Street Fighter music among other but SF2 and Golden Axe really stood up for me. Several years later, I bought Final Fantasy 7 (thinking it was some kind of fighting game) and it changed my world, even my parents simply loved the music! My dad (which passed away last week) said to me many times that he really like Sonic music (from our GameGear) and my mother had a period which she was really into FF music (but that was actually later than this point in time). And then, shortly after finishing FF8 (both for the PC), it happened, I realized that digital music can be stored and heard so easily that I must have it - all the time. And so after finding that clinging to Final Fantasy Radio (of the famous FFMusicDJ) will not fruit the immediate results that I wanted (since back then I had internet for a few hours a week) I sought out a way to download music for Winamp. With little experiments with Alta Vista and Google I realized that it's hard to find VGM, especially these alluded MP3s because the best I could find was midis. For the old ones who still remember what Napster was, I never used it. Not to mention that at this specific point I'm pretty sure it wasn't existed yet. Sadden by the poor search results I kept searching in pages with numbers so crazy and word combination strange as well. And then I found a site that said to provide "free game remix music collection". Not knowing what a remix is, I was happy with the other words and started to download music from Final Fantasy games. I was suspicious that these were not the complete OSTs but I thought "meh, this site is still growing, I'll find it here with time". Next evening I started to hear what I have downloaded. It sure sound like Final Fantasy but was also different. That was no OST! Frustrated, I was about to delete a whole night work of 56.6k dial-up downloaded MP3s. And then I thought to myself "Heh, what the heck, let's hear it one more time before saying goodbye". And then I realized that may it not be the Allusive OST but I HIT THE JACKPOT! IT WAS A GOLDMINE OF VIDEO GAMES MUSIC, ONES THAT I HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD OF! AND BETTER YET SOME PIECES ARE EVEN BETTER THAN THE ORIGINALS! THIS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! I used download manager to download from this site, I would leave my PC open in weekends (I didn't have much internet access then) and in the course of 4-5 months I managed to download every piece of music from this site. Since then I check this site at least once a month to check out for new music. Even when I was abroad I always made sure to check that I won't miss even a single track to download when I get back home. I love every piece of music from this site with the exception of "Zelda music for my groin" which I loath to this day (and I'm not an avid Zelda player and I also never deleted the file). I remember almost every piece of music I downloaded from this site. About half of my favourite tracks of all time are from this site alone (the rest being actual pieces from OSTs of video games and movies and several remixes not from this site). I think that my greatest joy with this site was when "Voices of the Lifestream" was released. It was a great closure for me, coming to this site and finally downloading FF7 soundtrack from it. It really was a dream come true. But I admit that I was disappointed when the credit music was not remixed as it was since it had original parts in it too. But I simply love this album. I feel like I grew up with this site. First - It expended my musical taste. Today I hear and like every VGM of remix in every genre, from rock to orchestral, from chip-tune to techno, from nerdcore to acid-8-bit-with-pianos. Actually I love it to such extent that I have no more interest in music that is not related to video games, classical music or general OSTs (mostly anime though). Second - In 2007 I realized that I love video games so much that it's my destiny to get to work in that industry. I wasn't without the influence of this site upon me giving more attention to video game music and realize that every great game has great music (Cheetah Men and Friday the 13 are the sole exceptions). Third - While being obsessive with something is generally a bad thing, it can also teach you about your love to something. The music I downloaded from here travelled from my old Pentium 2 to my old Pentium 4 and I'm waiting to move it to my soon-to-buy new PC too. If not for this site, I wouldn't hunt for collectors editions of game for their OSTs (although there are other factors for this one) and I wouldn't cherish video game music (in any form and version) as a treasure. Forth - I really went a long way with this music in my portable CD-player and later iPod and other devices. From high-school (might even be middle-school) to bumhood to the army to work to university, and hopefully someday I'll find a girlfriend who would become a wife and music from this site will take us from the reception to "Eyes On Me" under the canopy. Heck, I even want Final Fantasy music playing at my funeral! Just need to make sure to die before my brother so he'll be able to carry out my wish I thank you greatly and deeply, David W. Lloyd, you really changed my life and coming here about 9 years ago is a true mile-stone in my life. Hey, I even registered an account just to write it. I don't know how much all my downloads cost to you (since all the single MP3 downloads I download from the servers but albums I download only via bittorent) but one day I'll pay my debt (need to finish university and find a work). I wish I could now but situation is a little rough for me. And till that day comes, I'll still play video game (and remix) music at work, at car, at home and anywhere possible even when people say that don't want to hear it (most say it without even listening once due to narrow-mindness) because this site put to its cause to spread VGM and I'm not ashamed to listen to this music and spread it myself. I also want to thank everyone who post music on this site for making my life more joyous. God knows this was a really bad year for me. And VGM always makes me feel a little better. Thank you all, happy birthday and good night. Sorry for bad english. (And I really hope that djpretzel will read my super long post) Quote
Gario Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 Damn, I missed the actual birthday of the site. Meh, better late than never. Here's to ten years of exponential success! At least I managed to get fairly drunk for the actual birthday, even if it was for a different reason. Quote
zarubi Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 As a long-time listener but never contributer or poster, this seemed a meaningful time to finally get myself a forum account. I believe I've been listening to OC Remixes now for 9 years. In an internet world where so much is always changing, Overclocked Remix has stayed consistent in it's quality, innovation, and ease of use. My thanks to all the great artists who have contributed to this site and thanks for all the great people who have helped to administer and judge on the site. May the next ten years be just as great! Quote
Shhteve Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 Wow! It's hard to believe I've been a member of this site for this long! I've seen so much happen on OCR, even met a few people involved in the projects as well as many people within the community over all this time. Let's not forget all the wonderful music that's been contributed! Happy 10th, OCR! Here's to many more years! Quote
harbin91 Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 YAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Congratulations on 10 fabulous years of albums. Hope teh next ten will be filled with more great remixes. Shame we don't have a birthday cake smiley though. Quote
Triad Orion Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Late to the party, but damn, this is awesome news. 10 years of incredible music, talent, and the people who make up the community. This site's been nothing short of a godsend as a gamer who loves and appreciates the soundtracks in his hobby. And to have a community as awesome as the one here? Nothing short of astounding. And I want to send a big thanks to all the ReMixers out there who do this out of pure love for their craft and the sources that inspired them. And a huge thanks to David Lloyd for making all of this happen and dedicating so much of his free time and effort into keeping this place going. In short, thanks to everyone who makes this place what it is! Happy Tenth, OCR! May there be countless more years of music and community! Quote
quoda Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Thank you so much for providing quite possibly the awesomest contributions to my music collection. I'm still finding gems hiding out in my iPod when it goes on shuffle all. I'm amazed at the collection of talent in this place! Quote
Kruai Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Congrats OCRemix, and thanks for providing about half of the music that I consume daily! Quote
Ferret Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Another ten years from now after the site has gained self-awareness we'll be getting messages about "those whippersnappers always playing on my bandwidth". Quote
Bahamut Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 I don't think I posted this here, but happy 10th to OCR! It's quite a triumph that OCR has lasted for so long and has flourished so much during that time and continues to do so. I have to say this though - OCR has had quite a lot of influence on my life. There's the music of course, and it still remains one of the few examples of music I will listen to now ever since 2001; my musical tastes have changed so drastically, but with the evolution of the general trend of the music on OCR, my evolution in musical appreciation paralleled this and it is quite interesting to see them synergize within me. But even bigger than the music for me is the people I've met and continue to friend here. I've met a lot of people here who are the type you have for life. We've had some great times together that I still reminisce over on occasion. In addition, during my presence here on the forums, I've had to mature when faced with trollish attitudes, or think critically when it came to a debate over contrasting views. In fact, it may have implicitly helped me develop in my own career as a mathematician, and it certainly has helped in me framing a moral system that I stand by. So I have much to be thankful for here in OCR. It has been an eyeopening experience of a lifetime for me, and continues to fit that role even today. What is amazing is that a community based on musicians and their music rearranging vgm can do this to people. It is nothing short of miraculous. Quote
LuIzA Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Happy 10th! had this been a real life meeting, I'd propose a toast to this and the many more anniversaries to come. may one day teleportation exist and I'd join OCR meet ups. Quote
DragnBreth Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Belated happy 10 year! Been here since '04 myself. Not a big poster (35 posts in the last five years ) but the majority of the music I listen to comes from this site. Heck, one of the first songs I downloaded from here was djp's "Gerudo Interlude". Listened to that song over and over again on the way to school through Grade 9. Keep the awesome music coming!! Quote
Sag Ee Mana Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Happy birthday OCRemix ! So I've been downloading all these wonderful remixes for 5-6 years already... And it's not over ^^ So many people, so many countries gathered in a same place... Great work, really. Quote
yosefu Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 Happy birthday OC Remix!!! Thank you for all the great music Quote
The Author Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 Been here for so long, this site is a part of my life now... Here's to many more years! Quote
LuckyXIII Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 I meant to do this the day of - alas procrastination... The mixes posted on the anniversary are perfect, and, in my mind, exemplify the spirit of what OCR is all about. The sounds are reminiscent of some of the mixes I was first exposed when I originally joined. It's amazing to see how the site's developed and I'm excited to see what the future holds! Quote
Zipp Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Not a big poster here, but a huge user and someone who constantly promotes this site in his daily life. I've been here since '02 (ever since hearing MacVaffe's Tetris remix) and have been using the music to make CDs for myself and people (well, now its playlists) ever since. Most of the 5000 songs I have on itunes are from this site. Thanks for being here, a beacon of joy amidst the desolate junkyards of the internet. Zipp Quote
Nearly Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 My friends all think I'm wierd but this is where the music is at. Cheers to all the musicians here. Quote
Shadowe Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 Found the site in 02 thanks to tracking down my first OCR ever, Jivemaster's Tight Finale. Registered a bit later in 2003 and I've been here since. Quote
Shael Riley Posted December 19, 2009 Posted December 19, 2009 We have come a long way from the pull-down download menu. Happy 10th anniversary to OCR, one of my favorite websites. I owe the community a lot, as and artist and a listener. Thanks, everyone. I know I'm late to the party, but man! 10 years of OCR! Quote
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