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Dang, this is awesome.

I really love the tuning into the correct radio station intro; it really adds context and personality to the mix. This mix was a blast to listen to. Things constantly change a lot in this mix but not at such a pace that the listener can't keep up with. Also this just feels so patently Sega, I mean I can't really imagine this being blasted out from anything other than a Sega Genesis. Also the guitars here are amazing. Thank you Luiza for finally caving in and submitting this.


Man, this is incredible. It seemed to me like there was a bit too much gain on the rhythm, but other than that, awesome. The acoustic guitar with the phaser sounded pretty slick, and the the solo was just beast. Not to mention the "radio tuning" intro which was cleverly done as well. Keep it up, Luiza!


An oldie but goodie. Mad props to LuIzA for her work in general. She's such a talanted musician with many great assets such as her guitar & bass playing, production work, and sweet vocals. While I'd love the latter to be more prominent in game remixes, I won't harass her as long as she's making tracks for us. I'm thankful enough that she asked me to contribute for a few vocal sections in one of her DoD remixes (Dimensional Horizons, which should be submitted btw).

Great solos, great playing, catchy groove, nice keyboards, and epic intro/ending. There's nothing about this track that I don't like.



Luiza never fails to make me happy.

Props to the Video Games Live too. I went to thier last concert in Europe in Cardiff. Sheer awesomeness beginning to end.

I can't help feeling they scaled it down though. They didn't have half the stuff you american have. I was amusied that they gave away OCRemix Albums as Prizes for the costume competition, because it's all free for anyone on here.

Maybe next time.


I'll agree that the introduction sounded pretty rough, but the rest was tight. I really love hearing organs used in this kind of music, it's one of those rare instruments that I enjoy almost everytime I hear one in a remix. The break around 2:55 was a little long IMO, but past that the mix really kicked it up a notch!

Highly enjoyable mix from LuIzA, good to see an oldie like this popping up. From the looks of it, there's a LOT of good stuff on the horizon from her too, so I'll be on the lookout! :-D


This is some awesome guitarage here. I can easily picture this being blasted while speeding down the freeway. There are a couple of minor things, one being that there isn't much build-up in the song. Aside from the short intro and short outro, the mix is going pretty much full force throughout. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how this is, I just would have liked the mix to build up to full awesome, rather than start out at max. The other thing is that there are a few instances where the drums feel just a little out of time with the rest of the mix. It's only really noticeable if you are really focusing on it though.

Organ is pretty kicking in this though, and again I will mention the guitar skills are very apparent here. Nice stuff.


I must be a little late to the party, seeing as how everyone else seems to have heard this before? Anyways, I really enjoyed this, the radio concept for the intro was cool :) And I really like the character of this remix, its a lot of fun to listen through! Great work LuIzA!


again, thank you for all your kind words.

PS: I find it amusing that to this day, that only one person commented/smiled at the fact that, in this song, one crashes their "shiny new ferrari" at the end... that's kinda why I named the song that. hahaha ;P


Punk? Ska? Outrun? Awesome.

I can see why they've been badgering you to submit this. It's the unmistakable classic LuIzA-style approach, and from every perspective I look at it, it rules. Guitars sound great and the performance is awesome, and we all know I have a bias with guitars. I also love ska and punk, so pretty much this song right here is a combination of, like, ten-thousand things I adore. Too bad about that Ferrari though, I feel bad for it breaking even if it's just a video game remix.


It's good to see that a awesome music like this was made by a compatriot. :mrgreen:

Parabéns Luiza! Essa é mais uma das suas ótimas versões que vai pra minha playlist. : ]

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice intro.

I love the different guitar sounds this remix features, from wah-wah to the rhythm guitar that lends a certain Iberian/South American touch to the remix. The ska portion's awesome as well.

Finally, the ending made me smile.

  • 1 month later...

I think I like this better than her recent CT remix, though that's good as well. I'm not really a fan of most of the kinds of styles LuIzA tends to cover in general, but her mixes always sound very frenzied and energetic, and always very thoughtfully and endlessly worked over. She's not someone to ever let an arrangement go on autopilot, which I admire a lot. And that also distinguishes her outside just being someone who covers things in a certain genre, because she does go the extra mile to make what she's doing work outside the genre.

LuIzA, you are a badass, and I hope you keep doing music for a long time 'cause many mixers could learn a thing or two from you.

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