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Ya I can't access it either :(

Works on my end.

I need to upgrade to a faster broadband. I know it's stupid to complain, but 2 hrs to dl the torrent (minus the flac files) seems achingly long. Or I just need to learn to properly forward my ports, or something...


Well, I gotta say that I'm pretty excited.

One of my favorite game OSTs, and one of the first games that really made an impression on me as far as music, graphics, and whatnot go.

Can't wait to be able to torrent it (can't right now).


but 2 hrs to dl the torrent (minus the flac files) seems achingly long. Or I just need to learn to properly forward my ports, or something...

Or you need to appreciate your unfail internet. Here in Australia, 2 hours isn't a long time in many cases, torrent or no.

I'll check this out once I finish downloading some of the other OCR albums I've already started.

Sadly, I can't make this. It starts too late for me, and based on the length of the album itself, you guys will be almost done just as I'm getting home. Sorry dudes. :-(

For a second there I thought you were talking about working on the album itself, LOL.


I'm still on the first disk, but thoroughly loving the album! Hemo's Tetanus really had me. Loved the contrast of the soft piano and the grating, electronic breakdown(?). It was kind of like insanity takes hold then dissipates.


The funny thing was is that I was torrenting the album at around 12:00 AM (Midnight) and trying to keep my computer from going into a deep sleep until the torrent was complete. I ended falling sleep, and waking to find my computer still awake; apparently BitTorrent doesn't let it go to sleep, and I ended up seeding a good couple of people without knowing :P. Hope they enjoyed a faster download >.~

Anyways, I've listened to the entire album right about now and re-listening to some of the tracks again (Though I have yet to listen to the bonus tracks). All I have to say is that this album is absolutely phenomenal, and there was some tracks absurdly blew my mind (Where did Joshua Morse get the idea for his arrangement of Bramble Reprise O.o? Alien music gods?). Great job everyone *thumbs up*

And it's fantastic seeing, and hearing, legendary Rare composers David Wise, Robin Beanland and Grant Kirkhope in the mix. This is seriously one of my most favorite albums of all time, and surely makes it's tributes to my childhood favorite game.

EDIT: Also also, a was beginning to come down with a cold yesterday, and it seems like listening to this music is somehow curing my sinuses.

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