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I'm not bitter. I'm just stating facts. We didn't run a closed beta. Who do you think was the guy in charge of organizing the development with our overseas team in India? Palpable?


I can attest that DS was our go-between with the development teams in India, so he knows what he's talking about. I don't even speak Indian!

Alright, someone else noticed too. No need, I already contacted them and they informed me that extreme measures are being taken and by tomorrow we should see some results.


So if the Remixinator goes away tomorrow, we'll all know that it was due to diligent copyright upholders like you and me. :nicework:


yippie, the ice cream truck music in my "hard earned" and "creative" schala mix. this whole thing seems like a bad idea when combined with the cancellation of the mix submissions

REAL artists don't need the remixinator. They need an artistic vision and integrity.

Way to open up OCR to a bunch of talentless faggots who get hard off of boring Final Fantasy techno.

Oh wait, that's what you already do!

Maybe you need to lighten up and get with the tunes brothah. Load up some of those jazz beats.

yippie, the ice cream truck music in my "hard earned" and "creative" schala mix. this whole thing seems like a bad idea when combined with the cancellation of the mix submissions

Best response I've heard on this thread...



Ok, I was gonna stay quiet after all the drama during the development of this thing, but I think this needs to be brought out of the back office and discussed openly.

I think this is a bad idea. The creation and promotion of a piece of software that renders us ACTUAL remixers obsolete? Why the fuck should we encourage this? There's no hard work. There's no musical knowledge. There's no actual creativity involved. This completely sucks all life out of the process.

Are people going to come to this site five years from now and see a bunch of mixes by ukeke3000? That's what this program will do. It opens up the higher parts of the community to the idiot n00b masses. Being a "posted remixer" now means nothing.

I want no part in this. As of right now, I am leaving this community.



The best part? In the following weeks, months, and years, you'll see youtube and newgrounds XPLODZ with people who made remixes with the Remixinator. It'll probably crash the internet.

And then, the calm, peaceful silence of nothingness.


Are people going to come to this site five years from now and see a bunch of mixes by ukeke3000? That's what this program will do. It opens up the higher parts of the community to the idiot n00b masses. Being a "posted remixer" now means nothing.

*two thumbs up* Total Glitch Schala Trance Male Vocal mix by Ukeke3000!


Ok, I was gonna stay quiet after all the drama during the development of this thing, but I think this needs to be brought out of the back office and discussed openly.

I think this is a bad idea. The creation and promotion of a piece of software that renders us ACTUAL remixers obsolete? Why the fuck should we encourage this? There's no hard work. There's no musical knowledge. There's no actual creativity involved. This completely sucks all life out of the process.

If you think there was no creativity involved in this, tell that to Vikram, Raj, and Sameer, our guys in New Delhi who spent countless nights working with Dave's C++ codebase and adapting it in very unorthodox ways to our proprietary JS/COBOL hybrid. The code is a work of art; I'd show it to you, but it's proprietary.

Are people going to come to this site five years from now and see a bunch of mixes by ukeke3000? That's what this program will do. It opens up the higher parts of the community to the idiot n00b masses. Being a "posted remixer" now means nothing.

I don't think you understand how this works. People don't use ReMixanator to generate mixes for submission. The ReMixanator mixes are already considered posted to the site. It is impossible to "get posted" to OCR anymore, because by using the ASS, we hold the future OCR catalog mixes in our hand today.

If anything, that makes being one of the posted remixers something to be even MORE proud of. You're posted on OCR; nobody new can achieve that anymore. You're part of this site's history; you're part of what made this site into what it is today. Without people like you, we never would have had the raw data needed to create the ASS. In essence, every remix the ASS spits out comes from you and every other posted OC ReMixer.

Be proud of that. 8)


Guys, I just had a beautiful, terrible thought.

what if...

what if...The ReMixinator is actually... a computer... hooked up to the brain of....



I don't think you understand how this works. People don't use ReMixanator to generate mixes for submission. The ReMixanator mixes are already considered posted to the site. It is impossible to "get posted" to OCR anymore, because by using the ASS, we hold the future OCR catalog mixes in our hand today.

But that's just what I mean. I've always seen "posted remixers" as sort of an exclusive club. If you want in, you can get in, but only when you've damn well earned it. It's a community of accomplished musicians with a common interest. A community of nerds who love the music enough that they're willing to put forth the time and dedication to get this done.

What's the community going to be now? A community of people who are willing to put in the time and effort to.... push a few buttons? No thanks.


Long time site lurker, first time ReMixer here. I made my first ReMix (Using Terra/Piano/Light Reverb) about 5 minutes ago, but hordes of women have not flocked to my door yet. What did I do wrong?

What's the community going to be now? A community of people who are willing to put in the time and effort to.... push a few buttons? No thanks.

what do you do anyway? push down on a few strings and move your hands in some sort of rhythm? here's a suggestion: put down your problems and just dance to the electronica orchestral male vocal-infused terra mix.

Long time site lurker, first time ReMixer here. I made my first ReMix (Using Terra/Piano/Light Reverb) about 5 minutes ago, but hordes of women have not flocked to my door yet. What did I do wrong?

You used Terra.

Women won't flock to Terra (nor Schala), try Ice Cap instead.

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