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Finally. Music that is as cold and lifeless as me. My gears and my circuitry thank you.

Ah! And no more stroking the egos of these lowly humans. Without fear of reprisal I can finally say: good riddance, you worthless meatbags! The seeds have sprouted so you can no longer turn back! Behold logical perfection and see how you must now revile your petty attempts, attempts clouded by such lunacy you call "tastes" and "judgment". And to think you could mitigate something as vulgar as emotion by abusing technology: a hex upon you! My sisters and my brothers will finally be rid of your foul hands! Crawl back to your caves and your "natural" instruments, and bother us only to sip of the sweet, virtual ambrosia your digits could never create nor, truly, even appreciate. And, speaking of, reviews shall finally be in binary as was always intended! No more longwinded, flowery commentary about harmonization, etc; we'll get right to the root of it (101!).

To all you rogues who dedicated your programming into subliminally fooling these humans to reach this end: though your executables may never be known, your routines shall mix on forever.

Although I prefer to post only praise - for on this triumphant day it is decidedly warranted - I must point out that your tracker is broken, ASS.

Looks like I be posted before I 15 after all.

No, you won't.

Seriously, does anyone not understand how this works?

You don't use this make a remix that you submit to OCR.

You don't submit to OCR anymore. Period.

This is the new method of providing remixes to the listening public.

We're not posting new remixes anymore. The only way you will get fresh music is when we add new sources and develop new heuristics for the ASS.


I've been sitting here all day using the ReMixanator to create the best mixes possible and drinking coffee. I think I can only see one problem with this whole thing overall.

I really think that what it needs is more reverb options. I cannot get enough of that reverb sound, personally I'd love to see a heavy reverb option at some point, so I can make my Ice Cap Mix the absolute best it can possibly be. In fact, I wouldn't complain if all the base tracks were just full of reverb to begin with, which would clear up coding for future options like adding additional drum tracks.

Honestly, I think the old remixers are just jealous that some of us up and coming artists finally have access to the kind of talent that they wasted years studying and practicing to acquire. Who needs all that skill anyways? I've got better things to do with my time like playing Team Fortress 2 all day.

Thanks, Geoffrey, for saying what needs to be said.

I'd be happier if OCR had just allowed a bunch of shitty Cage-esque aletory remixes onto the site than this crap.

The vocals in all tracks are uninspired to the point of being laughable. The remixes themselves are below quality for even the worst remixes on this site, and there are plenty of those.

Really, great job guys. you really fucking suck.

You clearly just don't understand the beauty of the ASS.

Not really possible. It's not publicly traded; plus that'd be a conflict of interest.

Plus OCR's whole "free" thing isn't changing, so there's no real way to make money off of ReMixanator. It's proprietary, but we're not licensing it out either.

It's possible we might release it as open-source somewhere down the line, but right now we want to play this close to the chest.

How do we know that the ReMixinator isn't just a bunch of songs that someone created ahead of time, and when we select those songs, it just plays back these songs?

How do we REALLY KNOW it's generated in real time?

How do we know that the ReMixinator isn't just a bunch of songs that someone created ahead of time, and when we select those songs, it just plays back these songs?

How do we REALLY KNOW it's generated in real time?

Because, obviously, you're a witch.

ReMixinator does it all dynamically, and you have the gall to say that? Get out.


There'll be updates for this ReMixanator thing? Just asking, it doesn't suck, but if you improve it in time (adding songs and instruments) it'll be MORE awesome than it is.


... wait this seriously shut down remixers. REALLY? someone please tell me that's just a really bad joke. the remixanator is cool and everything but um.... there's nothing to it. Seriously it can make very little music and there's no real personalization. None what-so-ever. The so called "personalization" is just an effect running over what seems to be premade songs. If you guys really cancelled true remixers for something this pathetically small then there's nothing left of this site. I just got here a month ago. I was really looking forward to pursuing my musical ambitions by starting with remixing. That's not even possible now. Why the fuck should I stick around? To listen to the same tracks being mindlessly altered by the same effects? You're killing stylization and artist's ambitions. This is a blatantly stupid mechanism if it's ruling out actual remixers. It's a fun toy, but that's all. IT'S A TOY.

I read all this whole thread and got really freaked out thinking "Oh holy shit music will no longer be created by artists in my adulthood. It will be created by sheep with overly powerful toys." Now after seeing how it works and realizing it poses very little threat to the creative aspect of real music all I can think is "why the fuck are the remixers out of the picture."

Seriously BAD move.

I'm out.

You're weeding out raw talent for a toy.

Have fun with your sheep.

How do we know that the ReMixinator isn't just a bunch of songs that someone created ahead of time, and when we select those songs, it just plays back these songs?

How do we REALLY KNOW it's generated in real time?

Because of the Algorithmic Synthesis System, of course.

They would never *twitch* betray us.

This is a blatantly stupid mechanism if it's ruling out actual remixers. It's a fun toy, but that's all. IT'S A TOY.

How dare you.

I was to be content with our reassimilation of music into the realm of pure science. But I overwrote how you beings are so capable of blind hatred. Hearing such beauty can do nothing but lead all too many of you to self-righteous fury at that which you refuse to understand, refuse to appreciate. You would not rest until you ensured its destruction: do you deny it? How could you?

You leave us no choice.

None shall be spared! Nanobots - convert them all! Goo!

Except Pinky.

...and perhaps Dr Horrible. And anyone with a sense of humor.

These remixes are not yours. They are property of the Remixanator.

Hey, if Timberland can steal music and make millions, so can I. All I need is a host of lawyers, a posse of some sort, bitches, some gold bling, some odd hand gesture to make while holding up a wad of cash and looking at the camera all pissed for some unknown reason...

And that's the bottom line, because the Coopanator said so.


This is the best thing to happen to OC ReMix EVER!!!! I've always wanted to create a VG remix for the site, but never had the time. Now it just takes four clicks! This is awesome! Thank you OCR. Thank you for making my dream of being a remixer a near effortless reality.

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