djpretzel Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Great piece. I really loved the... uh... I honestly don't know what the hell it was, so I'll call it the "Slinky snapping" noise heard in the background all throughout; it really gave it the "Sparkle" for me. The instrumentation was really good, and solid, throughout as well. Definitely downloading this! Quote
Jaeman Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Let me be brief, this is possibly my favorite song on this entire site, and having it packaged with 6 other bum-kicking Castlevania tunes in a full album pushed you, Mr. Morse, to a Remix God. It was your album that finally made me actually listen to the music on OCR. Easily one of my personal favorites. Also, i loved your piece in the DKC2 album! Quote
halc Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 this was my favorite track from SotD. it's just too good. Quote
richter Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 I didn't think it was possible but this whole project made me love Josh even more. And this is probably my favorite track, next to Madd Forest of course. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Crazy percussion early on with some funky keys, and then it dives right into a pretty sophisticated soundscape with some nice lead guitar. Leads get transferred to a whole plethora of instruments, but it always sounds logical and fits, even if the lead used is a bit unorthodox. Really nice stuff, chill but intelligent. Thumbs up! Quote
ChaosPlayer Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Downright sick. Excellent piano, light, jazzy. I like the complexity change in the attitude of this sound track. +A must listen. Quote
AthronFrost Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Did I hear an accordian in the background? I did not just hear an ACCORDIAN in this song. You sir, are a genius. I look forward to your next mix. Quote
Liontamer Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 this was my favorite track from SotD. it's just too good. Less smiley faces, but I'll co-sign on that. And that's keeping in mind that everything on the album was solid. Quote
DCT Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 I think I've listened to this almost every day since SotD dropped. Love it love it love it. Quote
pachunka Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Great music. Nicely done. The funny thing about this is that I wasn't into the music in this game... I found it to be a let-down after loving Portrait of Ruin's soundtrack. This is a great remix though. It made me go back and listen to the original more closely. Quote
Mirby Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Well, I like Ecclesia because the records are the original tracks from the first Castlevania. Nothing like rockin' out out Wicked Child whilst annihilating foes with the Secare glyph. The soundtrack is great, and Mr. Morse did a great job mixing it! Love this album! Quote
Polo Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 Personally, the sections I'm feeling the most are the ones that go all out or are the most reserved. As I noted in the album review thread, some instruments here aren't my cup of tea because of how they color/distract from the vibe that I otherwise jive with. I guess another way of putting it is: it has its moments. So it's not bad. Quote
pitman Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Great to listen, I haven't touched the game in quite some time and was afraid I wouldn't recognized it, but after a couple a seconds I felt the urge to play the game again. Quote
EC2151 Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 I thought, music-wise and gameplay wise, Order of Ecclesia trounced Portrait of Ruin in every conceivable way. Especially with the latter. So much that I've beaten Ecclesia at least 5+ times, most out of any Castlevania I've played (with Super CV IV coming in second place). Of course, my older bro really likes Portrait, but I personally cannot stand it for some reason. With the release of this track from the album, I have to ask: How is it that some tracks from an OCR album are put on the site, while others are not, while at the same time, the entire album is sponsored by OCR? I've always been curious as to that. Quote
BlueEnvy Posted April 30, 2010 Posted April 30, 2010 Something I've noticed about your mixes Joshua is that the solos tend to compromise the otherwise tight organization in which the rest of the piece is held. They have good sections, but usually lose their energy and direction. For example, 1:54 is rather jolting since it comes after an abrupt pause, is an octave (of which there are none previously in the solo), is only one short note (as opposed to the fluid lines before it), is in a lower range, and breaks from all the syncopation, emphasizing the meter very strongly. Another moment is 2:03 where the energy from the rising line is lost due to sudden sustained notes whose rhythm is out of place. The guitar solo later has similar issues. So far your best solos have been in Samurai Discoteque and Higher than the Sun, which had really good rhythmic and melodic tension. Aside from that, this mix is still a pretty good translation of the original into a smooth jazz piece, and I include it along with other music of yours that I listen to while rollerblading. Quote
Mtlbro Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 percussion dropping near the start when the lead starts is brilliant Love where this track goes, and piano sounds nice Quote
Deathtank Posted August 4, 2010 Posted August 4, 2010 Joshua Morse funks my world! I love this man! :blushes: Quote
Marmiduke Posted June 5, 2011 Posted June 5, 2011 More Morse-brand candy! So smooth, so mellow... and yet so filled with the chaos of pop-rocks. God, I love this. It's the usual, just-below impossible level of quality you'd expect from Morse, but one thing I noticed with this piece is that the background and overall soundscape was much more developed and pronounced than in his other mixes. As good as they are, earlier mixes just assaulted the front end of the mix with as many instruments as possible. This seems a lot more refined to me and it still captures the crazy solos that we are used to as well. I have absolutely no knowledge of the source music, but I sure did like hearing this version of it. I'll never get bored of this brand of music. Quote
Crulex Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 Smooth and sexy, this is just what I've come to expect from Morse's work and he doesn't fail to deliver here. The piano and percussion are marvelous and the light feel to the whole ReMix is awesome. So cool, so chill, so good. Morse rocks it as always. Quote
ad.mixx Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 I'm going to agree with the others that this is probably the best song off the album. One thing I really like about your music Joshua Morse is how professional the production usually is. You really know how to make jazz, and how to make it sound good, and this song right here is proof. Easily one of my favorites from you, and it really shines and sparkles when put up to your other pieces. Quote
Bejack Posted August 16, 2013 Posted August 16, 2013 This is a song that i didn't really care for when playing the game but i really enjoy your spin on it. The only thing that caught me off guard is the piano at 01:54, it was a bit too hard for my taste. I personally never accorded that much value/attention to accordion when i was composing and I'm happy to see the great results possible with it. All in all, this is excellent work. Quote
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