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OCR02025 - Gradius III "Space Ace"


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I'm always amazed at the amount of detail Jordan puts into his work. I've heard a few trance artists, mostly ones that his wife links on facebook, but none of them have impressed me as much as songs like this one. He's also got great production skills, and none of the instruments are grating yet they all have clarity and definition. It's good stuff.

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It's only fitting that bLiNd's new track gets posted directly after my first since he's the artist that really got me hooked on this website/electronic music! I've been listening to this one for a while since it was on his myspace; unreal stuff. Another instance of the source tune being so unfamiliar that this seems like an awesome original track, haha. The 6/8-ness and the unique chord progression really stand out to me in this one. The whole thing feels like incredibly well produced 1980s synth-pop but nevertheless retains the bLiNd trance feel. I LOVE it!

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I think willrock will at least join me in saying this:


I'm so glad this is now shared on the site with everyone. It's been blasting in my car ever since last Fall when I bugged Jordan to let me have the Gradius song from his set.

This mix, while a bit conservative, shows the power of a great hook and incredible production values. Parts of it sound almost cheesy-80's, like the intro rendition before Departure for Space comes in. All those descending laser FX and big digital drums set the tone perfectly. And then...BAM! In comes the hook, the song is bouncing, and it's all Gradius love. If I had to imagine Departure for Space redone, this is exactly how it would sound.

If tracks like this don't get your body moving, then nothing will.

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haha thats funny you say that jewbei. Jade told my last night "Now SUB CT Wind Scene!" i had the project open last night, doing a final export to submit it today...no one has really heard that one either unless they were at the set so it should be a nice surprise. Its been done for nearly 2 years man!

Thanks for all the comments everyone! You guys are great <3

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bLiNd is the bomb. I love everything he mixes and develops. I doubt he could ever write something that didn't knock me out with it's over all badassness. He is on his way to stardom, I just know it. We should all feel lucky to have him on this forum like we do. Cause when he starts touring Europe, we'll never hear from him! :razz:

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