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As much fun as I had remixing my piece. I must point out my displeasure at this two week extension. I'm not going to mince my words, so if they're a bit harsh, I apologize. This extension, to me, is a slap in the face. I worked hard this summer between work, moving, different events, but I still got mine done before the deadline. The way I see it, by extending it, in most cases you are rewarding laziness and procrastination. If you put a hard deadline on something and don't accept late submissions, you make a standard. People may get upset about being excluded because they were tardy in their submission, but they'll remember it and next time they'll submit before the deadline is through. Sorry if this has offended anyone, but I had to get it off of my chest. A deadline is a deadline. I know things happen sometimes and you can't get something done, but that's just it. Things happen.

As much fun as I had remixing my piece. I must point out my displeasure at this two week extension. I'm not going to mince my words, so if they're a bit harsh, I apologize. This extension, to me, is a slap in the face. I worked hard this summer between work, moving, different events, but I still got mine done before the deadline. The way I see it, by extending it, in most cases you are rewarding laziness and procrastination. If you put a hard deadline on something and don't accept late submissions, you make a standard. People may get upset about being excluded because they were tardy in their submission, but they'll remember it and next time they'll submit before the deadline is through. Sorry if this has offended anyone, but I had to get it off of my chest. A deadline is a deadline. I know things happen sometimes and you can't get something done, but that's just it. Things happen.

Totally agree with you.

Don't sign up for a contest/challenge you can't finish!!
This extension, to me, is a slap in the face. I worked hard this summer between work, moving, different events, but I still got mine done before the deadline. The way I see it, by extending it, in most cases you are rewarding laziness and procrastination. [...]

I know things happen sometimes and you can't get something done, but that's just it. Things happen.

A deadline is a deadline.

BlackPanther and swordofdestiny pretty much nailed it.

Hidding behind the pretense of getting ready for an event that was planned centuries ago, to justifiy the fact you weren't able to find at least half an hour a day to work on this, when you had 2 whole months, isn't very respectable.

Everyone loves to have fun. But when fun supesedes the commitment you've made, it's time to review your priorities.


I went to a school where if something was 2 seconds late and the file name didn't have the proper capitalization, you failed. No questions asked. A big reason that I'm not in Vegas with my girlfriend is because I work at a job where someone is paying $10,000 for this project to be done Tuesday morning so they can present it at a meeting with a huge company, and they don't care if I do 30 hours over a weekend (granted, a 3 day weekend) to finish it. It needs to get done. I understand the importance of a deadline.

There's a stark difference between that, and what we have here. What we have here is something a bunch of people volunteered into, to challenge their own skills, and for recreation. No one here is getting paid, and no one here paid to be a part of this. The people who procrastinated and didn't get a song done, and are using this extension to do just that because they didn't earlier, well they're only cheating themselves. The people who worked hard and got their mixes in before the deadline, congratulations.

But that's it. That's all you get is a firm pat on the back and self-affirmation. There's no voting. There's no glory. It's the satisfaction of a job well done, and on that, I congratulate all of you.

The fact of the matter is this: This challenge is about the listeners just as much as it is the mixer. Had the competition ended Saturday, as scheduled, a lot of people working on a song, or planning on working on a song, but hadn't started yet, would quit. Most would either submit a half-completed work, and never touch it again, or never start at all. The result is (and I'm just pulling these figures out of my ass, not based one what's submitted already) a handful of WIPs, and MAYBE 1 clean, polished song.

That's not exactly fair to all the people who submitted songs, hoping to hear something come out of it. This extension means those people who requested songs still have a chance that something will come of it.

Again, I understand the importance of a hard deadline, and the people procrastinating and taking advantage are only cheating themselves, but this decisions is for the greater good.

As much fun as I had remixing my piece. I must point out my displeasure at this two week extension. I'm not going to mince my words, so if they're a bit harsh, I apologize. This extension, to me, is a slap in the face. I worked hard this summer between work, moving, different events, but I still got mine done before the deadline. The way I see it, by extending it, in most cases you are rewarding laziness and procrastination. If you put a hard deadline on something and don't accept late submissions, you make a standard. People may get upset about being excluded because they were tardy in their submission, but they'll remember it and next time they'll submit before the deadline is through. Sorry if this has offended anyone, but I had to get it off of my chest. A deadline is a deadline. I know things happen sometimes and you can't get something done, but that's just it. Things happen.

It's not exactly matching the tone of your post, but I just wanted to jump in and give my thanks for tackling Agitha's Castle (and for doing so on time).

Even though it's a relatively short theme, you've still managed to extend it out and give it your own structure. You also get points for breaking away from the obvious style of the original and trying something different - along with the voice overs, I think it really embodies the underlying crazyness/creepiness of Agitha.

Thanks to you and diotrans!


@Rama: Well man, congrats on your hard earned cash, but I think I'll pass on that pat in the back if you don't mind. ;)

I've fullfiled my role in the whole 'greater-good' scheme of this compo, seeing as the person who requested my song already got it and has expressed his gratitude.

But interestingly enough, you'll find that the people who've made it in time are probably those who could careless about that "no-voting no-glory" situation.

Inversely, try to do a one-hour compo with the lazy bunch, without a voting or listening party afterwards, and you should witness the beauty of it all...

Anyway, I had a blast making my entry and this compo was fun while it lasted.

Congrats to those who made it in time, and good luck to all the latecomers.

The people who procrastinated and didn't get a song done, and are using this extension to do just that because they didn't earlier, well they're only cheating themselves.


Again, I understand the importance of a hard deadline, and the people procrastinating and taking advantage are only cheating themselves, but this decisions is for the greater good.

They're also cheating those of us who have waited anxiously/patiently for the deadline to come while they chose to do other things instead of the thing they made an obligation to do.

Voluntary or not, hard job or not, half-assed WIP or not.

Either way, enjoy your extension, all.

Says the man who still haven't turned-in his entry, yet finds the time to yell at people. :mrgreen:

i haven't started mine yet. last year's submission took six hours total to complete.

considering i'm scoring two games and a 30-minute film right now, and just moved, i think i've got a good reason for doing little on the personal music front :<

What Rama said but i forgot to quote it
I choose to work on as many projects as possible, and I've been struggling to accurately manage them up until I created a to do list. Now I'm out of town.. Gario is a great guy and I am going to make his remix, but I'm not going to do it half-assed because that would waste both of our time and he wouldn't be happy with it. If I am going to do this, I am going to go full-on with this and make it a normal-scale remix that I will be submitting to the panel. I can understand people being peeved because they worked on their song and then we got an extension... but come on. It's a challenge, not a contest. If you're uploading something you half-assed then you really aren't challenging yourself. :-) In your face! MUAHAHA *sits comfortably knowing he has an extension*

Uh no lol. A challenge is being able to make somethin based on the guidelines provided you weren't originally given this long to make somethin so it's not a challenge anymore. No matter how you look at it it wasn't fair to the people who got theirs done on time. If you can't see the wrong in choosing to participate in this, then turning around and choosing to go work on every other thing except this, whether this is just for fun or not, then somethin isn't right with you, I'm sayin this to everyone defending themselves about doing other things.

The positive side is that there will be much more mixes to enjoy so I won't complain any further xD.


I've started something for this in Vegas, and I'll work on it 'til it's finished (preferably before the deadline). I know you'd castrate me if I didn't finish this now, Rama, so I better make you proud :)!!.

Thanks for the extension, btw, and I'm glad to hear about your work (even though it cost you the trip + chance to meet you).


Okay so my project file deleted itself but all of the audio remained. So I made a new project file, using the existing audio, and painstakingly put it all back in place and tried to mix it again, in an hour, so it might sound really sloppy and terrible when this MP3 finally uploads. For this, I apologize.

Also, all of my drunk friends are in this MP3. I'm sorry about that too.

EDIT: I am so...SO sorry for what you will hear in my track. Mostly the music; my drunk friends actually sort of mask the shittiness in the first portion of the song quite well. But for the remainder of the song, I apologize.

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