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Felt like starting a cheesy topic because I'm bored right now sitting at a school waiting for a few guitar students, so here we go:

What are you playing right now?

I am currently playing Arc the Lad 2, BRILLIANT game, played it 2 times before but keep coming back to it.. LOVE IT lol Excellent plot, characters and has one of the best tactical battle systems imo.

Also playing Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY edition, keep cursing to those damn Challenges I can't do well enough, the other day I finished an 'extreme' challenge in 5 minute. I honestly felt like a pro, then I saw the leaderboard, saw people that finished it in 45 seconds, then I just turned off the damn game lol


Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations. I'm on the second case so far.

a little upsetting that I haven't been able to actually prosecute someone but eh

it's funny to me that these games which are based on the old murder mystery type adventure games have come out of the courtroom and returned to the adventure style

p.s. I'd suggest putting "game" in the title since "playing" is an ambiguous verb


Super Street Fighter IV - I wonder if I'm the only one putting up decent Vega win replays on the Boss Replay Section... No way! :lol:

3D Dot Game Heroes - Feels good man

Bayonetta - Feels good man

Dead Space - Impossible Mode, awesome.

Double Spoiler - God damn it...

Super Street Fighter IV. Trying to bring my Sakura game up to speed, then I'll probably branch out to T.Hawk or Juri.

This but with Cammy, I think i have gotten a lot better with her, started adding in some Focas attacks and throws that seem to work really well against Ken and Ryu players. Practicing her FADC combos but i prob wont be using them right until i get a stick.

Also, FF13, havent played it since SSF4 came out but i want to pick it up again.

I want super street fighter 4 as well, but it'll have to wait, got a few hundred hours of RPG gaming to do first, also, have Street Fighter 4, with all costumes bought :( Hate to just throw away all that because of the new characters.. but there are a lot of characters... damn it lol

The old costumes transfer over.

Red Dead Redemption (so awesome) and Dragon Quest IV (when I'm bored at work).

Man I envy you, I pre ordered my Red Dead almost 3 weeks ago, was supposed to have it last friday, but a rain storm prevented the game from reaching the seller I bought it from, he had to go there to get it, then he ships it to me several days later (on monday) .. still haven't gotten it.. I'm pretty angry. I can't wait to play it!


I've been playing Borderlands with my brother for the past few days. It's a damn fun game. In my opinion the funnest FPS I think I've ever played.

The worst thing about it is that my brother is better than me at it so I can't get my hands on any loot.

Man I envy you, I pre ordered my Red Dead almost 3 weeks ago, was supposed to have it last friday, but a rain storm prevented the game from reaching the seller I bought it from, he had to go there to get it, then he ships it to me several days later (on monday) .. still haven't gotten it.. I'm pretty angry. I can't wait to play it!

I've heard it called Grand Theft Horse - is that an accurate description?


I was playing Mario Galaxy 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics A2: GotR earlier. At the same time. After I would collect the star of a galaxy I would switch over to the DS(taking it out of sleep mode) and make a few turns on a FFTA2 mission. Good fun.

I've heard it called Grand Theft Horse - is that an accurate description?

i think i'll wait for a pc version. i'm not a fan of western, but i'll see later how people will enjoy it.

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