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What's the biggest crowd you attracted while playing a video game in Single Player?

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Ooh, I thought I didn't have a solid answer for this but I do.

It was either:

Super Mario Bros 2 on NES, when I was about 6 years old, about 20 people, and because it was a special pay-to-play attraction in one of the portables in my school that day.


DDR 7th mix in arcade, when I was about 18, about 20 people, and during the solo portion of a small DDR competition.


A school assembly/party my junior year of high school. The game was Super Smash Bros. Melee. My brother and I challenged any other two people there to a two on two match and we showed off a massive 10lb bag of assorted candy that would go to anyone who could win us.

3 lives stock, 2:30 time limit, no items, best of 3 matches. I wouldn't really have a way of knowing how many people gathered to watch the mayhem but it was a lot.

We didn't ever lose. Hearts were broken and tears were shed. Good thing I didn't go to high school in a big city or I'm sure I'd have gotten crushed.


Mega man 2 for NES. It was at a smaller event, but everyone else went to eat at first, but I was going to eat later, so I sat down by one of the game consoles and started playing Mega man 2, to see if I could still beat it fast. After a while, people draw nearer and ate while watching me play, and ended up being maybe 20 people watching me beat it in about 45 minutes.


i was at an arcade once and there were like 50 people that stopped and watched me because ive got a song on ddr memorized and do it without looking


FIVE WHOLE PEOPLE, playing Space Harrier, sit-down version. At a bowling alley. Back in the early 90's.

Two-player: Street Fighter Alpha, high school band trip, Canada. Trumpet players tend to have huge egos, but I repped low brass and shut everyone out - not that any of us were half-decent. Had a crowd of 15 or so.

I think the key word here is "attracted" - to me, that rules out getting up on stage, etc., in that it has to be organic & create its own audience, not involve an existing one...


One word: Drumscape. Technically, it was in an arcade and had a video screen, so I'm counting it as a video game. Ocean City, Maryland, and I was so terrible that 30-40 people crowded around the booth just to see the kid who couldn't keep a beat.

Oh, and that time where I beat Starfighter and successfully defended The Frontier from Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada...

Please say someone gets the reference


halo 2, in the campus center at school. we played a continuous match for six hours, three people total (third seat was rotated, the other two stayed the whole time). i finished with over a thousand kills, close to three thousand points. br start, random secondary weapon, no weapons on map, bonus points on, no score or time limit.

got about sixty people in a group, closer to two hundred over the course of the game.

we had to stop when they did last call for meals, though - we were hungry after all that.

halo 2, in the campus center at school. we played a continuous match for six hours, three people total (third seat was rotated, the other two stayed the whole time). i finished with over a thousand kills, close to three thousand points. br start, random secondary weapon, no weapons on map, bonus points on, no score or time limit.

got about sixty people in a group, closer to two hundred over the course of the game.

we had to stop when they did last call for meals, though - we were hungry after all that.

I think the OP said single player :P

I think I've probably gotten at most 1-3 little kids to watch me when I play demo games at game stop. :P


Oh, and that time where I beat Starfighter and successfully defended The Frontier from Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada..e

I want a Zur scepter so at con panels Lord Kril can say: "It takes more than a scepter to rule... even on OverClocked ReMix!"... then I can press a button and this badass spike will come out of the top of the scepter and everyone will shut it.


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