djpretzel Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Sounds really fantastic. Especially loving that -- acoustic bass is it? Don't hear that too often. Great vocals, great backing strings and trumpet -- everything fits together quite well. When I heard acoustic performance I was expecting just that, but was pleasantly surprised by the accompanying instrumentation and even vocals. Not familiar with Mega Man 2 music (forgive me) but the arrangement is really good. That oboe sounded pretty fake but a minor detail and nigh unnoticeable flaw on an otherwise stellar production. [/big words] Post your opinion Quote
MechaFone Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 This remix is epic. I'm not listening to the music much, it's the singing and lyrics that really do it for me. It's epic video game storytelling at it's best, telling the story of a robot that dared to deny his future, but ultimately plays his part like he was meant to. I want more! Quote
Chris ~ Amaterasu Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Wow, this remix mentally whacked me right over >.> I've listened to the other original of this for absolutely ages, but I never realized =O It's the music in my FAVORITE smash combo video, 20 secs in I associate this song with YL pwnage <3 Awesome, so now I know where to get it from =D Anyway, I really like this arrangement, acoustic stuff that I really dig <3 Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Excellent lyrics and great presentation to this one, the vocal harmonies are really well thought out, and the performances were solid as well. Really compelling stuff, excellent work guys. edit: just heard the original version, much more interesting harmonies this time around. Awesome way to improve an already solid entry! Quote
Mirby Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 "Your speed means nothing if it's death that you're running from!" Best line of the song, and the main reason I love it so much. Sooooo glad it's a posted ReMix now, because I love it! Quote
EC2151 Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 I'll admit, this is pretty great; I had a wonderful time listening to this track. I like Monsteropolis better, but only because i like Air Man's theme more than Quick Man's theme. They're both great, though, and I love the dedication the Megas put into their work. Quote
Dafydd Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 I wish there was some percussion, a shaker at least, but what's here is awesome. The synths are noticably fake and there's this one note in the melody where the guitar is badly out of tune, but it doesn't matter much. I find this part of the lyrics especially epic: My circuits slowI'm not scared anymore I join the ranks of my brothers that have fallen before Thanks for ReMixing Quickman's theme! Quote
Bahamut Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Embarrassingly, I realized that I never listened to Get Acoustic despite buying it a while back until I saw this mix posted and the album listed that it's from. I'm personally mixed on the vocals, sometimes liking it and sometimes not so much, but I love the backing quite a lot. In particular, I love the acoustic & bass guitars here and how they add a bit of a South American flare to the music - it just resonates nicely with me. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Love the lyrics for this; not overtly nerd, but plenty of references throughout that we all know exactly what they're talking about. The background is really nice; it's one of those times where less is more in terms of arrangement. My one small gripe is that I wish the harmony and vocal line was a little tighter together on things like releases, but that's a problem I have myself. Great stuff. EDIT: Mouseclick FTW. We should start a club. Quote
duskvstweak Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 I love these guys if only because they make me become so attached to the plight of the Robot Masters. The last minute of lyrics make this video for me. "I see the faces of my brothers that have fallen before." Man. The acoustic is nice and like Level 99's mix, I like the atmosphere it adds to the main source. A very cool song. I think I'm gonna go play Mega Man 2 now. Quote
Kizyr Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Back at Otakon, Larry was telling me that this one was working its way through the process, so I was looking forward to seeing it come out here. I listened to it back when I got Get Acoustic earlier in the year. This was my favorite on the original Get Equipped album (both for the musical quality and the lyrics), and the acoustic version is a pretty awesome take on it. Personally, my favorite lines are: My circuits slowI'm not scared anymore This is the moment that we have been created for I hope this gets a bunch more people into The Megas, just like what happened for me back when The Annihilation of Monsteropolis was posted. KF Quote
Random Hajile Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 The lyrics are fantastic, and they really make the song IMO. My favorite lines are the chorus, really. it perfectly conjures up images of a western shootout, it is truly fantastic. "We're gonna draw, In this town, I am the law. Is what they say true? Does death wear blue? Can he fall?" It's so fatalistic, quick man is almost a hero. Megaman has killed his brothers and is coming to fuck up his town and he's fucking ready to try and take him down, but he knows that he's fighting death really, he's fighting against his fate, and he falls. The implications are fucking delicious and quick man is a fucking hero for trying. Quote
Soteriologist Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 OK, so I'm totally feeling an influence from Mr. Brightside by The Killers in this song, especially in the chorus. ( )Awesome work dude. I'm digging this. Quote
Shortmann Posted September 8, 2010 Posted September 8, 2010 Awesome song. Went straight to my iPod and I listened to it a good half a dozen times in the first day. I really like the minimalist approach to the source material, it seems to compliment the song very well. Good work guys. Quote
LunaYoshi Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 I really like this cover. I'm interested in possibly downloading the entire album to hear more, but without a second song to reassure me it's not going to only contain one gem among the rocks, I'm a bit hesitant. I haven't bought full albums in years. I've purchased too many that had one or two good songs and the rest were crap. I prefer to pay for only the ones I like. But that's not an option here, so I'm torn. Hopefully another of their songs can show up here on OCRemix again so I can compare and possibly make the decision to shell out the probably-worthwhile $10 for it all. Quote
duskvstweak Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 You could always hear it here. Quote
Mremperor Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 I really like this cover. I'm interested in possibly downloading the entire album to hear more, but without a second song to reassure me it's not going to only contain one gem among the rocks, I'm a bit hesitant. I haven't bought full albums in years. I've purchased too many that had one or two good songs and the rest were crap. I prefer to pay for only the ones I like. But that's not an option here, so I'm torn.Hopefully another of their songs can show up here on OCRemix again so I can compare and possibly make the decision to shell out the probably-worthwhile $10 for it all. Or you could head over to’s V-wave page, where they also have the whole album, and more by the Megas. Quote
Citan Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Most of the time I don't care much for remixes that have lyrics, but the lyrics in this piece are just... Incredible. The storytelling here is fantastic, I'm so absorbed by it that I'm hardly listening to the music itself. Superb work! Quote
BlueMage Posted September 12, 2010 Posted September 12, 2010 In hilarious news, I purchased the remastered album ... hmm, three days ago? Yes, three days. This was one of my preferred tracks (constantly find myself singing it, Metal Dance being the other one) so good show gents. Bit more Western feel now. To be perfectly honest, while this is certainly good, I enjoy the non-acoustic version better. Thumbs up for effort guys. Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted September 13, 2010 Posted September 13, 2010 Uh... yeah... It took me like 3 tries to get past the intro to this song without closing my browser window thinking this was just going to be a samey Mega Man acoustic remix. Turns out it's a samey Mega Man remix with vocals! Yay.... I'm just so unimpressed by this track. It feels catchy and good in the exact same way most pop music is catchy and "good." Definitely not for me. Still, I can appreciate the effort that went into this. And chalk up another mix with Male Vocals that are not instantly hateable! Yay! Quote
nicholai_maelstrom Posted September 14, 2010 Posted September 14, 2010 Alright, so... here's the thing. I think I might have found one of my new favorite remixers on this site. I've been a fan of The Megas since I was first blown away by The Annihilation of Monsteropolis (and holy crap, the Air Man puns just started rolling there. Not intended, rofl). This one is just amazing to me, though. I absolutely dig the western feel and the whole "quick-draw" battle that's happening all through the tune. You guys never cease to amaze me. Keep up the excellent work. I look forward to your next mixes. Quote
stealthchicken Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 I'm normally far too lazy to post on here but you guys really deserve some praise on this one. I must admit that at first I wasn't really into the song because I normally prefer the likes of Halc, PrototypeRaptor, chthonic, and bLiNd. But after listening to the lyrics the whole way through I was completely hooked. The acoustic western feel just goes SO well with the song and it's lyrics it's nuts. And the lyrics themselves just blow me away. It makes me feel for the Quick Man's plight and I can so easily picture the story you're trying to tell. "My circuits slow. What they said is a lie. The shots are heard and the bullets scream death as they fly." "I'm not scared anymore. I join the ranks of my brothers that have fallen before." - TRULY epic job guys. *Edit* I checked out your album and it was alright. To me though, it just seems that this song has a certain polish to it that some of your other tracks lack. I'd easily spend $20+ on an album with more tracks like this and LOVE it! Quote
Martin Penwald Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Guitars and vocals are nice, but what really makes this mix stand out are the lyrics. Damn, are they awesome. The way the story of Quickman and Megaman is told, the slow part around 3:00, the final showdown...I'm usually rather hesitant to use the word "epic", especially on the internet, but in this case, I don't have any problem doing so. Stellar work, guys. Quote
rahmoon Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 I didn't know what to expect when I saw it was an acoustic mix, but this definitely gave me chills as I listened to it. One of the only things I didn't like was the end narrative; I mean, I enjoyed the epilogue of the story, but my own personal preference would be to have it sung lyrically, like the rest of it, like in a more minor key or something. But really and truly, that's all I took exception to, everything else was pretty darn awesome. I'm definitely checking out The Megas, I really enjoyed this concept. Quote
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