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zwitra? I know you left remixing for a short time, but I beg of you. Please do not leave music again.

I have loved your pieces since I first heard yours all those years ago. Since then there has been no other who has matched your skill in simply making me feel good.

Many mixers make me happy, but only a few of them actually deliver on a specific feeling. You are one of them.

There is something about your music that always makes me feel better.

If you decide at some point you are done with remixing, so be it. But please never be done with music altogether. Please.

I Heart zwitra.


Just wondering, but did the WIP thread die? I went through and bumped all that I could find about a month and a half ago, but... hmm.

Awesome mix. Nice drifty feeling going on there.

Reminds me of when I was a kid, learning the "dead man's float"... Just a... relaxed... awesomeness.

Thanks Ziwtra!

Edit: How do you pronounce your name?


Big Ziwtra fan: no exceptions here. A deliciously loungy little genre defying piece.

This song is best described with one adjective: pleasant. It's my choice adjective for a song next to sick. If only I still had my minidisc player, I'd go take this song with me to the prettiest park and watch the snow fall or something like that.

:D Nice.


I was so happy when I found out Ziwtra was back for the summer, and super glad that he made this mix. It can be characterized by many different moods, and I love the way the different sounds create such a textured and rich sound. It is very creative. The reversed strings near the beginning are great, and the drum work throughout is super. The build until the upbeat part in the second half is great, giving a sort of dreamlike feel. All the sounds are wonderful. The only thing that I think could've been improved on was that there was no melody through a big portion of the song, but a melody is not necessarily needed there. Having no melody contributes to the constant flowing feel of the whole song. An expressive and imaginative journey, awesome work Ziwtra.



Wow. Great work - I just can't stop listening to this song! I remember getting your original version of this song, and it didn't make as deep of an impression on me back then, but hey, only further proof that this mix is different enough to be called its own.


I'm a fan of the original piece and the other additional remixes of this song that are also up here on OCR, and I have to say this is a well done mix. I don't recall ever hearing the orginal one, but I'm sure there is a great improvement over the previous one, I'm sure. Pretty easy listening, gentle on the ears and bears a pleasing, soothing sound. :)


Instruments and synths flying everywhere.

Drums intro is pretty awesome and never fall troghout the track. That percussion stand for a nice time, and its last break is other nice surprise.

Very careful production in a trimix is something we must pay attention.

Great work. :wink:

  • 3 months later...

i absolutely loved the evergreen theme when i first heard it on the snes. I feel that this piece really captures the heart of the original piece, cranks it up five notches, and gives youa sort of uber-groove feeling inside. this is definitely going on my mp3.

  • 4 months later...

Another Terranigma hit by Zwitra. With hip-hop beat and a sassy string-based melody, this song is hard to hate. It takes a while to get going, but this is typical of all Zwitra works. Once it does get going, however, it transforms into a very new age-ish song. A wide variety of effects make this song a definate must.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Can't help but be reminded of a simpler time in my days at OCR. I've been around so long that I can think of the days of mix #1251 as being that way, as I was still in my formative days as a judge.

The stereo separation seemed a bit too distinct at times, but otherwise I greatly enjoyed the piece.

I thought Young did a great job giving this a new voice compared to the original, and the overhaul he gave it sticks with me as a great example of how to really give a pre-existing work of arrangement yet another dose of new life.

  • 4 months later...

Ziwtra's remixes are really something special for me, I love the super separated textures and crazy attention to detail. I also really can relate to the general upbeat moods they have.

This really focuses on the texture and mood more than the melody, and I wish it'd make more of an appearance besides the first time through, but I can dig it as something expansive. I do gotta say that the part with the melody right away is my favorite part.

Sometimes I wish Ziwtra was still mixing regularly, but I think as is, I tend to appreciate his work more. A really good mix.

  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

It feels almost redundant to say that this is another great intro from Ziwtra. The shuffle rhythm here is very new for Youngjin, and I'm definitely vibing it. The synthy marcato string arpeggiation was not my favorite, but I got over it! There is a lot of high end in this mix that I felt could have been toned down a little bit. This is definitely more downtempo compared to most of Ziwtra's other remixes. It's great to hear him step out of his normal composition mode and try something new. Great bass line; it's very simply, but it drives the track exceptionally well. The lead synth choices were great. The legato strings at the end were also a great touch and helped fill out the soundscape pretty well. I would have wished for an ending other than the fadeout, but I won't complain. Good stuff!

  • 4 months later...

Contemplative and very light-natured stuff from Ziwtra, and a remix of a remix at that. There's quite a lot of contradiction between some of the more chill aspects of this piece and the hip-hop-esque vibe it has going, but I'm surprised to find it works really well. The only thing I was left wanting was more of a clear hook amongst the admittedly endearing body of the mix. That melody is there in defined portions, but it does tend to rest atop the other ingredients.

If anything, this mix is just a severe dose of well-made, rich-sounding pleasantness. It's my kind of listening and save for a few personal quibbles about consistency, it was absolutely worth the re-remix.

  • 6 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01251 - Terranigma "Blue (Shooting Star Mix)"

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