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OCR01256 - Donkey Kong Country "Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain"

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Yeah... This is still my favorite remix from the Kong In Concert CD's. I really never liked the original track in DKC, but Adhesive_Boy changes it into something amazing. It just has this indescribable quality to it; it makes me feel happy and good every time I listen to it.


This remix is AWESOME. Can't get enough of it. Um...I love the xylo (as well as the cello, but that's been mentioned). The cello reminds me of "Elenor Rigby" by the Beetles. I don't know if that was an influence or not, because that's just another song I've come across recently. But whatever the case, as a whole, it's a great mellow track!


I find myself walking back from my classes humming the bass line (also introduced by the cello) and reaching home barely in time to satisfy my craving for this song. As much as I love the cello playing and realize that it probably took a lot more effort to record, for me the most genius part of the entire song is the badass bass. This is also one of my favorites from KIC, great work Adhesive_Boy.


Probably one of my favorite remixes from Adhesive_Boy and off Kong in Concert. The cello is just fantastic and the mellow-groove feel of the whole song is great. I loop this song all the time while I am studying or zoning out during hectic times. Awesome work!


I heard the one off the Kong in Concert page. It didn't do it for me since it's not my cup of tea, but the arrangement's executed quite nicely seeing my grandmother dug it.

Yes, my grandma listens to VG Frequency every Saturday night while I'm chiilin' with the guys and since she has a bad CD burner requests me to burn them for her.


Just going to reiterate the general consensus and say that this is probably one of my favorite tracks of of KiC as well as my new favorite AB track. Well constructed, with some really gorgeous cello.

PS: In his write up, DJP forgets to mention GL's KiC song, also on the site.


I didn't know Double A's grandma liked my radio show. It attracts all types. :razz: Glad she enjoys it, Aaron.

Yeah, as far as rearrangements go, AB's was by far the most impressive to me on Kong in Concert. As a mere listener, I enjoy Prophecy's the most, but Adhesive Boy's relatively few and far between remixes have all been unorthodox rearrangement ideas along with great execution. Pretty unique sounds compared to what else is available here at OC, and just amazing work overall.


Ever since I heard the first wip of this, it's been one of my favorite mixes of the project. The minimal source material is used to great effect, and every part of the song seems to come together almost uncannily perfect. Beautiful cello tops this one off. Thumbs up for another great A_B mix.


It's been a LONG time since I've found a remix that I can call "Breathtaking". This, folks, is thankfully one of those mixes.

I've always loved the original piece, and to hear it remixed in such a good way makes me drool.

I can't wait for more Donkey Kong Country mixes!

I love DKC music! :D


Wow. Just wow.

Very cool, very well done. Right when I heard the cello come in around 0:57 (hate to be unoriginal in commentary) I knew this song was gonna be amazing.

Was anyone else reminded of Crouching Tiger/Hero by this? I dunno, it just sorta rang bells in the back of my head.

Once again, an excellent piece, and highly reccomended.


I hated the original tune, but Adhesive Boy did a nice job making something great out of it. The cello is played very nicely. Then the first moment the beat comes...yeah. I definitely want to hear a rap with this. It's quite mellow and a bit ethereal. Great work here.

I didn't know Double A's grandma liked my radio show. It attracts all types. :-P Glad she enjoys it, Aaron.

Yeah, that scared me in a good way after I found out what she does on Saturday nights, Liontamer. Back to the song on a positive note, on the actual version on KiC, I dug the bit from 1:50 to 2:30. The beat, the chello, and the panning chugging industrial sound-thingy at 2:21 got me hooked a bit until 2:35. I can listen to it, for a while even though it's not my type of music. I think what has this remix grow on me are the 1940'ish type string sample pads. They are very very lush sounding which keeps me hooked to this piece of work.

Maybe I should look into your next work after all.


Didn't know what to expect from this. The beginning had me wondering, but 1 minute into it, everything starts coming together, and you know it's gonna be good.

I keep getting all the KiC mixes confused, but I'm gonna do my best to seperate this one out, cause it is quite good! excellent work.


Adhesive Boy never disappoints. This is excellent, particularly the detail in the "second" theme, at the start of the third minute. Great stuff as always AB.


ooooooooooooo...love, love, love the beginning :D It is sooo nice...*melting*. -_GASP_-This majorely rocks...it has an awesome triphop feel (hint: I LOVE triphop). Oh, this track needs some Tricky lyrics! It's got that bittersweet/coming f/a deep depression mood...ahhhh, I love this times9. :lol: K, this is the grooviest DKC theme mix *heart, heart*

~^~Mary_mari's seal of approval~^~

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