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Gollgagh is a moe anime set in feudal japan starring Kirby as a pink-haired demon girl tasked with brokering peace between two warring states...and is a big eater.


I fucking love Sengoku Rance

pun intended :B

Huh there were a couple units in that video that I hadn't seen before though

maybe because I never used any monks in the game except for the old fart whatshisname


I just see Gollgagh as a really cool dude.

Because there's little else cooler than MetaSamurai.

For Schwaltz, I just see that face, and I'm reminded of "PUFF."

It's in the running for Greatest Dracula Quote of All Time.


I like mine because, although he was a Maverick, Bamboo Pandamonium had a lot of knowledge. And me, well, I have a lot of (useless) knowledge. So it works!

Plus, I subbed the avvy and it was accepted.

Also, if avvys show one's personality, then Brush is a monkey rapist.


A while back I shared Beatdrop's avatar but I changed it to one of my favorite fight game characters.

Rozovian I see as mostly serious and reserved, as his avatar portraits are either faceless or partially covered.

I hardly use signature images with my username in them, ever don't know if that makes me less or more of an individual in some people's eyes. I just find it redundant to put names on them.


Avatar has nothing to do with me, I just picked it coz it's a battletoad and I like it!

Sig pretty much sums it up, though: I'm not really a Dr|_|g5 guy, but I have my funny things; if I weren't human, I'd be a frog, so I can be a humanoid frog; frogs don't talk much, neither do I, and sometimes they croak (or say nonsenses outta nowhere); but I try and brush my tongue in order to talk about whatever I can with my friends. ;P

Sigs and avatars from people around here don't really affect the way I see them, but their nicks do. Even if the names don't mean a thing of what I think. And I'm not talking about their personalities as well. It's like, um...

Okay, Rozovian reminds me of a car (?), so, dunno, I find him to be 'vroom-vroom' and metallic. Mirby is a bread. Gollgagh is some kind of hula hoop.

Yea, excuse me! XD


I picked my avatar way back when I first signed up, because it was the coolest Link one we had. I'd still like to make a good Dark Link one, but it's one of those small projects I never seem to get to.

I change my sig up a little bit, but for the most part it's a dark color to go with the name. I like the one Doulifee made for me, because it's brighter that my usual dark blue/black.

The postcount achievement is still relevant too, although I think I've done more to be a reasonable presence around here.

So pretty much, I would say that my stuff says I really like the Legend of Zelda, but short of that I don't think it says much else. Or maybe it does and I just don't get it.


I've been listening to this for, like, half an hour. I think this is what it's like to be you on this site. Like that one guy you trolled to hell and back earlier this year... this is what I imagine your mind was like the entire time.

I guess the links we provide can really color our impression of each other.


I've been listening to this for, like, half an hour. I think this is what it's like to be you on this site. Like that one guy you trolled to hell and back earlier this year... this is what I imagine your mind was like the entire time.

I guess the links we provide can really color our impression of each other.


I've been told my actual laugh is the kind that if you heard from a good distance you'd run and hide the women and children asap. :lol:

Also once had it compared to the heavy's laugh but I'd take that with a grain of salt; though I wish I could do


Some sigs sure say a lot... ones with quasi-humorous stories in them (Coup/Doulifée in particular) I enjoy and strongly associate with the person. Then there are those that shamelessly self-plug (eh hem, me, Darksworde.. eh, I need to vlog more). I do look at the colors in signatures as they are often very telling (or misleading). A lot of bright, fairly contrasting colors would have me thinking the person's pretty cheerful and approachable. Dark colors and shadows shroud you in mystery, even if your words leave you naked in plain sight (oh baby). Screen grabs or animated gif sequences from tv shows/movies give me a glimpse of what you find funny (i mean nobody uses dramatic stuff). And if you use your own art, you'll often leave me intrigued by your style (binjovi)(hm, I'll try to throw in some abstract, perhaps Arabesque sketches I doodle in my lecture notebooks into a signature of my own soon). There's always something more personal about stuff you've drawn yourself.

Avatars are what I use in conjunction with like the shape of the first letters in your username (along with the presence or absence of a long line that reads something like "remixer profile") to decide whether or not your post merits my attention. How douchy.

I think analoq is wise in browsing with sigs disabled. There's a lot of fluff in them and the best image of a person you can formulate is with their opinions and words.

I am indeed grinning, after reading this thread. Also, Rozo you are certainly a robot. A robot that likes Parallel 5ths. Which means you hurt my ears. From time to time. But I still love you.

Look, I know you're disappointed that I can't program parallel 5ths into a sig gif. If I could, I would. I know JUST HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THOSE PARALLEL 5THS GARIO.

Oh, other telling things about people are if they put supposedly factual information in their descriptive fields or not. Example: I see The Damned as a tortured soul forever stuck in a low-bit game where you trap strange creatures in balls. He's been stuck on that mountain forever, I think. I also see Schwaltvald as the kind of person I may eventually run into, since I am also in Maryland. I will forever be on the search for that laugh that makes me want to go hide the children. And, it goes without saying, that Vilecat is a freaky eternally dancing anime catfaced abomination from some Disney girl's province-regions. Oh, and Protodome ate an English power pellet that lasted a really long time.

Edit: and if taucer were here, I know he'd post saying how he thinks of me as this fruity jester who's invisible flute playing reminds him of other actions involving long things and mouths.

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