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This source just begs for this kind of mix. The fade-in around 0:27 was great, and the sax really brought the mix to another level. My personal favorite part was the string instrument (guitar? bass?) that started around 1:10. Just gave this mix a unique touch while connecting it to the melody in a unique way.


Hmmm...underwhelming. :(

Stickerbrush Symphony is arguably the pinnacle of DKC music, so a remix of that track demands it to be just as emotional as the original. This mix may have successfully transferred the genre to DnB, but unfortunately it lacks the same emotion invoked by the original. Much as I hate sounding like an asshole judge from your favorite music/talent TV series, I just can't help but say that I can't feel anything from this mix. Sounds kind of bland and repetitive to me. If it were a remix of another less impressive track from the DKC games, perhaps I would've liked it. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of DnB music. Don't know. But I have to be honest here. The counterpart from OCR's album is much, much, much better. I know I'm comparing apples and oranges here, but I felt a lot of passion and emotion from Mr. Morse's interpretation. It felt like it belongs in the game. This track...not so much.


Read the judges comments while listening, and I think I gotta go with Vig on this one. You took the hook of Stickerbrush, left out the slightly monotonous parts, and made a god damn sick DnB track.


Great track.


So sexy. It's liberal, yeah, but it's one of those things I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out because it took the part of Stickerbush that's most memorable to me and made it a key point in the track.

The beauty's in the details here; the song is pretty basic and, as some may say, underwhelming when taken as a whole. However, the little things like the pitchbended bass or those killer arp transitions are really amazing and contribute a lot to the mood here. The groove makes it an enjoyable listen but the ambiance and mood make it memorable. This one sits really well with me :-)


This isn't really my style, but I don't think it's too liberal. It actually did produce knee-jerk source recognition for me. My only main gripe is that the main melody only had one iteration. As far as the liberal interpretation, I surprisingly didn't mind. Nice mix.

  • 2 weeks later...

To me the most fascinating thing about this mix is how it progresses from each section.

In the beginning, it's a tinkly, toy piano-esque samples with tight, fast percussion then it slowly and very subtly grows until it has Amen Break beats and live sax, and its really hard to definitively state where one ends and another begins.

Liberal or not, I really like this piece a lot for it's complexity. Awesome work here.


Incredible build up for this DnB ReMix. It was pretty liberal, but the melody was still there and was enjoyable. The evolution over the course of the song was great, going from piano to live sax and more. The fade out was kinda unexpected, cause I expected it to go in reverse and deconstruct back to the piano before ending, but it still did the job of ending it before it went too far. Good job on this.


Exactly what I expected when I saw The Vagrance's name on the front page. Smooth, relaxing atmospheric DnB. Nice use of piano and sax, too.

If I had to criticise something, I'd say that the intro is a little too long; 1:30 in a 4:20 is quite a chunk.

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 years later...

Very nice :) I've always thought that D'n'B-styled tracks must me agressive, in-your-face, but The Vagrance made me change my opinion. This is an exeptionally light, airy, soaring track. It may seem static a bit, but there're actually a lot of subtle changes a touches. And the gorgeous sax is an excellent touch for sure. Love it!


Ah, Stickerbrush Symphony. A favorite of many people worldwide, including myself. As a DnB track, I feel the song fits the gene very nicely. Once it gets going, it's an incredible mix of energy and relaxation, mostly due to the saxophone/fast tempo combo. Fantastic mix!

  • 2 weeks later...

The intro is nice, but the wait for the impact is a bit too long (for the song; I like CotMM after all). When the beat really does drop, I found myslef wanting more until the pulsing pads came in. The sax was a nice touch, blending with the mix while giving it plenty of room. As opposed to screaming "THE SAX IS HERE, EVERYONE!". Can't say this is my type of DnB though.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02140 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Breathe Deep"

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