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How does it even work. You don't get notifications, you only become friends if you add the other one via friend code as well?

yup Friend A add Friend B code and Friend B add Friend A code. and voila. if not the Data you just added stay grey with no Mii visible.

btw is there a way to delete a friend code?

My list is maxed out too, man. D:

Let's be maxed out friends list buddies.

Which would be weird cause I don't think you're on my maxed out friends list D:

We totally are. I'm Corey. I think my friend safari is fairy type.

Posted (edited)

So I picked up Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I can actually keep the 3D on without the game bogging down to 20fps! in fact, It looks amazingly like its still 60fps in 3D mode, or at least its running smooth enough I can't tell. I may keep the 3D turned on on this one. I didn't think I'd like this at first because the trailers don't really do it for me, but its quickly, quickly growing on me. Not sure if its the awesome nods to... every Zelda (especially LttP, which is my favorite) but it just feels good to play so far.

Edited by Crowbar Man

some tower dungeon are rad with the 3D. beeing able to perceive the deepness and seeing the stuff at the bottom rather than a bland pitch black bottomless pit, make some narrow passage all the worth.

So I picked up Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I can actually keep the 3D on without the game bogging down to 20fps! in fact, It looks amazingly like its still 60fps in 3D mode, or at least its running smooth enough I can't tell. I may keep the 3D turned on on this one. I didn't think I'd like this at first because the trailers don't really do it for me, but its quickly, quickly growing on me. Not sure if its the awesome nods to... every Zelda (especially LttP, which is my favorite) but it just feels good to play so far.

the only game i've played with framerate issues in 3d is pokemon

and like two times total in fire emblem

I'll add my friend code to the list


Have pokemon y. No idea what my safari type is though. Go ahead and add me though and I'll reciprocate.

Added you. Mine should be on the first page on the long list of names. (Noticed a 7 is missing at the end though...)

No idea what my safari type is. I hope it's ghost but I literally have no idea. I'll try to add more people but I have no idea who else has added me so far. There is no "____ has sent a friend request" feature so it is a bit of wonky system. Do both parties need to be on-line for it to register through? Beats me.

Is there any notable 3DS games going to be coming out soon that I should check out? My 3DS library needs to be a bit more bulkier. After Zelda: ALBW it seems like there isn't anything worthwhile to get. I'm not even sure what else is going to be released before Christmas rolls around.


A Link Between Worlds is fantastic. I've been replaying LttP alongside my ALBW hero mode playthrough, and ALBW just...works better on so many levels. I'd heard some people worrying about the item system because 1) dungeon puzzles would never use multiple item combinations and 2) the dungeons wouldn't have any exciting new items inside.

1) Just like the original LoZ, having more items won't necessarily be required to solve certain puzzles, but they'll be helpful anyway. Some of the items are great for combat. There are also some enemies that can be used as bombs in dungeons, but it's easier to use your own if you have them. ALSO there are some treasure caves around the map that act like self-contained dungeon rooms that sometimes require a combination of items. There's one dungeon I can think of that requires two items, one of which is not a rentable item.

2) Many of the dungeons still have cool new gear in them. They're often completely skippable, though, which is awesome.

Anyway. What I'm noticing in my LttP replay is that a lot of the dungeons have a very similar feel. There are a lot of locked doors masquerading as item puzzles (get power glove, lift rocks that were in the way...get hammer, hammer stakes that were in the way), and the dungeon design doesn't always seem to have a clear idea of what it's going for. Palace of Darkness is a good example. "See how this entrance is kind of similar to the light world version, but it's all gray? Uh and hammer stakes and turtles. I guess some rooms might be dark." Meanwhile ALBW comes up with a fucking brilliant system of darkness-based puzzles that also looks really cool. Every dungeon feels like a completely different experience from the ones before it.

LttP introduced everything from the hookshot to pot-breaking, and it's still a strong game, but ALBW takes all that stuff and reworks it into a better package.

As for the one thing that I'd been worried about beforehand (reusing the LttP overworld map), I can say I was pleasantly surprised. There's a nice mix of nostalgia and fresh discovery.

some tower dungeon are rad with the 3D. beeing able to perceive the deepness and seeing the stuff at the bottom rather than a bland pitch black bottomless pit, make some narrow passage all the worth.

I'm coming to despise that cave system in Death Mountain you need to use to reach Rosso (Lynels in the Light World, wtf?), but holy crap, even as annoying as falling off those super high floating platforms are, waiting for Link drop for 10 to 15 seconds until he finally hits the lava waaaaaaaaayyyyyy down there is amusing to watch every time. Especially with the 3D cranked all the way up.


I just finished my first playthrough of A Link Between Worlds 10 minutes ago, and I felt that overall the game was a solid package, save for a few wonky plot elements like how there's literally no preamble about the Seven Sages being the people they are(unless I missed something), and the ending sequence didn't seem as endearing. I get that they were trying to preserve the spirit of A Link To The Past, so keeping the plot rather minimalist was probably best, but sometimes it just seemed a bit rote. I also did play through A Link To The Past at least once a year at one point, so I guess it was much easier for me to draw parallels between both games and get fatigued from that style of Zelda much easier though.

That being said, it does play very well, and I did appreciate that I could pretty much tackle the game in any way I wanted, I just really wish they had diverged from the old from A Link To The Past and brought in either new stuff from other Zeldas(maybe Roc's Feather/Cape or underwater areas/swimming a la Oracle of Ages? ) or more all new ideas.


hey guys i thought i'd start an informal poll. what's the game that you've seen that's best in 3d? inversely, what's the game that looks the worst in 3d?

For me, Bravely Default has by far had the best 3d presentation thus far. It looks amazing with the slider all the way up, and has a soft storybook presentation.

And like everyone else most likely, Pokemon is the worst. 3d slows down in almost every scenario.



i really want it

come on february

Anyways, of the games I've played, A Link Between Worlds is probably the best so far. And yeah, the 3D in Pokemon could use some work, especially since it's only present during battle.


This may be odd, but I found Cave Story 3DS to be immensely improved with the 3D on. It helped to separate stuff like background effects and foreground objects, which I might've otherwise mistook for bullets and walls.

Mario 3D Land also did nifty stuff with 3D (like the bonus rooms that required it to see blocks and stuff), but it wasn't essential, like with Cave Story.


Since I'm all Pokemon'd out, I decided to play a game that I have neglected for awhile, Code of Princess.

This game is pretty damn good and the sound track surprised me on how well it is. My favorite being this one....

. Love the guitar work of that one and has a very well spaghetti western feel to it.

Also some good rock music


And who could forget this track

. The first time I heard it, I went "wtf?"

The story is as anime as anime can anime. It doesn't take itself too seriously and the humor works really well given the characters that are present. I wish the voice actor who did Baku Juppongi voiced audio books. I would definitely consider listening to one if he did as that character.

I know the main character has a very revealing outfit but she is the only one dressed like that and several characters point that out to her. That's okay right? Right?!

This game is surprising me on how much this game just does whatever with no real care. The gameplay is a combination of beat-em-up and rpg as you level up and purchase new equipment. The combos are fighting game reminiscent but I find myself using certain move being more effective than others. It feels a bit generic in terms of gameplay design but the presentation is what really impressed me. I know it's a bit old and may have been discussed before, I still think it's worth a look. (Noticed it's about 25 dollars on Amazon so it may something to tide you over for awhile.) It is somewhat short but a lot replay value is had here.

I may go back to Pokemon eventually but right now after being close to completing the Pokedex, I just don't feel like going back just yet. If anyone adds me I do the same to help you guys out in friend safari acquisition.

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