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oh man I forgot about me and him being pals and all. YOU NEVER KNOW

also the next update will have some more typical Raptor-things in it, as I'd hate to let down your fidgety-electro-dub ear

PS why don't you answer emails


regarding your last statement, I've sent you a private message with my email address, perhaps you've got it wrong? dunno... hopefully we can figure it out


I didn't even press the bass boost button on my stereo and my ears got blown away. Although I prefer old school Pendulum over In Silico, it still sounds great.

Can't wait to hear what "typical Raptor" styles you'll put into this mix.


Did someone say SUPER-SONIC-RAVE-PARTY!!!

This is THE best reinterpretation of "Open Your Heart" I have ever heard. I also heard very faint traces of "Can You Feel The Sunshine."

Instruments are spot on. If the lyrics were any different and not video game related, I would send this to the major recording companies.

My only complaint would be that the vocals need some improvement. The moment I realized this was when the vocalist sang the main line "Open your heart" as "Open yerr heart". Enunciation is key for any song with vocals.

Of course, I see that you are not accepting any more vocals, so I wish it the best of luck.


you don't have to add the dubbyness. honestly i think it's cool when artists do things their fans don't want them to necessarily be doing because it's not what they usually do. just as long as you don't go the way of linkin park, you know.


The Sonic Adventure never clicked with me for some reason, but this is just all sorts of beastly awesomeness.

The complaint from me is the vocals, but if you most likely have someone on that.

Regardless of that, I'd love to hear this when (or if) finished. Best of luck, mate.

  • 1 month later...

Hey everybody,

Finally got around to mastering this and submitting it. We'll see what the judges say!

For those of you who can't wait for a verdict, here's the track in downloadable form:


This was fun, and now I have a vocalist who wants to do another track like this one - so do you guys have any suggestions for sources??


Thank you for that download link. I'm sure you had a bunch of people bugging you for it :nicework:

This track is just epic. A lot of people are giving you grief over the vocals, but personally I like them as they are. If you're looking for another track to do in a similar style, SAB2's theme song 'Live and Learn' is pretty badass... Actually I might do that one myself for shits and gigs, myself, lol.


Proto, no. Don't be more typical. I love Pendulum and this hits the spot very well. It is different than your usual style, but I see it more as a welcome change than a negative one.


this is so tight you completely took this theme and spun it on its head im not a fan of DnB but i cant front this is fire. Also Sir! i must say your Zelda Dubstep remix got me into listening to dubstep ...you are a man of great talent. keep at it man!

Hey everybody,

Finally got around to mastering this and submitting it. We'll see what the judges say!

For those of you who can't wait for a verdict, here's the track in downloadable form:


This was fun, and now I have a vocalist who wants to do another track like this one - so do you guys have any suggestions for sources??

Live and Learn, anyone?

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