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OCR01298 - Chrono Trigger "Predetermination"


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Very beautiful arrangement of the main theme, with a little bit of a certain Chrono Cross string progression thrown in the beginning if I'm not mistaken. Very nice piece that transitions into several genres that all mesh into a great remix. I'm really starting to like your style, Unknown.

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I really like this, it seperates the author's originality and the song itself very well. There is certainly enough variation to keep it original and interesting over a long period of listening.

He uses the main Chrono Trigger theme at crucial points. It kicks in after just enough variation so it's not overdone, but more a welcome site and establishes a strong "OH YEAH" feeling inside of me.

The ending does seem a bit awkward. From listening over, a more natural ending seems to occur from 2:40 to 3:16, or even 3:17 to 3:45ish. The bells

just leave me waiting for an encore that doesn't come.

edit: Forgot to mention, love the title and how it fits with Chrono Trigger.

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great stuff here!

the beginning it very very Halo-ish, which i dig, seeing as i thoroughly the music of marty m.

as stated priorly, arrangement is wonderful. parts of this gave me bumps. such as the predominant melody cenetered around the 3:00 area. nice leads throughout - as in, nice choice of instrumentation. the sampling is quite well enough. and i enjoyed the ending.

well done, unknown. song = recommended.

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The arrangement is great; it doesn't have the typical build.. and I can't fully visualise the entire message of the song, but I have to say that the introduction was a work of genius. Excellent buildup.

However, the great remix is marred by poor samples, notably the Brass/Lead Trumpet sample is really a letdown.

Apart from that, I'm excited to see more of your works. Good work.

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I'd say the best part of this remix is the beginning. the start of this song is very cleverly done, but I thought after a little less than a minute it lost my attention. This is probably because there's so many chrono mixes out there, but I dunno. good job, either way.

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I absolutely love this mix right up until about 3:17, where it just sort of... dies. The way the remixer follows the original tune fairly closely from about 2:00 onwards, you're expecting a HUGE orchestral hit at 3:17 as it sweeps into the grand finale. Instead, it sort of meanders and dies out, which was acutely disappointing.

Yes, I know part of remixing is doing new things with old songs... but if you're going to follow a piece as closely as it has been here, then certain things must be done to make it "work", in my view. And here, the powerful, sweeping finale is one of those things. Remove that and the whole song falls flat.

Of course, I'm cruel because I care. As I said, up till 3:17 I adore this mix; if it DID have the powerful finale, it'd be like musical porn. (And I mean that in the best way possible.) Let me put it this way: if a version of this IS remade with the big finale, I'd download it in a heartbeat.

Anyway. Kudos to the remixer, but the ending needs work.


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This is an excellent arrangement. Maybe its just me but i'm hearing bits and peices of several themes in here...

I really like the tempo changes, very atypical. The way it flows from one style to another is great though i definately have to say I like the begining best. I oculd go with 4 minutes of just that!. The ending isnt a problem to me.

The only criticism i have of htis mix is the trumpet. Its not very far above a midi. It just doesnt do the instrument justice t all.. A shame its already been submitted, I wouldd have enjoyed the chance to record the part.

Overall, though, this is a fantastic mix. keep up the good work.

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Ooh. I liiike. I really like the tempo changes and the overall feel. My only problem is.. When i first started listening I thought it might be a remix of the primitive mountain song. Which would have kicked all sorts of ass, considering this theme is a /bit/ overdone.

Just a bit.

But it's still good regardless.

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Am I really the only one here who thinks the song really suffers due to the ending? :?
No, you're not. I mean, after all, 2:42 thru to the end... Yeah, that REALLY carries across the image of seven heroes, transcending even time itself to vanquish an alien beast as it prepares to wipe humanity off the face of the earth. Come on! Where's my big, climactic, heart-pounding, holy-frickin-crap-thats-awesome ending? No, it goes out with a whimper and a fart, not the whistle, bang and lightshow that would do justice to the rest of the piece...

If not for the horrible ending, this piece would be on my hard drive now. Good job on the rest of it though.

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For the most part, I really liked this. The ending (contrasting to what some other people feel in this forum), especially, adds to the depth for me and makes it feel like a more ...thought-out arrangement. The percussion is also a good addition, and it gives everything a little more flair.

I do have an objection with the way the main melody has been changed. I understand it's done to fit the progression, and part of my objection has to do with being so accustomed to the way the original is. But the change makes me wince a little bit every time I hear it. But in the end, it doesn't detract much from a pretty excellent mix. Good work, ty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some people here are, IMO, too locked into the "must have a BIG FINISH!" school of composing. Low-key endings are good too.

Would this mix be "better" if it had a brassy finale at 3:17 and then dropped down to the current ending?

(I love it as-is. The first bit made me think not so much of Halo as certain passages from Princess Mononoke, and the rhumba-ish mix of the main melody is a real toe-tapper.)

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I don't understand at all how there could have been a huge brass-'n-kickass finale at 3:17. I also don't understand why you (SixthFlyingMan, SpaceDrake) refuse to view the song as a progression as opposed to a single idea. Chrono Trigger is full of development, full of change and evolving characters/plots/emotions. I was trying to capture that concept of change, and to claim that Chrono Trigger was comprised entirely of seven heroes traipsing through time on a whirlwind adventure is arrogant and ignorant. I wrote the ending that way on purpose, and I could honestly care less about how you think I should have written it.

So maybe write out how you think it should have gone, send me a sample, and then I might think about changing it. Maybe.

man, I really come off as an ass in this post.

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