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I don't give a crap if the battle system was good. It incorporated a fucking dress-up system.

And the 'girl-power' shit isn't the issue. The issue is that they took one of the few FF games with a finite and concluded (albeit sad) ending, and ruined it with a totally unnecessary sequel that shat all over the entire lore of the first game.

Dressup system is just job classes, I really don't see how it is a big deal.

As far as plot (where I feel you have a better point), FFX is a complete game with a beautiful ending. Most of FFX-2's plot is extremely well done -- we see how the different areas of Spira are getting along post-FFX, which was a very nice treat. The Youth League / New Yevon conflict feels real to me, as a larger reflection of Wakka's reluctance to give up old traditions.

There are some mis-steps here and there (Issaru especially), but overall it's well done for what it is. I'm saying it's superior to FFX because it isn't -- but it's still a great RPG. I'd play through FFX-2 a hundred times before FF13.


I'm kind of surprised no one's said FF 13 yet.

To be fair, I've yet to play through myself, but after the first two hours of playing, it seemed like such a mess, and I know it wasn't generally received well, by just about any one.

Also, not trying to start a riot (or flame-baiting), but as a follow-up to FF6, FF7 was a huge let down, at least story and character-wise.

Re: FFX-2, didn't hate it, didn't love it. Really just meh on the whole thing and didn't take it too seriously.

Also, not trying to start a riot (or flame-baiting), but as a follow-up to FF6, FF7 was a huge let down, at least story and character-wise.

Really? I thought it was a great follow up. Great soundtrack, fun characters (minus Cait Sith) and the Materia system is great. I was blown away by how much depth there was to the characters. That is especially true if you play through Crisis Core.

Anyways, I agree with whoever mentioned Mario Sunshine. Huge letdown after Mario 64.


Does Other M count? If so, that goes waaaay up on my list.

If not, I'll say Mario Kart: Super Circuit for the GBA. Good gravy, that was bad. Coming off of Mario Kart 64, or even the original Super Mario Kart, it was so sub-par.

Depending on your perception, Sonic '06 easily makes this list as well.

Really? I thought it was a great follow up. Great soundtrack, fun characters (minus Cait Sith) and the Materia system is great. I was blown away by how much depth there was to the characters. That is especially true if you play through Crisis Core.

No arguing with the Materia or Soundtrack. I just felt FF6 was so much more dynamic with a huge cast, that all got some play time, and the story just felt so much more cohesive and epic.

Again, emphasis on FF7 as a follow-up to FF6 being a bit of a let down, but not a bad game. Although, it also seemed to set the standard for most FF titles to follow to allow you to use only 3 characters in Battle at a time, which is/was always a let down for me at least.

Anyways, I agree with whoever mentioned Mario Sunshine. Huge letdown after Mario 64.

That was me. And I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I don't give a crap if the battle system was good. It incorporated a fucking dress-up system.

And the 'girl-power' shit isn't the issue. The issue is that they took one of the few FF games with a finite and concluded (albeit sad) ending, and ruined it with a totally unnecessary sequel that shat all over the entire lore of the first game.

yeah. the combat system was actually pretty fun. but as stated here, the core issue is conceptual and narrative in nature.

The absolute best thing about FFX is that the ending (and most of the entire game) isn't happy, and the game was much better for it.


so yeah, ff x-2. worst sequel ever


When I think about it, me and capcom haven't been getting along well lately.

Devil May Cry 2, SFIV (despite the fact that I used to play it religiously), MVC3 let me down......Worst of all is Resident Evil 4 and especially 5.

Capcom is basically just slapping new numbers on the end of beloved series to profit from nostalgia. I want horror in Resident Evil. Not a haunted house shooting gallery. I want a street fighter game that rewards me by playing well, not by saying "You're getting your ass handed to you. Here, have an ultra combo that's twice as powerful as the super combo I'd give you if you were playing well". I want a MVC game that has a good art style and isn't rendered in such contrast that half the time I can't tell what in the hell is going on. I still wish they'd nerf the X-Factor aka "win by chip damage" mode.

I guess those game weren't terrible, but I thought they didn't have $h!t on their predecessors.

Worst sequel to a game series I ever played (biggest disappointment) was Final Fantasy 7. Do I have to explain why?

Because it's not a sequel to anything..?

Here's a true sequel compliments of LJN.

LJN's Terminator 2: Judgement Day on the SNES. I remember buying it from a discount bin in a Sears for five dollars. I was all "OH shit I've seen the movie, it's got to be better than the first one on the SNES!"

While the links do show someone actually beating the game, I don't think I got farther than the mall section upon which I just got lost all the time.

Again, this is coming from someone who after having played the SNES version of the original "Terminator" game with Kyle Reese for just a half hour. My uncle got it for me as a "surprise" gift and nearly shut me out of getting something I actually wanted; Darius Twin (SHMUP) which had already been out for a year or so.


Mana Khemia 2.

I hate to sound like they changed it and now it sucks, but... well, I still haven't gotten used to the changes.

Or Baten Kaitos Origins, to me. I never did get the hang of the new card system, and this makes me sad.


I will second the opinion that X-2 is actually a lot of fun to play because of its great battle system and job system, plot be damned.

Also, I continue to maintain that the best Resident Evil game ever created was the REmake for the Gamecube. Perfect horror game, in my opinion. I love RE4 and have played it to death; it's just not horror and it SURE as hell ain't Resident Evil. Resident Evil 5 just went further down the path of stupid, and I'm not hopeful for any future iterations in the franchise. It's funny because REmake was not made so long ago, too, with the perfection of the Resident Evil "feel".

The worst sequels I have ever played:

Yoshi's Island DS:

Boring fucking level design, shitty baby mechanic (Wario's Magnet NEVER worked), TERRIBLE TERRIBLE music, ESPECIALLY after the great tracks present in the SNES game (and the couple of decent tracks in Yoshi's Story), and all in all I was damn pissed that I had put in $30 for that terrible lazy excuse for a game.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 2:

Well I guess it's not SO bad, it's just boring as all hell, with a weak story and by far the worst amount of grinding I've ever seen in any tactics game. It takes FOREVER for characters to learn new abilities, and its all such a chore to play that it really sucks a lot of fun out of the game.

Metroid Other M:

Yeah, again, it's not like it's a TERRIBLE game (if you want that play Sakura Wars: So Long My Love- the first trumpet WAAHH WAHH WAH WAAAAAH that plays will make your jaw set in sheer irritation), but the most god-awful Metroid stories ever conceived (I've read Ridley/Mother-Brain slashfic with more respect to the universe), with complete bastardization of Samus Aran that just makes me angry every time I play the game; this is coupled with incredibly boring and simplistic combat (sense-move and overblast are so fucking simple that battles become samey INCREDIBLY quickly), with a linear-as-hell boring spaceship to explore (with only a FEW choice areas that are memorable, mainly because they WEREN'T gray corridors)...

The game makes me angry because it lied to me, and tried to pretend it was going to be the greatest Metroid game ever. It pretty much failed on every account.

Mega Man X7:

There is no redeemable quality in this game whatsoever. Outside of maybe one or two tracks in the OST. It's terrible in every aspect of gameplay and you'd be hard-pressed to defend the abomination that is Mega Man X-BURN TO THE GROUND BURN TO THE GROUND WOOOOO WOO BURN BURN TO THE GROUND

This is weird; I know I've played more shitty games, but this is all I can recall right now.


Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

Besides not being much a jump in graphics, it's gameplay was tired, the controls were iffy, the clues were non-existent when it came to figuring out what you had to locate to move forward... the only high light were the CGI cinemas. Beyond that, it as shit on a GD-Rom.

Sonic Spinball

Don't know if it's a sequel, but it's canon as far as I know. So... to put it bluntly, it sucks. Slowdown-riddled, hit detection challenged, iffy controls... this game was and is horrid. Only the music was good, and even that doesn't apply to all the tracks.

It's Sonic + pinball - speed - playability - fun x $50 = "FUCK! I got ripped off!"

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