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nice. i love piano remixes, but some of them get a little repetitive. this one builds for the entire song and gets better and better. it really captures the mood of cosmo canyon well.


This song is just plain GOOD. I feel like expounding on its GOODNESS will not show just how GOOD I think this is, but I'll still say a few things for Kee's sake. Keeping in mind that I never heard the original.

I love how the background strings rise at 1:37. Such a great nuance. And of course the drums and piano are nice all throughout. The break at 2:57 is a nice touch.

On the vocals, a note for a little more believability - when people move to lower notes, their voices tend to "crinkle" a little bit from the adjustment. Especially at that particular area of the spectrum, as voices often have the edge of their registers around there (I hope this makes sense). Finding a way to introduce this would make it all the more convincing, and yummy!

The instruments definitely have a Japanese feel to them, but the arrangement and style makes me think of one of Blizzard's songs for Thunder Bluff in World of Warcraft. Unfortunately their posted one on the website is not the one I am referring to. For someone who has the game and WinMPQ or somesuch, you can extract it sound.mpq\Music\CityMusic\Thunderbluff\Thunderbluff Walking 03.mp3 and listen to the first half :)

Reuben Kee, if you are curious enough and don't have World of Warcraft, AIM me at gnomewarriah or YIM at gnomewarriorsillymight and I'll send it to you - I bet you'll find it interesting, and I think Blizzard won't mind me sharing it for art's sake :)


All I can say is wow. This peice is wonderfull, from the begging to the end. At first you have a slight sadness to the melody, then it picks up and just...wow. Great work with this one, I listen to it every night.


Wow... amazing... I don't know what to say other than amazing. I spent all of yesterday listening to nothing but this song. It is so beautiful. Someone made the suggestion (sorry, I didn't go back to get the quote) or listening to the song with headphones, and I did. Oh it was great because you can hear EVREYTHING! It's absolutly wonderful. I recomend this remix to anyone.

I don't get it, this is the most average song I've ever heard. Why is everyone going crazy over this? I downloaded it the first time and deleted it after listening to it once, then redownloaded it again after seeing all the reviews and noticing how its been sitting on top of the most recent list for so many days now. On listening more carefully a second time, all I hear is a lackluster piano opening, and later on a soundtrack that totally reminds me of eating in a chinese restaurant with bad chinese opera on in the background. Seriously, what's the deal here, this song is slightly better than a Justin Timberlake Ashlee Simpson remake of the macarena. But that's just my opinion.


Well, I am to assume you just don't like the style of it. I think the style is fine, but my gripe with the song is the ho-hum melodic arrangement. What has been added doesn't really improve upon the original songs. That aside, the instrumentation is very well done...even if it does sound like bad chinese opera. ;)


I do love this song. It's great.

But I just want to point out to those that are Mormon and seemed kinda offended, or didn't get the Mormon reference, that I'm sure the guy who posted was making an obscure reference to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir who are pretty famous. ;)

Go Reu!


Good Lord...This is quite possibly the best FF7 remix i have ever heard. And yes that includes the Killer RedXIII theme and the concert pieces. If squaresoft were to ever come looking for a new sound track on a redone FF7 (not that it well ever happen :( This piece would be at the top of the list. By god this is beautiful in a way i never thought possible. It captures the epic level i have only found in a total of 10 remixes on here and the LOTR SoundTracks. This Is a true credit to the FFVII game and a truly well done remix. I dont see how ya top this one...I hope it can be done though :)


This is good. I'll refrain from saying that it's the best Final Fantasy mix ever or that it's totally the awesome-est thing since sliced bread, just because it's not all that different from the original. I mean, it seems like for a large portion of the mix he just took the original, changed the instruments, and dramaticified (or epicified, I'm torn between which not-a-word word to use) it. This is a nice enhancement over the original, but I don't know... it just seems like the original piece with a fresh, new, stylish coat of paint.

I liked the original a lot, though, so I like this too.


This is good stuff. Though, cause I listened to this while watching The Ring, it reminds me of that... Weird isn't it. It's a great remix. I like it, though I wouldn't know about its originality cause I only saw bits of FFVII. I like it. Only complaint is that the "flute" is a bit too soft whe it comes in. It's probably just my speakers though. Great Job!


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
MaGi_TekK says:

I don't get it, this is the most average song I've ever heard. Why is everyone going crazy over this? I downloaded it the first time and deleted it after listening to it once, then redownloaded it again after seeing all the reviews and noticing how its been sitting on top of the most recent list for so many days now. On listening more carefully a second time, all I hear is a lackluster piano opening, and later on a soundtrack that totally reminds me of eating in a chinese restaurant with bad chinese opera on in the background. Seriously, what's the deal here, this song is slightly better than a Justin Timberlake Ashlee Simpson remake of the macarena. But that's just my opinion.

What on Earth is wrong with you? "Lackluster" piano? Average? If this was "average", you'd hear shotty samples and terribly boring music happening. If this was "average", It would have had a much more difficult time passing the judges panel. If this was "average" there wouldn't be an incredible piece of music here that you can't seem to appreciate, or at least respect. Bad Chinise opera? Give me, and Reuben Kee, a break. Keep your malicious thoughts to yourself, you ill-mannered blockhead. :x

Shame on you for bashing such a clearcut piece of good, quality music. You should definitely reconsider your arguements here, because you're the only one that thinks this is "average" enough to be attacked so bluntly. This ReMix is absolutely astounding, and I'm ashamed that people like yourself must insist on bashing it. You simply had to say it wasn't to your liking because of this and this. You did NOT have to relate it to artists you think are "sucky" like Justin Timberlake and others and write negative comments without suggestions on how to improve those aspects of the song you did not like. I do respect your opinion as to your like or dislike of the arrangement, but I do not respect, and I most certainly denounce, your ignorance of courtesy and unecessary destructive criticism.

What you said was pretty disrespectful if you ask me, but perhaps that's "just my opinion". :roll:

Anyway, this arrangement was pure beauty. I had this on the back burner along with a couple new OC ReMixes I had downloaded recently. I just hadn't taken the time to listen to them. When I heard this, it just shocked me. The beauty, the emotion, and the culture (of all things!) put into this is simply awe-inspiring. I can seriously understand why some people cried while listening to this. This is definitely quality music.

Kudos to Reuben Kee for such a beautiful piece. Huzzah!

Shame on MaGi_TekK for their painfully appearent lack of respect and courtesy to others. Boo! :x


This is really well done, Reuben. I love the nuances and subtleties within this song. I see a definite power in this song, as well as emotion that can be taken from many different perspectives. Awesome job, one of my favorites. - Cloud


In one fell swoop Reuben manages to touch on both faces of this wonderful piece. The sensitive, introspective piano segues seamlessly in the triumphant tribal drums and flute.

I really like the register change at 3:12, where the flute goes freestyle and adds so much ambient awe to the climax of the song. The end drops out almost unexpectedly, leaving the listener waiting for more but not dissatisfied.

Definitely a mix worth several listenings in my opinion.

  • 2 weeks later...

Faints. And whilest in his coma, he dreams of Red XIII coming down from his grandfather's conservatory after his death. Saddened by the loss of BugenHagen, he travles through the cave under Cosmos Canyon to be with his petrified father. Finding comfort in the monument, he naps and has visions of his two great ancestors. They tell him that he must continue to fight for the planet.

Years after Meteor was summoned and destroyed, thousands of people head to Cosmos Canyon to hear the great words of the wise Elder Nanaki.

This is just one amazing opus. I can't get over it. It's just so beautiful. It feels as if there was some kind of divine inspiration behind it. Wonderful. I really must hear more of this kind of work. Again, simply beautiful.


Strangely enough, me too. I wonder what triggers the body to shiver when listening to good music...

Excellent Remix. Very eastern any symbolizes Red XIII and his offsprings very well.


A very good mix... I love it. It has that oriental flavor to it... but, it's almost... I dunno, Native American in it's feel at some points. Anyone else notice this?

Also, having recently picked up the DVD "Hero", this gave me flashbacks... there's some music in there that's very similar, IMHO. Or maybe it's just the deep percussion with the chanting. Oh yeah, gotta love the chanting. :D

Although it's been said many times before - this was a truly AWESOME remix. But I would expect no less from OCRemix.

Peace out, yo.


  • 1 month later...

Amazing piece of work here...it gives me chills every time I listen, especially at 3:15. I love how the soft piano melds together with the powerful tribal-sounding beat. Simply incredibly...10/10 in my book. Nice job!


I normally play this song on repeat while I'm doing a long homework assignment or report. It calms my every nerve. Reuben is a genius. I especially like around 00:56 when the piano stops and you hear the violin-like strings. Can't get enough of it.

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