Flare4War Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 If you consider getting all the possible achievements 100% then it really gets ridiculous. That would just turn playing video games into a big chore. Quote
Top Gun Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I have a bit of an OCD tic, so I'm all about the 100% in general. If there are collectibles to be collected or unlocks to be unlocked, I'll do my very best to grab them. For example, I'm playing through Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii right now. (I'd played the first two games on GC a few years ago.) I played through the first game on Normal difficulty and realized I'd missed a limited-time creature scan (dear lord I hate those) by the end...so I proceeded to restart the game on Veteran at the same time I was also going through MP2 on Normal. And now that I've finished all three, I'm going through 2 on Veteran, plan to move on to 3, and then plan to replay all three someday on Hypermode. Yup. Also, I'm a total achievement whore. So long as it's not next-to-impossible, I'll do my best to check every single one of them off. (And yes, that meant doing the gnome thing in HL2: Episode 2.) To be honest, though, I don't usually view it as work. I'm not the type who goes out and buys many newly-released games; instead, I have my old favorites that I like to revisit time and again, and I'll gradually add to those a few years after a game's released. In that light, so long as a game's good, replaying it to check off everything is usually an enjoyable experience to me. Quote
Brushfire Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 If the achievements are too hard, fuck em, they aint worth doing. Prime examples of Fuck Em achievements: Finish and 5-Star all songs on Expert - DJ Hero - 200 G 100000 Kills - Gears of War 2 - 20 G Obtain 100% in Single Player - Red Dead Redemption - 100 G The Biggest offender of them all. The Stupidestly Hard Achievement that counts for nothing. Get all other Achievements - Street Fighter 4 - 0 G 0 None Niheel Nada Best troll ever Capcom. I applaude you. Quote
Doulifée Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 usually no, in fact i hate game with % i prefer raw statistic or stuff like that so you're free do what you want without carinG. few game i completed at 100% the ps2 ace combat series, fallout 3 (payed a visit to pretty much everywhere + unique weapon + all achievement) game i will not complete at 100% just cause 2 Quote
Thylacine Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 If I REALLY like the game, almost always. de Blob was a game I 100%-ed and I don't regret the time I spent doing it. If it's an okay game or an enjoyable but insanely difficult game, I'll consider it if I want to play it and don't want to start a new save file or something. I won't break my neck trying to do it. Trauma Center games fall into this category (In other words, I don't try to S-rank everything - one run is good, along with surgeries I want to re-attempt). If it's a game I am okay with, or don't like, I'll just beat the main boss/objective and call it good. If that. Mario Baseball games fall into this category. In short, the more I like a game, the more I'll play it. If there's something I enjoy 100%-ing, I may play a sub-par game to do so, but never if it's complete torture. Quote
Nekofrog Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 never. I have about 4 hours to play games a week so I just play once and I'm done Quote
WillRock Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Never 100% but I do finish on occasion. Some games, to get 100% in you have to give up your soul and any social life you have Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I've actually decided to go BACK and finish all games I've started. I've SOMEHOW managed to live through perfecting the Tales of Monkey Island series, Trine, Demon Souls, and Resonance of Fate. HOWEVER. I think I've found the harshest platinum trophy ever and I don't know if I'll be able to escape this game with my sanity intact. The Star Ocean 4 battle trophies are EVIL! supposedly it takes an average of 400 hours to achieve. I'm at hour 130 or so now. Un-freaking-believable! Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Depends on how much time it'll waste. If I fucking love the hell out of the game on a legendary scale though then it doesn't matter. Quote
PriZm Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 sometimes the trophies actually add to the game and don't feel like a big chore sometimes the trophies are just stupidly time-consuming. I used to care about trophies but that was before i tried to platinum final fantasy 13 and star ocean 4. Quote
Nick Hyral Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Depends on the game I guess. I usually pick it up and go through it once to learn the basics, then I plan things out on the next play through and go for 100%. Not all games.. but some. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 like mistah briggs said, it all comes down to how asinine the goals are of reaching 100%, along with how long my interest stays with the game although time is a factor too; if I know I have nothing else to do but sink an abnormal amount of time into a game, I'll probably go for 100%. case in point: first time I beat Wind Waker, I don't think I got any figurines. played it a summer or so ago, and I had the patience to get the Link & the King of Red Lions figurine. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I don't think I've 100% a game ever since I went to college, and even then I don't think I 100% that many games other than Mario or Zelda games when I was younger. I'll go through bonus dungeons if it adds more to the gameplay(like unlocking more abilities in IU or party lvl.6 in Eternal Sonata, but rarely take a game all the way to ULTIMATE completion. I've never been a fan of dumb achievements anyway. Personally I don't usually do New Game+ either save for a game like Chrono Cross that has a few extra endings close to the beginning of the game anyway. If I liked a game enough and it wasn't mind numbingly time consuming, I'll go back to it right away like I did with Infinite Undiscovery or Metroid Other M, but apart from fighters, I tend to take breaks in between completions. Quote
CelestialSonata Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I used to be all about completing as much as I can, but not at 100%. Over the years, I've collected so many games, many unopened, that I just want to finish one so I can move onto the others. I value the storyline more than anything else, so getting the best weapons or the most trophies aren't worth it to me if it will feel like working instead of enjoying. Quote
Flare4War Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 One time I tried to 100% Final Fantasy XI but I didn't quite make it. It's really hard. Dhar!! Quote
Modus Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 One time I tried to 100% Final Fantasy XI but I didn't quite make it.It's really hard. Dhar!! What? How do you 100% an MMO, especially FFXI? You'd need to make XI your day job, hobby, and career to truly 100% that shit. What's that? You have an alliance of 18 players to take down a dagron? And then the thing casts Meteor XXVI on you Most merciless game ever. Quote
Flare4War Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I may or may not have been being overmuch sarcastic. Quote
XZero Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Getting 100% in games has drastically changed since back in the older generation of games. For instance, consider Duck Tales 2 on the NES. To finish the game, you only had to go through the worlds, beat the bosses, and take on the terminator duck at the end of the game. However, to get 100%, you had to find all of the treasure map pieces, which tells you where the treasure is located, and then go there and beat the boss to secure the treasure. This meant you could get 75% in 45 minutes and 100% in an hour. While there are exceptions to this, this was fairly common back then, and it's why getting 100% wasn't as relevant. Let's jump forward to the SNES and N64 eras where percentage counters became more common (see, e.g., Donkey Kong series). People then began striving for 100% completion. I remember with Banjo-Kazooie, I got every last puzzle piece, musical note, etc. in my first playthrough, which took a long time. But here's the rub: I was, like, 12. Getting 100% in a game was a fun challenge for which I had the time. Nowadays, the coveted Platinum Trophy and its XBL equivalent are the end goals that generally signify 100% completion of a game. Gamers who grew up in the older generation probably don't achieve that 100% as often as gamers who are young now. I've personally never gotten a platinum trophy. I just don't have the time. I have a friend who's gotten several of them, and good for him, but I can't spare the 2 hours it takes to do one little task in a game just to get the trophy. When I was younger, I didn't mind constantly resetting something just to complete that one little task. Today, with very few exceptions (final star in Super Mario Galaxy 2, I'm looking at you), I just give up after one or two tries. Here's something to consider, though. If you are older (18+), do you or do any of your friends with less disposable income tend to get more trophies/achievements than you or one of your friends with more disposable income? I'm not rich, but I have enough money that I have a relatively consistent stream of games coming in, so if I don't get 100% in a game, it doesn't matter because I'll just buy a different one later. One of my friends, however, has significantly less money than me and, consequently, fewer games, but that person finishes most of them with at least 75+ percent of the trophies. Quote
Modus Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I may or may not have been being overmuch sarcastic. Wha... I didn't detect sarcasmz at all. I expected you to say "No, I'm talking about the Xbox achievements man!" cause they did come out with those. Quote
Guest Chibi_Ma Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 If I'm going to 100% a game I need to be balls deep in love with it. There are too many games that need playing, I don't want to bother getting every little thing. Quote
Alexis Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I used to try for 100% on games on my Sega Genesis and PS2, but now, games are so big, it's incredibly difficult to get even close to 100%. My xbox claims that I have 100% completion of Oblivion, but that's a total lie. I have all the achievements, but I have not done everything in that game, there's no way. It came out FIVE years ago, and I'm probably still not even close to 100%. (Not that I've been playing it five years straight, but I pick it up every once in awhile) Quote
The Author Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 If I'm going to 100% a game I need to be balls deep in love with it. There are too many games that need playing, I don't want to bother getting every little thing. I love the last game I bought. And I'm supposed to be able to 100% it. But I wont. Ain't no fucking way I'm 100%ing Pokemon Black. Quote
Unstable Hamster Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Not to keen on 100% stuff, especially if there is an achievement for it. It's almost mocking me when it holds that platinum trophy in my face. Actually when I found out that Armored Core: Another Age had no trophy's, at first I was sad, thinking no one would really know I have it. Then I realized that I was completely free, no real expectations of what to do in my giant oversize mech with a smorgishborg of missiles and lasers. Just like the good old days when I could screw around in my SNES game and not feel obligated to really do anything the creators of the game told me to do. Needless to say I feel great when there's no weight on my shoulders of what people think of my Gamerscore/Trophy Collection. Me and my giant mech run free. Quote
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