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My opinion, and Nintendo's as well, is that Nintendo hired a company to produce parts for them. How they produce those parts is not Nintendo's fault, and that Foxconn needs to be held responsible for their actions. Now that the truth is out there, Foxconn needs to change their production methods or Nintendo needs to stop doing business with them.

As for NintendoLand, at first I was not interested, but everytime I've watched a video of it I've grown more and more excited: it looks like FUN. Pure, good FUN.

Yeah, Nintendo makes sure anyone who manufactures their goods follows strict standards. Foxconn did this without Ninty knowing (it goes against those standards they agreed to).

So really Nintendo doesn't make sure that anyone who manufactures their goods follows strict standards.


Yep, just as much as Apple, Microsoft, Asus, Samsung, Toshiba, and any of the other people that use Foxconn year after year.

Hell, there's a good chance that the device you're reading and posting here on was made by them.

Isn't it wonderful to know we're all a small, but still relevant part of the problem?

Posted (edited)

Well a small bit of more bad news. It doesn't look like Nintendo is going to follow any sort of standards for online voice chat (though no surprise that Nintendo takes bizarre approaches trying to reinvent the wheel than follow anybody)

Firstly, in game voice chat is completely optional up to the game devs to implement or not. So no chatting on all games, and "Cross Game Chat" is probably not an option at this point (though not even PS3 does that last i checked).

Second of all, you have to use a headset (sold separately) plugged into the headset port of the GamePad, you can't just use the GamePad's built in mic. Odd

Third of all, ONLY the GamePad has the headset port as of this time. The Pro controller does not, which is strikingly odd considering its almost identical look to the 360 controller. So if you REALLY want to use the Pro controller AND voice chat, you have to plug your headset into the GamePad and set it next to you.

No word on if they plan on offering any wireless headset options in the future.

Games confirmed with Voice Chat are:

Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3 and Black Ops 2

I probably wouldn't use the Wii U for "serious" online gaming anyway but if you intend to it certainly looks like Nintendo is planning to make it a hassle :/

Edited by Crowbar Man
On the positive side... that means that the number of 8 to 14 your olds calling you various things will be non-existent.

That's something I don't mind at all.

Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the reasons for not having the voice chat. XD


I fucking hate voice chat, unless I am playing with my friends. Which honestly, is very rare for me these days. The fact that it's so complicated on Wii U is kind of baffling.

Since the launch is coming soon, have they revealed anything new on "gamertag" or friend code online handle news? Are there friend codes? I know the online revolves around the Miiverse thing, but I'm not entirely clear how the online is going to work overall.


Well, after the Wii and DS, my online expectations for Nintendo are more or less rock-bottom. Anything that's not a hassle will actually be a pleasant surprise.

But then again, outside of Smash Bros. there won't be many games worth playing online. That's just my prediction. Unless Nintendoland really gets the ball rolling (I doubt it).


I was under the impression with the 3DS that Nintendo was really trying to amp up their online presence, and that with the much more powerful Wii U they were going to take it even further. I guess "family friendly" side(more like paranoid gestapo) won out again on that front.

Posted (edited)
Wow I didn't even know voice-chat was relevant to console gaming.

It SHOULD be relevant, as its a common feature in online gaming these days, and it makes sense given you don't want to use a keyboard to communicate with a console generally, since its controller centric.

360's voice chat system is wonderful. You can cross voice chat doing anything, while your friends are doing anything (same game, different game, watching a movie, etc). You can set up a party chat to just chat with your friends and ignore the jerks in the actual game your playing. Its a perfect example of how console voice chat should be handled.

PS3 you can only voice chat in the same game/application but it is supported in all games (I think).

Wii uh.. Animal crossing? i think. Thats pretty much it unless theres another game I missed.

Wii U: "Whatever games support it"... so far.

Since the launch is coming soon, have they revealed anything new on "gamertag" or friend code online handle news? Are there friend codes? I know the online revolves around the Miiverse thing, but I'm not entirely clear how the online is going to work overall.

I was under the impression it was going to be similar to how MS does it, with the GamerTag/"Avatar" (which stole the Mii concept) combo, only with more focus on the Mii. Guess we'll find out, Nintendo is being very vague and simply saying it will be "much simpler" and "people will be happier" with the way it works, but Friend Codes still tie in somewhere in the system, somehow.

That's just my prediction. Unless Nintendoland really gets the ball rolling (I doubt it).

Not online :/ The whole concept of NintendoLand is same room party fun anyways

Edited by Crowbar Man
Well, after the Wii and DS, my online expectations for Nintendo are more or less rock-bottom. Anything that's not a hassle will actually be a pleasant surprise.

But then again, outside of Smash Bros. there won't be many games worth playing online. That's just my prediction. Unless Nintendoland really gets the ball rolling (I doubt it).

Monster Hunter coming to Wii U and 3DS

Also on a related note

Wii speak was also compatible with Monster Hunter Tri

Not online :/ The whole concept of NintendoLand is same room party fun anyways
And plenty of single player modes too. The last two little-seen NintendoLand 'attractions', the Yoshi Fruit Cart and F-Zero Twister Race were both revealed to be single player experiences.

funny... if it was same room party fun, one would think there'd be no single player modes at all.

It SHOULD be relevant, as its a common feature in online gaming these days,

something being a common feature is irrelevant if nobody really cares about it and/or needs it

Well, after the Wii and DS, my online expectations for Nintendo are more or less rock-bottom. Anything that's not a hassle will actually be a pleasant surprise.

But then again, outside of Smash Bros. there won't be many games worth playing online. That's just my prediction. Unless Nintendoland really gets the ball rolling (I doubt it).

SB4 is still in the works, so up till then (and even past it) there may be amazing games in the works that utilize online.

Just attempting a glass half-full.


frankly in the modern era i cannot remember a game in which voice chat made my experience better. in nearly every case where it was implemented it was markedly a hassle and a stressor.

the idea of voicechat is great but honestly so many games would be better off without it.

Posted (edited)
funny... if it was same room party fun, one would think there'd be no single player modes at all.

Well, if you want to be technical, people can take turns playing single player modes in the same room too!

something being a common feature is irrelevant if nobody really cares about it and/or needs it

"Nobody" cares about voice chat? These are kinda odd remarks considering its heavily used across many platforms (360/PS3/PC).

frankly in the modern era i cannot remember a game in which voice chat made my experience better. in nearly every case where it was implemented it was markedly a hassle and a stressor.

the idea of voicechat is great but honestly so many games would be better off without it.

It depends on the game, anything that is more action paced and/or team based you can get your messages to your team mates much faster via verbal communication than stopping, trying to type it out, and hope they read it.

I dont really socialize with people at all, but using voice chat to play games with friends can be fun. If you are playing with strangers you can always turn it off if you dont like it in most cases.

But having more options is better than missing options IMO.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Well, if you want to be technical, people can take turns playing single player modes in the same room too!

"Nobody" cares about voice chat? These are kinda odd remarks considering its heavily used across many platforms (360/PS3/PC).

It depends on the game, anything that is more action paced and/or team based you can get your messages to your team mates much faster via verbal communication than stopping, trying to type it out, and hope they read it.

I dont really socialize with people at all, but using voice chat to play games with friends can be fun. If you are playing with strangers you can always turn it off if you dont like it in most cases.

But having more options is better than missing options IMO.

first off, you're stretching that point to make it work for you.

secondly, your main train of thought seems to be THESE SYSTEMS SUPPORT SO THIS OTHER ONE THAT DOESN'T IS SHIT BECAUSE IT DOESN'T. Admittedly, sometimes there are features that should be system-wide, but there are others that don't necessarily need to be universal. Voice chat, while nice, is one of those. As has been pointed out several times in this thread, also has quite a few cons to match the pros.

1) 12-year-olds spouting profanity and calling you names for no reason

2) You can use bluetooth headsets

3) If you want to chat whenever like on the 360... then use a 360. This is a different system. Get over it.


It depends on the game, anything that is more action paced and/or team based you can get your messages to your team mates much faster via verbal communication than stopping, trying to type it out, and hope they read it.

I dont really socialize with people at all, but using voice chat to play games with friends can be fun. If you are playing with strangers you can always turn it off if you dont like it in most cases.

But having more options is better than missing options IMO.

it is an option. and it's a good thing that it's not universally implemented. this way the only time people will use it is when they really want to be able to talk with their friends while they play. which is, interestingly enough, the rationale for online chat in games.

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