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or remix someone that was not taken yet, you know, someone like, Gyro Man...

Pretty sure Geoffio had Gyro Man in his list as one of his backups. Maybe he'll do it next year. Also, it's a shame he was moving to another state the week of Protoman Round 1 and didn't have time to finish his entry.

Finally I read through more of the rules and found out that my vote cannot count anyways because I failed to vote in Round 4 in the Megaman bracket and thus I am disqualified

Not true. Only if you do not vote in all of the matches of the current round does your vote not count.

Since there is only one match this round, your vote counts.

or remix someone that was not taken yet, you know, someone like, Gyro Man, Search Man, Centaur Man, Crystal Man, Cloud Man or even worst... I challenge YOU to take Clown Man for the next year.

A few of us had Crystal Man in our lists. It's an interesting tune.

Also, Clown Man? Please noooooo

If I wanted to challenge myself, I'd choose a weird song over a boring song. Something like Star Man.


Eh, I find Clown man to be a fun tune, though (obviously) far from my favorite. It's at least fitting for the robot master it is made for. I could see some interesting things being done with it, just like spring man. It's always good to have the less well known ones scattered throughout the roster, because none are outright terrible.

Anyways, can't wait for the final round. Spring man vs. some electricly charged guy. Either way, it should be fun!

We're going to have a Grand Maverick Battle 2, aren't we?

I think so. But I think Darkesword prefers that it be called "Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2011"

I hope someone picks Storm Eagle this year...


There shouldn't be anything wrong with looking ahead. What's a year? I tell you, when you lose (for lack of a less kind word. All the mixes were so good, it's hard to use this word :/ ) in a tournament, your first thought is "When do I get another chance! I gotta try again!!!"

I tell ya, if I had any talent, I'd whip up some creative ideas for Pharaoh man or Hornet man. I hope someone does those!!!

And there're some good mavericks left, too. Toxic Seahorse is so catchy!!! And I second the storm eagle motion, especially if it's from you, Geeky Stoner, like you seem to be thinking about!


Congratulations, WillRock! Even though I ultimately voted for Neblix, it was a VERY close decision; both of you had incredible remixes this round. I'm eager to see what you and Prophetik have in store for the final.


I can't believe we're at the final match already. It was amazing when the competition first started and we were getting more awesome mixes than we knew what to do with. A part of me doesn't want the competition to end because of all the great songs that come out every week. Then I remind myself about the Maverick competition starting this fall/winter, and about next year's GRMRB, and I get excited again.

I also want to encourage everyone to return to future competitions. Even if you didn't get a chance to complete a mix or you didn't make it past the first or second round, that could change next time around, and there are MANY songs I regularly listen to from remixers that didn't advance past Round 2. Even songs that I didn't care for terribly because they felt incomplete or just weren't in my tastes still display an immense amount of talent from the artist, and I want to hear more.

Good luck to prophetik and WillRock in the finals!

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