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But the amazing thing is... it 'isn't' a melody... Sure I can sit there going 'Thats kingdom hearts, that's sonic, that's FF7' but it isn't 1 song then another... It is actually one single cohesive piece... ... ... Utterly mindbreaking and excellent


This... this... this...


In all seriousness, I saw this in the line-up when it was passed by the judges, and with a crazy combination of all of my favorite childhood games, I was really looking forward to it (also a little apprehensive; I mean, how the heck would a medley from those four games work at all?). I can now say without a doubt, sir, that you have exceeded my expectations. You have created one of my new favorite remixes.



Not familiar with the source tracks except for One-Winged Angel of course. I went into this mix without listening to the sources, waiting for the only one I know of to appear. Echoing what everyone else has been saying, the transitions are excellent. As far as I know they're all one track...but even when I spotted OWA mid-track and at the ending, I felt that they didn't stand out and melded into the remix well. Overall, I like the catchy electronica/rock hybrid, with a bit of orchestra thrown into the mix.

I'm really fond of medleys and I kinda wish OCR accepts more of them, even if they're not strung together as solidly as this one. As you can see, a piece like this one is such a rare exception.


I liked it. I liked it a lot. It was strange, though, as I didn't quite get any of the

KH of FFVII out of it (except for One-Winged Angel at the end). Strangely enough, I completely recognized the music from Sonic Heroes, a game I haven't played in years... Ambiguous source material aside, I enjoyed this song. Looking foward to more of your work!

I liked it. I liked it a lot. It was strange, though, as I didn't quite get any of the

KH of FFVII out of it (except for One-Winged Angel at the end). Strangely enough, I completely recognized the music from Sonic Heroes, a game I haven't played in years... Ambiguous source material aside, I enjoyed this song. Looking foward to more of your work!

Glad you like it :).I kept OWA to a minimum, simply because of all the material.The parts of OWA that are used, are the ones that are able to stand alone away from the main body of the source material.If I were to have used more material from OWA, I would have gone too overboard with the mix.As far as kingdom hearts goes, for those particular sources there wasn't much material to sort through.So it felt natural to use the kingdom hearts material as the introduction for the OWA material(On both accounts,mid section, and outro).The piano section is using tension rising (KH2), just rearranged to fit the properties of the mix.Because I didn't want the mix to sound like a straight foward medley, I had to have a source to repeat itself, hence why I chose "Mystic Mansion".


Definitely a surprising tune, but as a mix I never expected this.

Just checked my YouTube, and in the header.. this Sonic Heroes / hybrid.

I really enjoy the mixture of several tunes put together like a yummy sandwich.

(dare I admit!) This tune even carries off as a possible boss theme!


I don't...what is...what the Hell? I can barely catch every source tune in your mix, but this all sounds cohesive...what in the Hell?

If you sold your soul to Satan for being able to cohesively mix six different tunes together, then you certainly got your money's worth!

Taken on its own merits, this is the first OCremix song in some time to actually catch my ear (not that the others aren't deserving of merit, just that they weren't quite built for me). This, on the other hand?

No, seriously, how in the Hell did you do this and still have it work?

I don't...what is...what the Hell? I can barely catch every source tune in your mix, but this all sounds cohesive...what in the Hell?

If you sold your soul to Satan for being able to cohesively mix six different tunes together, then you certainly got your money's worth!

Taken on its own merits, this is the first OCremix song in some time to actually catch my ear (not that the others aren't deserving of merit, just that they weren't quite built for me). This, on the other hand?

No, seriously, how in the Hell did you do this and still have it work?

Alot of brainstorming for one thing. The amount of thinking that went into this mix was insane haha.Also, it took alot of trial and error.

I never reply to remixes, ever, but this one deserves serious props. More mixes like this are welcome in my music folder any day.

@KyleJCrb: I loved Sonic Heroes as well; it's one of Sonic Team's better 3D productions.

I appreciate the good words, thank you :)

  • 1 month later...

I am speechless and literally almost to tears. This is an amazing arrangement. A welcome addition to my folder indeed.


:shock: THIS WAS ONLY YOUR FIRST REMIX?! :shock: How are you ever going to top it?!

Alot of brainstorming for one thing. The amount of thinking that went into this mix was insane haha.Also, it took alot of trial and error.

Well, keep up the good work...and your soul! :grin:

  • 4 weeks later...

The transitions are insanely well done; it never occured to me that the remix uses that many sources (guess I forgot about that; djp's "wingless" insider in the write-up must've been too much to actually remember what else he wrote). The only part that seems a bit strange to me is the outro; the piano does not gel that well with the heavier sound of the remix IMO.

The guitar around 1:50 is fat, the breakdown right after that delicious, and the juxtaposition of the two brilliant. Very dramatic strings around 2:50.

Good stuff.

  • 5 months later...

Whoa, that's a lot of sources packed in 4:42. The song starts off nice & minimalistic, although that changes once the guitars enter in. It turns darker as it goes on, enhanced by the vocal grunts. I like how the artist mentions that he focused on thinking when arranging this - I like that approach to music the most, as it shows that the artist is consciously thinking about a goal and trying to execute as best as he/she can towards that goal. This flows well and just is a great listen overall. I think it's a great job and I hope to hear more :) .

  • 10 months later...

Now this is a freakin' megamix! The intro was paced very nicely, beforing bringing in the energy and some good electronic arrangement. The guitar was pretty sweet, and I do like how you switched things up one right after another. Quite a lot of variation and direction changed, and it still sounds amazing, so aces to you, man. The flow and the amount of sources put into this with the level of production shown, this is a hell of a debut. Yeah, all I can really say was that this was awesome.

  • 3 years later...

I'm big fan of Mystic Mansion theme, definitely my favourite from SH, and I was really pleased when I saw this mix, even though it incorporates a bunch of other sources as well. It's pretty amazing, how Michael managed to tie them all into one cohesive track, that's actually quite good to listen to. I really love how it evolves in termes of dynamics - it starts off very quitely, with nice minimal electronica, then guitars join this action to bring in some energy and finally the orchestral-infused part makes it appearance at 2:48, and this is where the mix becomes epic as hell. Awesome!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02235 - Sonic Heroes "The Wingless Butoh"

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