djpretzel Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Navi Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Finally, another rap song on the site. And from my good buddy, DCT as well. Glad to see this one hit OCR. Hope for many more from you. PS: Just Us rocks. Check them out at Quote
Rayza Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Nice to see you posted on OCR DCT.. Props bruddah.. Good work overall on this, I can chill to this. Keep it up, hope to see more from you.. Quote
mattycat900 Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 this reminds me very much of Mockingbird by eminem....Alot of the lyrics are the same too. Odd, nonetheless great background beat. It maybe would be nice to release another without the lyrics. Quote
Ionyze Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 AWESOME job adapting the original theme into a seamless-smooth backbeat for mellow rap. This is well done. I found it accessible, and R&B isn't my favorite style. Quote
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 this is sounds VERY similar to Eminem, but it's still awesome as hell. Quote
neminem Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Hahaha... I thought this sounded a slight bit familiar. I figured out why, though - you borrowed liberally from Never Leave You (Ice Cap Remix). Except everything I liked about it is still there, only better, and everything I disliked about that track has been removed in this one. Great job! Honestly, I wouldn't like this track much if it weren't a game remix, just because I'm not that fond of hip-hop, though I'd like the background regardless. But between the hot background and the fact that it's from Sonic, this is going on my list of favorites. Quote
jordex Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 hah its funny seeing neminem review this very eminem-esque song what a 1337 song Quote
DCT Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Thanks for the comments, everyone! So after 2 years, I finally got a remix posted....this does wonders for a guy's ego. And to all the people making comparisons to Eminem/Mockingbird, the reason the flows sound so similar is because most of the first verse was written to the Mockingbird instrumental. Then I came along with the Memories Frozen in Time instrumenal, and the rest was history. Hahaha... I thought this sounded a slight bit familiar. I figured out why, though - you borrowed liberally from Never Leave You (Ice Cap Remix). Except everything I liked about it is still there, only better, and everything I disliked about that track has been removed in this one. Great job! Hahaha, I appreciate the comment; everything I disliked about the track has been removed too. Thanks again everyone! Urbanizm+1 -DCT Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Damn, definitely a must-have. I wasn't expecting Ice Cap to be remixed with rap, but dayum have you pulled it off perfectly. This mood of rap is my favorite mood, so this is definitely going onto a CD. Already one of my faves. 9/10 Quote
K-£øµd Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Thank you, DCT (and unnamed "Just Us" member)! I'm not a huge fan of rap/hip-hop, but I've been trying to compile a few songs to put onto a CD for whenever one of my friends is in my car, and this remix is most definitely going to make its way onto it. It's nice to hear the original piece done in a style one's not accustomed to hearing it in, especially when its done well. Great job! Quote
sgx Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Pretty sweet. What's with DJP totally shunning my DDR mix with crazy awesome rhymes? Quote
Rexy Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Having been familiar with Iced Out Nine Twenty Two prior to this release I can identify with much of the components of the mix, which I thought have been enhanced greatly since then. The vocals were shown to be rather inspirational for what they were, and are at a firm quality to show a firm taste of what Urbanizm is all about - portraying rap with a meaningful quality. Kudos to that Course, given the ambitions behind it I'm not sure if hip hop would associate well for everyone, but what I think DCT and Just Us have managed to pull off what I think was an interesting contribution to one of the most over-mixed tracks ever. Welcome to the OverClocked clan! Quote
basdala Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Very sweet rythm. Nice reinterpretation of the original song. Quote
ellywu2 Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 I borrowed from this song in my icecap song, and i still think this is the definitive ice cap mix. I love this update! Quote
SPIKENOX07 Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 wow... pretty crapy. i very much dislike rap. the only thing good about this remix is the sonic background music which you can't hear with the lyrics over top of them. Quote
Tex Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Aww okay! Very nice and funky! The voices are very cool and I can appreciate a good arrangement like this. All the good stuff is still in this song. Pleasant feel rhythmically in my ears. Nice melody with good percussion arrangement. Hot shot! Quote
Samuru Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Awesome, awesome stuff. I never thought that could be done so well with that mix. Great job guys! Quote
ChloroPhil Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 "so, I'd sit in my room and listen to instrumentals/ And hope that I'd made the rhyme that makes people say 'he's official'//" hahah, I liked that line. Great job DCT & Just Us. Good lyrics, good beats, it all works together very well. Quote
incinerator Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 I hate rap and hip-hop. Even given that, I love this mix. Really, top notch quality all around here. What a fresh take on the overdone Icecap theme! Quote
hitokirisabin Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 This mix is actually very good. I don't understand why most people hate rap anyway. It's not like rappers openly diss other genres of music anyway. If it isn't your thing, it just isn't. Most of the time people don't like things they can't do. Quote
Wintermute Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 I don't like rap in a general sense (with the notable exception of Prefuse 73), but this mix is hot. I found myself looping it for about an hour without even noticing. Great job man. Quote
Seven Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 wow... pretty crapy. i very much dislike rap. the only thing good about this remix is the sonic background music which you can't hear with the lyrics over top of them. rofl ya cuz rap eznt moozik!! Bullshit. This song is easily one of my favorites already. Congrats, DCT, for getting your first mix posted. Quote
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