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Just wow.

I really can't stand most rap, honestly. The stuff just bugs the HELL outta me! However, I always listen through every remix that comes up on here and VGM. Given that, I listened to this remix the whole way through, and from start to finish, I was moved. Literally taken. I wouldn't call this an actual review, but a "kudos" to your efforts, despite the overwhelming quantities of Ice Cap remixes. Thank you for actually collaborating a rap/hip-hop piece that I can actually listen to.


wow... pretty crapy. i very much dislike rap. the only thing good about this remix is the sonic background music which you can't hear with the lyrics over top of them.

I agree. I like some rap tho, just not this one its weak. That being said Ive heard a lot LOT worse from PROFESSIONALS so. i guess this is a neutral review.


If there was a standard of perfection on mixes, it'd be here. It's really great on the instrumental alone, but the rap goes just perfectly with it. Excellent work here.


I remember Iced Out Nine Twenty Two.

Ok, 0:24 I'm hearing what sounds like harp strings. Seems like everyone includes a few harp strings as a little tip-o'-the-hat to McVaffe. Still, it sounds appropriate for an Ice Cap remix. Let's continue.

Hmm.....opening lyrics sound fairly similar - in tone, if not meaning - to Eminem's latest radio song (Mockingbird I believe).

Nice tight rhyming, made all the better by the fact that there's no swearing to detract from it. Kudos to Just Us for that.

Around 4:00, Eminem influence becomes apparent again. That's not an insult, by the way - Eminem appears to have matured a great deal inbetween his last CD and his current one (at least in what I've heard) so, in this remix, there's a certain maturity to the lyrics which just doesn't come up when the rapper is just going on about guns, hoes, drugs and money.

Cheers DCT and Just Us - you've got a fine mix here.

Speaking of the lyrics, I really like them. There's a great message there that's skillfully conveyed. Fantastic.

It's been a long time since I've heard something so true.

My only, and I mean my only, complaint is the sudden break in the flow right as the second verse (about half way through) where he says "I'll be alright. I'll be okay" and then goes right into the rest of the song. I feel this could have been stretched out a little bit more. It's got a really moving effect, but it could have been better.

EDIT: Is there anyway that we can get some lyrics in here? There is a really nice message in here, but I'd like to read it all.


Hi there, been visiting OC since the beginning, but this is my first post.

this is a fantastic remix. i often think OC is the best site on the internet (for me, a video game music loving fanatic) because of the creativity fans of games can show in such a concrete way. This is such a unique remix that it's a breath of fresh air from the normal Ice Cap Zone remixes.

I think, while it does sound a bit like Eminem, it has it's own distinct flavour...it feels more mellow than Mockingbird and I don't even see a problem with a resemblance. You should be proud of this remix, it has a permanent spot on my list. Just awesome.


I've noticed more than a couple rap haters praising this track already, and I'm here to join their ranks.

Most hip-hop/rap doesn't do it for me because of two things: 1) stupid lyrics, and 2) nonexistant or boring harmony. Instead of rapping about bitches and booze, DCT wisely chooses a subject much more original and fun to listen to: music. The quality of the rapping itself is fantastic. Just Us is smooth and professional sounding, although it's a bit hard to understand at times.

I never thought I'd like an Ice Cap remix this well. I don't hate it because it's been done to death (lots of other songs are just as guilty), but rather because I've never liked the original song itself. There just isn't much meat to it. However for a rap song, it's just perfect. The simple melody and tranquil harmony is just enough to get the job done, but not too much to distract from the rest of the song.

Congrats DCT, for creating not only the best Ice Cap remix, but the best "serious" hip-hop remix as well. (Sorry, but it can't compete with Space Beam or Niggaz 4 Life. :P)


I must admit, I honestly thought "Oh, not another Ice Cap Zone Remix" -- But I thought about the panel of judges, and what it takes to make it through, and I was increasingly interested with the use of the theme as a backdrop for a rap song. I decided that in order for this song to be here, it must be pretty cool and unique.

Along with country, I despise hip-hop with a good deal of my heart. (I am entitled to my own opinions and preferences) But I must say, this song really flows, and I can actually hear what the rapper is saying etc etc. I do not know how to judge this genre of music, and I can't really review the background so much, so I will just give this a thumbs up and let it be.


I have signed up here, purely for the sake of praising the select mixes that I like. This gem turned up just in time. Perfect rap remix, with a great beat. Gotta love the remixed Ice Cap music in addition to the Vocals.

I'll keep this as short as possible: You should be very proud to have made this work of art.



Much too refined to pass off as another hip-hop remix, this entry is really taking over on my playlist. I can easily say that, for me, this is the best rap remix I've found on this site...amazing work with flow and sincerity - the tone and attitude of the singer is constant and effective, and I hope to hear more of the same soon.


Oh god, you've gotta be kidding me. This is like a bad eminem ripoff with wannabe lyrics and a talentless rapper who just has a knack for some fast rhyming. I can't believe this crap already got 39 reviews. Someone really needs to put a stop to the sycophantism around this place. It's no wonder talentless people like Ashlee Simpson can so easily take over the music industry when people laud stuff this bad.


Do us a favor, Magi Tekk, and don't talk crap. Listen, I'm not a big fan of rap either, but the compositional value of this song is pretty cool, if you ask me. Now, do us all a favor and be quiet. Start talking crap when you show us you can do better. Well done song, btw. I really like it.

Do us a favor, Magi Tekk, and don't talk crap. Listen, I'm not a big fan of rap either, but the compositional value of this song is pretty cool, if you ask me. Now, do us all a favor and be quiet. Start talking crap when you show us you can do better. Well done song, btw. I really like it.

You see, you're just proving my point. If you bother to notice, it's called a "review" board which means criticism is expected. If you're going to be a serious artist/composer, you have to be able to handle critique as well as praise. I don't see why I get attacked for being negative and no one gets attacked for being positive. Double standard. Now go away. Oh and the compositional value of the song sux btw.

Do us a favor, Magi Tekk, and don't talk crap. Listen, I'm not a big fan of rap either, but the compositional value of this song is pretty cool, if you ask me. Now, do us all a favor and be quiet. Start talking crap when you show us you can do better. Well done song, btw. I really like it.

You see, you're just proving my point. If you bother to notice, it's called a "review" board which means criticism is expected. If you're going to be a serious artist/composer, you have to be able to handle critique as well as praise. I don't see why I get attacked for being negative and no one gets attacked for being positive. Double standard. Now go away. Oh and the compositional value of the song sux btw.

You bring up a good point Magi. You don't have to positive or like it. Critism as you said, is important. But we like to observe some deceny rules here. ;)http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=40085

When criticizing, please try not to be overly rude or offensive - the key is to provide constructive comments.

sorry I didn't know the words "bad" "talentless" and "Crap" were politically incorrect and/or overtly offensive

you're entirely missing the point. your posts aren't criticism. if you want to criticize the genre, this is not the forum. criticize what you feel isn't strong in the song with respect to what the song could have been. this has been said a billion times, but apparently it needs to be said once more.

Back to the song... the arrangement, when viewed in the scope of the genre, is excellent. the beat is strong enough to not even really need the rapping to be enjoyable. The different emphasises on various sections of the harmony and melody is very original. That being said, I would have liked a greater integration of the rap with the rest of the remix. Maybe during a refrain. Whatever, small nitpick. Thumbs up.

sorry I didn't know the words "bad" "talentless" and "Crap" were politically incorrect and/or overtly offensive

That's a shame.

"Sycophantism"? Short of you not knowing the meaning of the word, I can't find any clear examples of sycophancy in this thread and thus, can't find any reason for you to make that claim. Good job on that one.

Oh god, you've gotta be kidding me. This is like a bad eminem ripoff with wannabe lyrics and a talentless rapper who just has a knack for some fast rhyming. I can't believe this crap already got 39 reviews. Someone really needs to put a stop to the sycophantism around this place. It's no wonder talentless people like Ashlee Simpson can so easily take over the music industry when people laud stuff this bad.

You see, you're just proving my point. If you bother to notice, it's called a "review" board which means criticism is expected. If you're going to be a serious artist/composer, you have to be able to handle critique as well as praise. I don't see why I get attacked for being negative and no one gets attacked for being positive. Double standard. Now go away. Oh and the compositional value of the song sux btw.

And now to kill you with your own words.

Yeah I understand what you're saying, but in this specific case, it wasn't just that he was giving the song an unfavorable review. He went way beyond that and was using expletives and debased imagery so as to try and destroy any semblance of worthiness within the remix. That's not a remix review, that's just remix bashing, and it's uncalled for, especially when the song is this good. That's why I'm saying he has no right to say the kind of stuff he did without having the balls to try and remix anything himself.

Now, if you don’t mind me bringing this up, you posted this in a review thread for Star Salzman’s Dreams Come True, another song that came under fire for its vocals and “modern pop music” style.

Now, this puts you in a bit of a predicament. For you to insult one facet of mainstream pop music with one face and then come to the glorious defense of another facet of pop music with the other face is quite hypocritical, no? Not to mention you use the same tactics to put down DCT’s song that you spoke so blatantly against in Star’s thread.

Furthermore, it’s perfectly fine for you to have issues with the genre, as it is quite obvious you do. However, your post was not a review. To coin one of your phrases, it was “remix bashing”.

Hip hop, whether you like it or not, is as much a musical genre as the genres that are its roots: calypso, blues, scatting, gospel, etc. Now, you make it clear that you don’t appreciate the genre with this choice phrase: “…a talentless rapper who just has a knack for some fast rhyming…” Guess what, buddy. At its core, rapping is fast (or slow) rhythmic rhyming, if you want to be blunt about it. Just as guitar playing is plucking strings at points on a piece of wood with your fingers, or opera is shouting in other languages really loud. Therefore, for you to call someone terrible at doing something right...is just wrong.

Sorry to draw this thread away from its original purpose.

You see, you're just proving my point. If you bother to notice, it's called a "review" board which means criticism is expected.
Quiet, child. You're acting foolishly under the pretense of crusading for equal standards. I assure you, you are not.
If you're going to be a serious artist/composer, you have to be able to handle critique as well as praise.
Very true. Likewise, a serious artist/composer will inevitably also have to deal with "haters", as the saying goes; people who offer nothing constructive and criticize simply to put others down. Your posts fall firmly into this category.
I don't see why I get attacked for being negative and no one gets attacked for being positive. Double standard. Now go away. Oh and the compositional value of the song sux btw.
Here's why:

• You offered nothing "constructive" in your critique. Saying "the compositional value of the song sux" does nothing to help either DCT or Just Us. It has no constructive merit. It is equal to my saying: "Your posts suck" and leaving it at that. You wouldn't know why your posts suck. You wouldn't know what you need to change to make your posts better. It would be a destructive critique which is meant to hurt, instead of a constructive critque which is meant to help.

• While the review board are a place where you can vent your frustrations/dislike of a song, there is a generally accepted rule that flaming is discouraged. You have every right to dislike the song, that's fine. Can't please everyone. But don't post hate in the reviews section. That isn't a "review", that is hate. No one here is a professional. No one here is getting money for providing you ReMixes. Many are here to learn from their successes and failures from their experience with OCR. I can attest that I have been following DCT's work since he first showed up on the scene back with his Strongest Style ReMix posted on VGMix1. He's grown leaps and bounds as a musician and he'll only be going up from this point. So get used to seeing his name around here; he's here to stay.

• Insulting the listeners who enjoy the song offers no "constructive criticism". Insulting the song itself offers no "constructive criticism". Insulting the musician/producers offers no "constructive criticism". You say the "compositional value sux"? I think it's incredibly strong. The beat contains a lot of variation to a simple theme, it blends in a lot of instruments one normally doesn't associate with hip-hop and even has moments of musical tension which is surprising for a mellow mix. It's also quite tricked out for a mellow composition which I firmly enjoy. As I've mentioned to DCT before, I felt the bridge could have been slightly stronger; whereas he opted to slow the beat down a bit, I felt it might have worked if it had gone in the other direction, adding a little more flare to the piece.

That is a constructive critique. Something he can take away and use to re-examine/re-evaluate the piece and use/disregard as he chooses. It also gives him a possible idea for what to do the next time around.

I challenge you to find anything remotely constructive in your "reviews".


That said...

DCT > I'm incredibly proud of you, my friend. Congratulations on getting your OCR badge. ;)

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