Jillian Aversa Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 I'd feel really sorry for you right now, but that's how things go. I know that you wanted to add another one of your crazy spins on the podcast, and I know I love to see you do such things like that. But as a member of the project itself, I still think that it's not a good idea to blame people for doing things that went completely wrong or was mistimed or whatever.On top of that, Hadyn (the guy who didn't respond) mentioned in the project topic itself that he lives in Australia, so he couldn't come anyway. Still I do feel really upset because this was a podcast I was waiting with anticipation for for a really long time. I don't want to act like a pushover, but I felt heartbroken to see this, not only to assume that KFC and SnappleMan have sort of caused this decision, but also a reaction like this. I guess there's no point getting fussy over spilt milk, so I might as well leave you two to do your thing, whichever it is. First of all, living in Australia does not necessarily mean we couldn't find a time to do the interview that works for both parties. We've been planning a TO interview for a while now, (although he has some technical recording issues at the moment). And even if there were no possible way he could have done it, the fact that he didn't even bother to reply to our email was insulting. Secondly, KFC and Snappleman were both extremely unreliable, even after we all agreed on a time and stressed the importance of their being there. KFC came home over an hour and a half late...high...and then complained that his microphone was "suddenly stolen." Snappleman promised that the next day would be no problem at all, and then bailed out last minute without even emailing/IMing/calling us when he knew was going to be even later than 11 or 12, after our original 7:30 time. I'm pretty surprised that you would complain to us about the loss of this special Project Chaos episode, and about our reaction to it, when it was clearly their fault. When we set up an interview, we expect to take first priority. There is simply no excuse for forgetting the interview, or agreeing to babysit someone at the last minute. And neither of the two that originally promised to be there made any effort to reschedule. Still, as we said, the Project Chaos stuff was only a catalyst for our decision to go on break. There are many good reasons to do so.
Rexy Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 I understand the unreliability of the project staff (and I see your reasons for it), but this is still simply penalising the popularity for both the project *and* the podcast. Besides, Hadyn didn't get a chance to see his mail until today so please don't see him as ignorant. But I can see what's happened. I just hope it hasn't robbed the project of any kind of "special" mention per se, but I hope the break will still give you time to clear things out after what came to happen. I'm sorry if I caused a fuss over nothing. (and I suppose my voicemail from last week will be deleted too; it'll be too out of date to keep by the next actual VGDJ episode... oh well.)
Nicole Adams Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I received the envelope today, but the button had escaped its clutches. I did receive a letter from zircon, though, saying how he was madly in love with me and wanted to run away to Bali. *lol* Just kidding! It wasn't even him that wrote mine out.
KyleJCrb Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Secondly, KFC and Snappleman were both extremely unreliable I have to be honest here, even though those two are friends to me: I'm not really surprised. A break will be a good thing for VGDJ, I think: A fresh start in a month or two may be just the thing to make the show even better. Sure, we're without VGDJ for awhile, but when it returns it'll be almost like a shiny brand-new show!
zircon Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Ugh. Stupid USPS. We sealed all of the letters ourselves, but I guess inevitably they screwed it up in transport. We kept a few buttons to ourselves, so maybe if we see any of you at meetups we'll give you one to make up for the destroyed/lost ones...
Jillian Aversa Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I did receive a letter from zircon, though, saying how he was madly in love with me and wanted to run away to Bali.
jontilton Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I was also a victim of this Torn Envelope Problem http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo25ss6.jpg
Nicole Adams Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I did receive a letter from zircon, though, saying how he was madly in love with me and wanted to run away to Bali. Aw, I sowwy. Here, have a tissue. At least the guys didn't yell "catfight"!
Abadoss Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I did receive a letter from zircon, though, saying how he was madly in love with me and wanted to run away to Bali. Aw, I sowwy. Here, have a tissue. At least the guys didn't yell "catfight"! There are some still chivalrous among us...
Kanthos Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I got my button last night. The button itself is great. I also appreciate the art on the back of the envelope. I don't have a scanner so I can't put it online, but it was a couple stick people illustrating the pronunciation of my name (Can-toss). That was funny enough, but it was cool to see Pixietricks paying attention to a relatively unimportant comment (made after they mispronounced my name on the episode talking about the winners of the video game music promotion contest) from a relatively new OCR member. It was just another reminder that Zircon and Pixietricks are doing this for a community of people they care about, unlike most other podcasts that are informative but detatched from the listeners. Kudos!
revenge_of_quatermass Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 woo hoo, got my button in the mail. Strangely enough the envelope was also ripped like many other listeners, but I think that Canada Post just has their shit together and magically allowed the button to leave the tear only after it arrived at my pad
bluekafer Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I already told you guys I can't go w/o my weekly VGDJ fix! Nooooo! I just hope you guys DO end up coming back! Gmrrrr....don't let VGDJ die. And to you people (coughkfccoughsnapplemancough) who blew Pixie and Zircon off, shame on you! They work so hard on this stuff and you can't even find 10 minutes or something to devote to it, when they're giving you free publicity....pretty lame, guys. And what a wonderful present to get 3 days before my birthday.... VGDJ on hiatus...I can't handle the stress anymore....WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Ok, I'm better now
Barnsalot Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I also just recieved my pin. It was perhaps the high point of my day. My car broke down this morning, so I had to have it towed, and school was, of course, a pain afterwards. I didn't even think I was going to get a pin because I heard that they were all run out, buuuut I did!
Jillian Aversa Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 So sorry for all you guys who had postal problems. And don't worry, bluefaker, we will definitely be back. I don't want to say anything definite now, but it'll probably only be about a month's break.
Crazyonr1 Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Woo! got in my hand a... VGDJ BUTTON!!!! now, if I'm ever in NY, I can stalk Zircon! My parents were VERY confused about a somewhat lopsided envelope, but I'm not special enough for vgdj to send me something dangerous, they don't trust me Or something like that
Abadoss Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Woo! got in my hand a... VGDJ BUTTON!!!! now, if I'm ever in NY, I can stalk Zircon! My parents were VERY confused about a somewhat lopsided envelope, but I'm not special enough for vgdj to send me something dangerous, they don't trust me Or something like that Technically, a pin can be dangerous...
WesPip Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Got mine today, few little things about it: -Torn envelope, but it wasn't empty, luckily. The tear was a little too small for the button to make its escape -As others have said [those who DID successfully get one], it's so friggin' cute. All tiny and stuff. aww -Zircon's handwriting it pretty awful. Just goes to show bear + writing utensil makes for horrid penmanship That's about it. Though I feel a little ripped off, while Kanthos got art on his envelope, and I got a "KEEP LISTENING ^___^". But I'm still better off than a lot of people, I suppose, since my button was present and intact. So...I guess I can't complain. Thanks guys.
zircon Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 FU GUYS I wrote something different on every envelope. Did my best to be entertaining, though after a few hours of writing, my hand was kinda tired...
chfuji Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 So where was the most interesting address you guys had to send a button to?
Guest crazy_dewmaster Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 I, too, received my button, albeit without any tears or missing buttons (*uncrosses fingers*). Zircon was very kind to write a personalized comment and include a drawing of a fish (perhaps a reference to his relationship with his beloved - ? , e.g. "bloop!") These two deserve a thank-you note(and I'm sending one once I get some more stamps!)...and so much more... Enjoy your well-deserved break, you two!
Rekklis Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Though I am kinda bummed I didn't get a button, I'm certainly not going to stop listening.
Jillian Aversa Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Andy's handwriting is atrocious... But he DID put a lot of effort into all those little pictures/comments, so props to him. ^-^
José the Bronx Rican Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 FU GUYSI wrote something different on every envelope. Did my best to be entertaining, though after a few hours of writing, my hand was kinda tired... ...So I had to settle for "VGDJ! XD" But my sentimental ass keeps all personalized correspondence, so I'm holding onto this envelope.
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