Arcana Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Uh Hi thread, I just listened to VGDJ #35. I think I missed #34 in the process, though. I'd have to double-check this. ... but I just read the thread too, and it's a bit disappointing to know that The Wingless is gone! He's a real heartbreaker, let me tell you. I didn't think you'd play my phone message, either. I know, I've totally lost the "called in the most number of times to VGDJ" award now, but that doesn't mean you have to play every message I leave, darlings. Okay, back to work... got a few papers to read and write up. Hope you find a new host soon, I'm looking forward to a new episode.
Snooper_1989 Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Snoop said that I should get the t-shirt because my A-Team Intro completely dwarfed his intro so like...yea, send Sorry no. EasyP, no, just no.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 I don't want to add pressure... and I won't even try to put forward any ideas as to who should be the next co-host... but you totally can't cut me off now. I just got caught up and realized all I was missing. Plus it doesn't really make sense having the Doom Remix Project taking the OCR frontpage spotlight when it's so old.
Jillian Aversa Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 I don't want to add pressure... and I won't even try to put forward any ideas as to who should be the next co-host... but you totally can't cut me off now. I just got caught up and realized all I was missing. Plus it doesn't really make sense having the Doom Remix Project taking the OCR frontpage spotlight when it's so old. Actually, Dave said he wants to start rotating the front page spotlights more frequently so that old projects can receive fresh attention. EDIT: PLEASE KEEP VOTING, GUYS! We're still way behind this month. VGDJ will be back soon...
q-pa Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Plus it doesn't really make sense having the Doom Remix Project taking the OCR frontpage spotlight when it's so old. Where the hell is Project Chaos? Its 1-year anniversary is coming up... And a voter is me.
Arcana Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 I don't want to add pressure... and I won't even try to put forward any ideas as to who should be the next co-host... but you totally can't cut me off now. I just got caught up and realized all I was missing. Plus it doesn't really make sense having the Doom Remix Project taking the OCR frontpage spotlight when it's so old. Actually, Dave said he wants to start rotating the front page spotlights more frequently so that old projects can receive fresh attention. EDIT: PLEASE KEEP VOTING, GUYS! We're still way behind this month. VGDJ will be back soon... If you can't do a full show, then it might not be a bad idea to throw in a quick mini with a full song once a week, just to remind people that yes, the show is alive, but the hosts are busy.
jmr Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Where the hell is Project Chaos? Its 1-year anniversary is coming up... Actually, the first thread was started back on March 13 05... so technically it's been going for longer than a year. Don't worry, judging by the songs I've heard, it's gonna be worth the wait.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 I don't want to add pressure... and I won't even try to put forward any ideas as to who should be the next co-host... but you totally can't cut me off now. I just got caught up and realized all I was missing. Plus it doesn't really make sense having the Doom Remix Project taking the OCR frontpage spotlight when it's so old. Actually, Dave said he wants to start rotating the front page spotlights more frequently so that old projects can receive fresh attention. Ah. Cool. Makes sense.
Jillian Aversa Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Ahem! Announcing VGDJ's newest cohost... Mr. Andrew "Zircon" Aversa! It's about time we had a real shtyjdgfgt around, don't you think? I must apologize for keeping everyone so in the dark about all this. I just didn't feel comfortable announcing what was going on behind the scenes when nothing was certain at the time. But we coo now! As a remixer, mod, and judge, Zircon couldn't be more on top of the scene. His dedication should speak for itself, but just in case it doesn't... He's one heck of a dude. With a history of busy cohosts, I'm more than relieved that we're gonna have someone as dependable as Andrew around. Not to mention that we have actually met (and bonded, like seriously!) in real life, so I'm really looking forward to working together! Zircon goes to school in Philly and lives in New York, which are both managable distances from my own school and home locations, so don't be surprised if we cook up something special for the near future. Anyway, I know some of you may be missing Wangless, but hey- life goes on. I think every host brings something different to the show, and I'm certainly looking at this as positive change. John had a great radio presence, for sure, but he couldn't devote enough time to VGDJ: didn't want to receive or reply to the emails, hardly ever showed up in our IRC chat, etc. We're gonna make this a real team effort again, just like the good ol' days. So please extend your warmest welcomes toooooo Ziiiirrrcccoooonnn! P.S. We're shooting for an episode this coming Monday, but can't say for sure until we figure out some mic quality stuffs. P.P.S. Zircon's gonna kill me for that pic.
q-pa Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Ahem! Announcing VGDJ's newest cohost...Mr. Andrew "Zircon" Aversa! So he didn't make the pixiemix but he did come in 1st for the intro contest. I'll allow it! Can't wait.
V___ Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Ahem! Announcing VGDJ's newest cohost... I'l never again be able to open a packet of chips without gettin scared of the potential contents....
Snooper_1989 Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 As to be expected, a wise choice in co-hosts there.
V___ Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Is that supposed to be the diamond in the rough? Thats a diamond? *looks again* oh yeh... i thought it was al foil at first glance...
WesPip Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 EDIT: PLEASE KEEP VOTING, GUYS! We're still way behind this month. VGDJ will be back soon... Already voted. Also, got my tshirt today. Expect pics..probably by Sunday. Also..yay for zircon.
Upthorn Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Aww. I was hoping for Myf. Grr. Bah. I will never accept this new co-host!!! (Okay, that wasn't funny, but gimme a break, I just woke up, and it's before 9am even) But seriously, finally a new cohost, and one who's already got a good dynamic with pixietricks, awesome. Can't wait for the new shows.
leomania Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 and here i was already adjusted to WINGLESS and PIXIETRICKS but i will graciously welcome ZIRCON as a new cohost i love his remixes and PIXIE dont worry i got yours as well. Can't wait to hear the newest episode to see the dynamic between you to. =)
OceansAndrew Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 hehe, yeha i thought he was crawling out of a pile of garbage bags at first. i see now it's a zirconia. I'll miss the wingless, but i think Zircon will do a rocking job as well. I'm looking forward to the next show.
q-pa Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 hehe, yeha i thought he was crawling out of a pile of garbage bags at first. i see now it's a zirconia. I'll miss the wingless, but i think Zircon will do a rocking job as well. pun, lol
ILLiterate Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 First he wins the intro contest, now he's a host? THE WHOLE WORLD OF OCR IS AGAINST EZP
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