jordex Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 Oh wow I fucking love this I love these vibe mixes, we could definatly use some more! I was just expecting another sonic theme to come in but I guess that killer solo makes up for it Quote
-RK- Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Morse, you are a jazz/funk/house/techno god! Reminds me of a mellow Jamiroquai song minus the vocals. Quote
Skyz Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 That was fantasic man. I found myself making up my own guitar breakdown right there. This song is really musical and just makes me feel good about it. At 3:55 i love the baseline. And around 5:08 my favorite part is tight. Just perfect. You could have gotten crazy towards the end if you wanted to. I don't why you didn't. Supurb. Quote
Linearity Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Sweet! Man it was a beautiful morning...this morning...and I was listening to this with the windows open. The sunlight and fresh air mixed perfectly with this...mix (wow, twice in one post!). This just sounds very fresh, and it reminds me a lot of Marble Zone. Of course, you've taken it sufficiently far from the original on the funk train. Man, great stuff! Quote
Fusilliban Posted July 12, 2005 Posted July 12, 2005 This is really easy on the ears. Good show, man. Quote
jordex Posted July 13, 2005 Posted July 13, 2005 i love this song! what kind of music is this called? jazz? house? soul? Quote
SirRus Posted July 13, 2005 Posted July 13, 2005 this is song is awesome. way to go man, I love your style. Quote
MusAshI-X Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 You have some talent here...this song is probably the most calming yet exciting song on OCR Quote
neostormx Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 Josh Morse is beyond awesome; don't sleep on him.Urbanizm+1 -DCT Its funny you say that DCT.. he's only getting better and better. Quote
Hoopla Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 what kind of music is this called? Groove? I thought it was House? Anyhow this is a GREAT remix! DOWNLOAD IT NOW! Quote
Solin Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 This song has 110% of my daily recommended intake of vitamin AWESOME Quote
DistantJ Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 House? This is what I'd call electro-boogie, or disco. Or white-people-who-think-it's-still-the-seventies. Except it doesn't have the depth or bass which made that music great... Neither does it keep me interested for more than five minutes... Although I don't deny that this song was created from scratch and probably took a lot of work, the result sounds to me like someone pulling out a yamaha keyboard, choosing a disco 'style' setting and just playing the Marble Zone theme song over it in a quite badly chosen piano vox. Nothing else really happens in the song... And sections we've already heard repeat themselves with no real changes made. In the words of Mr. Horse from Ren & Stimpy - "No, Sir, I don't like it." With no offense intended to the creator of the song. Quote
Bummer Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Heh, this remix got the groove, I'll give you that. Bass synths along with some classic beats makes a good concept, and it seems like J Morse tried many different combinations with his sample equipment to get some variation in this arrangement. I guess I can't complain about this remix being too short, after like 2 minutes I checked how long this mix was, and when I saw that it had whopping 6 minutes and 20 seconds on its track, well.......holy crap. The piano sample might be my favorite thing about this one, it handled the melody well and gave this remix a happy go lucky feel that hits the spot about right. To sum it up in one word: Nice. Quote
Radiowar Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 This is pretty cool, reminds me of Jamiroquai. Especially that string part around 1:27. Not much to say. Good stuff. Quote
Aquas Magus Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 I'm listening to it right now. =D Anyway, I really really liked this one. It's so easy on the ears and yet I can't help wiggling around in my seat while listening to it. The tune was catchy in the game but this remix has become my #1 on my iPod. Keep up the good work, Josh! Quote
42 Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 So delicious It's like rocky road ice cream with Hershy's syrup for the soul. One of my favorite parts of the mix is the introduction, how it just lets the listener down into the mix. An absolute must download. Quote
Marmiduke Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Very remeniscent of the Joshua Morse sound, actually I'd go so far as saying there is arguably more Morse in this mix than any other, given the unusual length. Concerning the length, I liked it and prefer it to something directly to the point, in the door and out again style. As it is now, it crams a whole lot into its running time and does it with patience and consistency. Musically, it's basic groove fare. Fresh sounding and piping hot, but nothing that is going to turn my aural landscape upside down. The piano and strings do an excellent job of introducing new threads to inject some crucial variation into the piece, and as a result the mix runs smoothly and never bores. Perhaps not as interesting and lively as what would come from J Morse a while later, but it still fills its 6+ minutes with a lot of funk and ultra-laid-back disco vibes. It's a little light for my selective tastes, but there's still a definite time and place for this on my playlist as well. A mix that is nothing if not ambitious in the world of mellow videogame mixes. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 really nice stuff, I love the semi-closed hihat swish sample as an unintended hook, and the piano work is beautiful. The arrangement has a lot of twists and turns, and the variations on the theme are really nice. The bass sounds great, and this would be great background music to a night out on the town with a beautiful lady or two. Stay classy, JM, this is great stuff. Quote
Black_Doom Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Yeah, boy, this is a classic Morse thing! Funky and smooth as hell. The piano work is pretty nice, the groovy beats are pretty nice as well. And, damn, bass is certainly the name of the game here. It actually sounds a quite boring sometimes, but the piano improvisation @ 3:11 actually helps to refresh everything a little and the moment @ 4:53 was also pretty cool. Nice work, Joshua! Quote
BLAHMASTER Posted October 7, 2016 Posted October 7, 2016 Halfway in I was worried the song was going to wind down. Then I checked and was pleasantly surprised that the song was long enough to give me my fill. I'm definitely coming back to this one! Quote
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