Joe Redifer Posted May 7, 2002 Posted May 7, 2002 Arkanoid '1999 (2000 Mix)' This is an arrangement from the Commodore 64 version of Arkanoid. Commodore 64 games often had original music that was nothing like their arcade counterparts. Encoded at 112 kbps, it does exhibit a few digital artifacts, but overall it is pleasant sounding and worth a listen. Techno-ish in nature, it holds your interest. Recommended, especially for C64 fans! Quote
krispy Posted June 10, 2002 Posted June 10, 2002 Ya i really dug this one, it keeps very true to the original and is exactly what I imagined it would sound like if made now a days. Yet another amazingly solid techno song on this website, with that crazy synth in the background among others made me really enjoy this song. As Joe said, if you like C64 or especially Arknoid music, then check this one out. I give it a 10/10 Quote
JamPaladin Posted July 2, 2002 Posted July 2, 2002 The first ReMix on Overclocked (But not the first I heard) this is very solid. It's a very good techno piece with a lot of cool synth sounds. The sort that sound kinda like squeezing water but with the consistancy of toothpaste through a small bottleneck with no other hole to let the air out. At the very start it sounds almost as if something is "powering up" and then introduces a catchy beat and all sorts of cool sounds as mentioned above. A bit furthur and there's some kind of scratchy (As in scratching record type scratchy) things but with the electronic sounds. If you like Techno, you can't go too wrong with this. Subjective simulating-electronic-sounds-with-a-bottle-and-rubber-hose whilst-simultaneously-bopping-head-O-Meter: 8.7/10 Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Too bland for my tastes. This song seems to just float along heading nowhere. Nothing particularly wrong with it. I just feel a song has to really head somewhere to be worth listening to. Quote
CXI Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 A good mix from Chris Abbot. Not the kind of ReMix you would find yourself jumping out of your chair and dancing to, but an enjoyable listen and an overall well done techno/electronic piece. The zooming sound in the background fitted well with the other, less flowing instruments, which even included (or perhaps just sounded like) some of the tones from the original game. The more ambient bit after 1:06 sounded great and added a nice change to an otherwise sound-rich mix. The voice added that extra touch of ambience. The instruments fading back in was well done, the ending sounded okay, but nothing special. There was some indefinable quality about the first half of this ReMix that didn't sound so great. Perhaps it was just a bit too muhc c64 chirpiness carrying over, or perhaps Chris Abbot is just better suited to a slower kind of beat. Regardless, this ReMix is well worth the listen, if not for the nice beats then for its historical significance as the first ReMix posted on the site. Quote
Durinthal Posted December 16, 2003 Posted December 16, 2003 Well-done electronica song for being one of the first remixes around, including an ambient section with vocal support. Nothing too outstanding, however, and it ends up being a fairly mediocre piece. Not on my regular playlist. Quote
atomflux Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 This is the first remix I ever downloaded from this community, I like it. What scares me though is I actually heard this before I'd even heard of this community as the remix appears as a backing track to a trainer patch on a psx burn I have. So it was hauntingly familiar to me for a while, until I figured out where I'd heard it before. 10/10. Quote
meccaneer Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 More chirps! Excellent beginning. Poor ending; too abrupt. The pads are slick. I would have made the entirety more minor. The drums work really well with the ambience. It's a good track so, let's make it longer! Quote
watkinzez Posted October 21, 2005 Posted October 21, 2005 The soundscape at the start of the song works well- it feels full and rich after the preceding beep intro. Problem is, the song is so underdeveloped. At its current state the it just doesn't go anywhere beyond the basic drum loop with a few variations. There was some great ideas here that desperately need expanding. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 Just like watkinzez said, it needed some expanding.. But otherwise it's fun electronica ,and a good solid reminder of the 80's golden gaming era. Quote
Liontamer Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Classic VG arrangement goodness, and an old favorite. Even just from a historic sense, it's a must download. Quote
Inv1ctus Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 wow this guy has skills... no sorry lets make that skillz with a z. Im seeing in 16 bit color again and its a beautiful thing! Whats really cool about this track is that the panning of the tricked out sound effects makes it sound like a paddle hitting a ball and making it bounce all over the place like a really difficult level. Really crisp clean sounds that give the feel of arcade simplicity that is very appropriate. *busts out the SNES emulator and arkanoid rom* Quote
Jaybell Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 The eighth song posted EVER still holds up to this day. Awesome awesome. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 Before I had even loaded up the song I was cringing, due to the reputation the oldest songs on the site have, but as soon as it started i was very pleasantly surprised. Shows what I know. Cool start up intro with some blippy glitchy percussion, and well-processed and panned synths filled out the soundfield pretty well and though it won't be winning any creativity awards anytime soon, I do have to admit I was jammin a bit to this one. Great synths, pretty rockin beat, this is a really nice one. Quote
Tables Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Our first non-DJP remix and it... is pretty cool The intro is fantastic, and as a whole this reminds me of something Frank Klepacki would do if he was happier (especially with that snare and the squishy synths near the end). Some samples could be better, but for this that's nitpicking. A good oldie, I just wish it weren't so damn short Quote
Skinner3D Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I listened to the original and then listend to this song. I really like how this one feels more 'full'. It carries over the tone and feeling of the original nicely. Quote
Crulex Posted October 18, 2011 Posted October 18, 2011 Impressive! This is a very nice little ReMix that seems to be a few years ahead of its time. Although it's a bit short and could do with a little more expansion, for what it is and when it was made, this is an amazing piece to listen to. Quote
Gario Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 Woa, first remix that's not a DjP classic. I'm liking it, too. Nice synth combination - wet lower synths with springy, catchy dry synths. They create a nice synergy and fill the soundscape quite effectively. It's a rare thing to have an older remix where I'm perfectly happy with the sample quality, but here's such a remix. The arrangement doesn't seem to move too far, harmonically. Fortunately the textures are changed up considerably, so that keeps the mix interesting enough. Even still, more harmonic motion would've been great. Good stuff - eight destructible blocks out of ten. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 Digging the beat, and I'm so glad the highs of the percussion are not too loud. That's something that plagued a lot of these earlier mixes. The arrangement is not particularly enticing, but the synths are used well and have good use of panning to add some body to the mix. The drums might actually be a little soft as a whole and could use more punch. The drum clarity is better at 1:27 when the song is much less busy, but there is a bit of mud earlier on. The song was easy to listen to a couple times but it doesn't really introduce additional song structure or go anywhere interesting. Quote
Marscaleb Posted July 20, 2020 Posted July 20, 2020 This one gets points for having one of the best names for a remix ever. Quote
BladedEdge Posted December 12, 2023 Posted December 12, 2023 This is happy music. It makes me happy. Arrangement-wise I don't think it's actually all that different from the c64 original, but it feels more fleshed-out. Like we're going from 8-bit c64 to an amiga cracktro from some warez group that's full of dumb kids but somehow snatched up some amazing demoscene musician who should rightly be out of their league. Arkanoid 16-bit glow-up. Sometimes that's all you need. Quote
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