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I've been listening to some Cataclysm music lately and I have to say the remakes are not.. well not as great. Maybe I'm just too used to the originals.. but some music (like Orgrimmar for instance) sounds like it's just trying to be extremely epic. It fits the game but I still dig the old music over it really. (Though, I do like the Southern Barrens..)

Maybe it'd be different if I were actually playing the game. Due to school and friends / whatever just didn't have enough time to spend on this game really. I do miss it, though. Cataclysm looks sweet so am kind of jealous of all my friends who still play it. D:


I play on uh... Aman'thul, Nagrand, Borean Tundra, Veknilash, and Draenor.. I'm all over the place. Plenty of alts to go around. I must say.. I'm more into the old world changes than the Cata content. Got my rogue to 85, and my DK to 83. However I'm enjoying myself much more on low level alts checking the stuff out. I was happy to here Cata's difficulty was definitely harder than Wrath.. but let down that Blizzard is already nerfing them. I just shake my head as what I've ran on my rogue was nothing to how brutal the BC heroics were. Overall aside from a few bugs, and a lack of creativity here and there. Very solid expansion. I think Blizzard did a great job.

  • 3 months later...


I know Illidan certainly isn't for everyone. So I was wondering if there would be any interest in making another guild, Alliance, on a PvE server?

I've been wanting to play a Draenei priest ever since I first saw Badonk :o

Also: A worgen anything.

It'd take awhile to get established, but I think of the Illidan regulars setup shop somewhere else we could get stuff up and running pretty quickly.


I play on Stormrage - Alliance. It's very heavily Alliance populated, you can find anything you want or need at any time.

It's PvE.


I know Illidan certainly isn't for everyone. So I was wondering if there would be any interest in making another guild, Alliance, on a PvE server?

I've been wanting to play a Draenei priest ever since I first saw Badonk :o

Also: A worgen anything.

It'd take awhile to get established, but I think of the Illidan regulars setup shop somewhere else we could get stuff up and running pretty quickly.

Deia, Shariq, and I have allies on Gorefiend (PVP), and Deia and I have allies on Feathermoon (PVE). The Gorefiend characters are around 40 right now, and Feathermoon are around 25 (Feathermoon is also my home base, and I can get you teh bag hookupz if you need).

Shoot, I'm behind. My frost mage is still around 35ish I think.

I have others on there though.

Deia, Shariq, and I have allies on Gorefiend (PVP), and Deia and I have allies on Feathermoon (PVE). The Gorefiend characters are around 40 right now, and Feathermoon are around 25 (Feathermoon is also my home base, and I can get you teh bag hookupz if you need).

Me and my fellow Illidanians will have to confer about this over the weekend.




Stupid WoW keeps crashing on me in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. :(

I'm sure you've heard this, but it's generally best to avoid the Valley of Strength whenever possible.

Just be glad you don't have to try to log into Dalaran. That was THE worst.


Dalaran was terrible back in the day. Soooooo laggy. I'd avoid it whenever possible and usually spend all my time in Silvermoon taking care of business. Now I'm stuck in Org taking care of business. :s I miss Silvermoon. *sigh*

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dethecus/elestria/advanced Meeee

I have one main and a billion alts, although I'm working on trying to level a priest on Norgannon so that can be my alliance server. Don't have much in the way of PvE gear going on with my main since I'm pretty terrified to try to queue up for instances at 85 nowadays. People are so mean. :(


I'm sure you've heard this, but it's generally best to avoid the Valley of Strength whenever possible.

Just be glad you don't have to try to log into Dalaran. That was THE worst.

It was a glitch with the new patch and not having Cataclysm. I'm still trying the different workarounds they're suggesting and trying to figure out what exactly is up.

Deia, Shariq, and I have allies on Gorefiend (PVP), and Deia and I have allies on Feathermoon (PVE). The Gorefiend characters are around 40 right now, and Feathermoon are around 25 (Feathermoon is also my home base, and I can get you teh bag hookupz if you need).

SOOOoooooo I was going over the numbers, and apparently Gorefiend has an alliance to horde ratio of 1:10, where as Illidan has an alliance to horde ratio of 1:5.

SOOOOOooooo we're going to Feathermoon. It'll be a nice vaca server, lol

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