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man i think this is kinda weird that im on one of the more populated servers, Whisperwind, and nobody else from OCR is on it. if anyone decides to join my server, my name is Cornmuffin.


I seriously can't wait to die by dismounting my flying mount.

COME ON it'll be fun!

As my friend said:

"I can't wait to get flying mounts. For the first couple of days that they are available, I am going to enjoy dismounting, turning on PoM, and polymorphing an enemy faction member, seeing them fall do their death. Ahahah. That is if they don't impliment flying sheep :("

man i think this is kinda weird that im on one of the more populated servers, Whisperwind, and nobody else from OCR is on it. if anyone decides to join my server, my name is Cornmuffin.


Well, just look at how many servers there are in general. That'll explain why.


we should try and keep a running list of who plays where. (there's one on the 1st page of this thread but it hasn't been updated in a while). (# denotes defunct or not recently updated)

[Archimonde] PvE?

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - "?" - Level ?? Tauren Something

[Alleria] PvE

+ Horde:

* Raenok - "Rexnuma" - Level 36 Orc Hunter

# Raenok - "?" - Level ?? Orc Shaman

[Balnazzar] PvP?

+ Alliance:

# GeckoYamori - "Geckoyamori" - Level ?? Night Elf Rogue

[Bleeding Hollow] PvP?

+ Horde:

# xinster - "Xinster" - Level ?? Undead Mage

# xinster - "Xinister" - Level ?? Tauren Druid

# xinster - "Xinlink" - Level ?? Undead Warlock

# xinster - "Androgenesis" - Level ?? Tauren Warrior

# xinster - "Popdog" - Level ?? Undead Priest

# xinster - "Xaeroth" - Level ?? Orc Hunter

[Bloodhoof] PvE?

+ Horde:

# Ethis - "Ethis"? - Level ?? Troll Hunter

[Bloodscalp] PvP

+ Alliance:

* Suzumebachi - "Lemmingway" - Level 22 Dwarf Priest

* Suzumebachi - Various alts

[Boulderfist] PvP

+ Horde:

* Cynical - "Tridius" - Level 51 Undead Warlock

[Darkspear] ??

+ Unknown:

# Beatdown - "?" - Level ?? Rogue

[Daggerspine] ??

+ Alliance:

# Tamwyn - "Deranus" - Level ?? Human Rogue

[Durotan] ??

+ Alliance

* xamgis - "Hailfly" - Level ?? Gnome Mage

[Earthen Ring] RP

+ Horde:

* SleazyC - "Meleganis" - Level 60 Undead Rogue

[Emerald Dream] EU PvE

+ Unknown:

* Mecca - "Mecca" - Level 60 Unknown Rogue

[Executus] PvP

+ Horde:

* Xyco - "Rashid" - Level 12 Rogue

[Frostmane] ??

+ Unknown:

* Blizihizake - "Blizihizake" - Unknown

* Blizihizake - "Roflesburger" - Unknown

[Frostmourne] ??

+ Horde:

# cheese-cube - "Rashaverak" - Level ?? Undead Mage

[Gorefiend] PvP

+ Horde:

* Suzumebachi - "Prophetus" - Level 60 Tauren Druid

* TaVeRnErO_RuDd - "Tavernerorud" - Level 60 Shaman

* Zircon - "Arendor" - Level 60 Undead Priest

[Gorgonnash] PvP

+ Alliance:

* TaVeRnErO_RuDd - "Tavernerorud" - Level 50 Paladin

[Gurubashi] ??

+ Horde:

* Sir Arek - "Mumbo" - Level ?? Troll Warrior

[Hakkar] PvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - "SquirrelBaby" - Level 60 Tauren Druid

[Illidan] PvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - "Solidok" - Level 18 Tauren Warrior

* Ramaniscence - "Solidus" - Level 8 Tauren Druid

* Ramaniscence - "Ramaniscence" - Level 1 Undead Priest

+ Unknown:

# RenoCovault - "Anaericus" - Unknown

[Kael'Thas] ??

+ Unknown:

# GroundTrooper1130 - "Icaerenus" - Unknown Mage

[Kalecgos] ??

+ Unknown:

# Blizihizake - "Blizihizake" - Unknown

[Khaz'goroth] ??

+ Alliance:

# TheRedBob - "Pyeikel" - Level ?? Night Elf Rogue

[Lightning Hoof] RPPvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - "Shabutie" - Level 11 Undead Priest

[Maelstrom] ??

+ Alliance:

# Slut - "Solitaire" - Level ?? Paladin

# Slut - "Kattara" - Unknown

[Shadow Council RP

+ Alliance:

* Raenok - "Briswald" - Level 3 (lol) Dwarf Paladin

[Shadowmoon] ??

+ Alliance:

# hamburgler - "Aristh" - Level ?? Human Paladin

# hamburgler - "Maya" - Level ?? Night Elf Druid

+ Horde:

# M1N1M3 - "Colrin" - Level ?? Tauren Hunter

[Silvermoon] ??

+ Alliance:

# AragornX45 - "Aragornx" - Level ?? Human Mage

[Smolderthorn] PvP

+ Horde:

# Snooper_1989 - "?" - Level ?? Troll Mage

# Suzumebachi - "Chuckster" - Level 60 Tauren Hunter (defunct)

* Suzumebachi - "Bino" - Level 60 Tauren Warrior

* U'Malik - "Ishallfreezu" - Level 60 Troll Mage (suzumebachi's brother's main)

* U'Malik - Various Alts

+ Alliance:

* Krispy - "Knives" - Level ?? Rogue


+ Horde:

# xamgis - "Screir" - Level ?? Troll Rogue

[Staghelm] ??

+ Unknown:

* Sporknight - "Malvolius" - Level 30 Unknown Warlock

[Steamwheedle Cartel] ??

+ Alliance:

* Kanthos - "Kanthos" - Level 53 Gnome Mage

* Kanthos - "Aquatic" - Level 10 Night Elf Druid

[Stormscale] PvP?

+ Horde:

* Russell Cox - "Viertel" - Level 60 Tauren Druid

* Russell Cox - "Russellius" - Level 60 Hunter

* Russell Cox - "Achtel" - Level 60 Mage

[Sylvanas] EU PvP

+ Unknown:

# Mecca - "Araj" - Level 30 Unknown Hunter

[Thunderlord] PvP

+ Alliance:

* Xyco - "Lapis" - Level 52 Hunter

* Xyco - "Aisen" - Level 16 Warrior

[Twisting Nether] RPPvP?

+ Alliance:

# DJBren - "Bugsi" - Level ?? Gnome Rogue

# Suzumebachi - "Mason" - Level 6 Human Paladin (defunct)

# Wingless - "True" - Unknown Warlock

# XxcastxX - "Virgil" - Level ?? Night Elf Hunter

[Ysera] PvE

+ Alliance:

* Shonen - "Ashenbra" - Level 60 Human Rogue

[No Server]

* OA - "Opeth" - Level 60 Horde Priest

* OA - "Darvus" - Level 60 Horde Mage


Kanthos: Level 53 gnome mage on Steamwheedle Cartel, officer of Order of the Bloodmoon.

Aquatic: Level 10 night elf druid, also on Steamwheedle Cartel and in Order of the Bloodmoon

we should try and keep a running list of who plays where. (there's one on the 1st page of this thread but it hasn't been updated in a while).

[Illidian] PvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - Solidok - Level 18 Tauren Warrior

* Ramaniscence - Solidus - Level 8 Tauren Druid

* Ramaniscence - Ramaniscence - Level 1 Undead Priest (probably not even gonna go anywhere...)

[Hakkar] PvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - SquirrelBaby - Level 60 Tauren Druid (Christine my asian girl gold farmer :o)

[Lightening Hoof] PvPvRP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - Shabutie - Level 11 Undead Priest (shared w/ Christine)

[Illidian] PvP

+ Horde:

* Ramaniscence - Solidus - Level 22 Troll Priest

Christine has a level 37 druid she's working on somewhere new now...not sure where :(. I need to kick that h0e off my shizzle already.


Server: Thunderlord (PvP)

Lapis > 52 Hunter > Alliance

Aisen > 16 Warrior > Alliance

Server: Executus (PvP)

Rashid > 12 Rogue > Horde

Be sure to identify me as "The Xyco" since I'll be going back to that username in August.

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