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Bonk's Adventure 'Prehistoric Xmas'

This is the second piece of music I heard here at OC. This was created back in the old days of DJ Pretzel and Fresh Greens. Yes, djp used to be schizo and thought he was two different people, until he killed the Fresh Greens guy. Boy has djp come a long way since this. I don't quite get the "X-Mas" connection, but virtually every instrument warps and distorts as it plays. You can hear some potential here. I really like the second half of the song.

  • 1 month later...

A techno ReMix that, in my opinion, sounds almost like an orchestral piece with the beat cranked up, and all the instruments fed through some kind of funky "Electroniconizer". It has a very light, ambivalent to life kind of feel, and made me feel all nostalgic, in a "Remember all those great games you played when you were a kid. Back in the days of 2D..." kind of way. It really gets great in the second half, with a greater emphasis on the drawn out notes and the fast-ish beat in the background. By the end, I am always left with the silence for a mement, deep in thought, almost mesmerised.

Subjective Wish-I-was-a-kid-again-O-Meter: 7.7/10

  • 3 months later...

coooool, this is one funky little mix, although it took awhile for me to link up the mix with the beat from the original T-16 music. Very jumpy and happy just like the music for Bonk's should be! um....i don't feel much Xmas jolly coming outta the tune though, instead it seems to have some Chinatown flavour to it, haha. DL this mix people!

ps: when i said 2nd coolest caveman, it's because the guy from Legendary Axe 1 is the BEST!

  • 1 year later...

Although I don't hear anything much that gives off a Christmas-y feeling, it's a great happy, feel-good mix that's very fun to listen to, whatever time of the year it is. Cool and fun mix, I give it a 9/10.

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

A really fun mix that I like, though there is some sort of piercing high frequency percussive hit that hurts if the volume is up too high. Though it has a WTFesque name, it has a lot of cool synths and some fantastically rolling rhythms. I don't necessarily think "cave man" when I hear it, but I do think of light-hearted fun, and that translated well into the Bonk world. Stuff like wandering around, bustin' up stuff with your gianourmous head, eating meat that has been lying on the ground for who knows how long, chillin with the cave ladies; that kind of thing. If Bonk had a low rider, you know he'd be bumpin to this all day long.

  • 9 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Maybe it's just Christmas because it was posted a few days before Christmas? That's the only thing I can think of. If anything the synths remind me of space. Jesus in space?

Not so impressed with this one, like people have said it's kind of empty, and the drum samples are noticeably cheap tshh tshh. It gets a little bit better when it picks up around 1:07, but then it keeps riding on that note and refuses to change too much. Not terrible though, quite listenable. 7/10

  • 4 months later...

Well this is an uplifting mix. Seems somewhat empty soundscape wise, due to the missing mid frequencies like bahamut said. Really nice drums again tho, altho the hihat seems too exposed and sometimes gets a bit piercing in the highs. A pretty unusual mix, alot of interesting effects on the synths, gives the mix a sort of intentional queasiness to it. Another good one from DJP :)

  • 10 months later...

Very nice. Sounds catchy and has a good melody to it. Not mind blowing my any means, but it still sounds great and has enough quirk to get the feeling across. Few minor issues, but pretty nice all in all.

  • 2 months later...

Interesting effect in the beginning. Much wah-wah for the win, in my opinion. The accompaniment would be better if it were thicker in the beginning, though - especially the bass. When everything kicks in later, though, it works out alright.

Spliced drums are quite nice. The hats are a little too far in the front, in my humble opinion, but that could just be an artifact from whatever drums you used. Then again, it's probably stupid to nitpick a song that's over a decade old. Whatever.

This track is considerably more dynamic than the Ninja track from earlier, which is great. The liberal use of portamento instruments is also pretty neat.

This is a pretty fun 'feel good' track. I can get down to this. Certainly earns eight rocks out of ten.


The intro wah-wah effect gets tiresome very soon, and sometimes the sound it produces had really high frequencies compared to the rest of the arp.

Also, I don't find the bass and drum sounds very good, and the open hat is a bit too loud, it sometimes distracts me from the main melody.

I'm also not a big fan of the lead at 2:00, or better to say the effects on it.

Still, overall it's pretty catchy, nice job.


Ouch! The high end! It is randomly stabbing me in the ear. If the bass came up a bit and that high end was tamed, this mix might sound pretty good. There are modern mixes popping out that don't have this much attention paid to the percussion. Cool to hear all of those notes used well. The somewhat theramin-esque lead is sweet. It would be great to hear djp revisit this someday and give it some modern drums and bass and a more spatial, less narrow stereo spectrum. Seriously, I love Bonk -- Bonk it some more!


I love this, beginning to end. In my mind, it's kind of a similar track to DarkeSword's Party in the Snowland mix. (Not in that I get Christmas vibes, but in that I can sit here and enjoy listening to the background music)

I especially love the instrumentation choices. Really floats my boat. (Might even go so far as to say flies my airship)

  • 1 year later...

Prehistoric Xmas? Sounds more like it could be headlight fluid.

Anyway, when I first heard this mix, it made me go "wtf did I just listen to?" because the style is so out there that I can't make heads or tails of it. Is it electronica? A space opera? Techno? The build up to the 1 minute mark when the song really starts to groove is really enjoyable. At times, the song feels a bit slow at certain points as it lingers between melodies before finding it's groove again. My only gripe is the emptiness of the sound-scape that others have mentioned. Not sure where Xmas is involved in all this as it sounds more space-like than Xmas-y.

A trippy lighthearted remix indeed.

  • 1 year later...

Catchy for sure, but besides that I don't know how I feel about this. The wahwah and piercing instruments are a little grating, and I feel like the song runs out of things to say with a minute left in the song. This song does have groove potential, it's got a fun little beat (even if it repeats for entirely too long :v) , but it's a very flat song dynamically which is really too bad. Good try, friend from 16 years ago :)

Catchy for sure, but besides that I don't know how I feel about this. The wahwah and piercing instruments are a little grating, and I feel like the song runs out of things to say with a minute left in the song. This song does have groove potential, it's got a fun little beat (even if it repeats for entirely too long :v) , but it's a very flat song dynamically which is really too bad. Good try, friend from 16 years ago :)

Agreed on all points :) I'm just bummed it's been so long and no one else has submitted anything from the Bonk series... don't let this be the only one!

  • 1 year later...

The wah synth seems to enjoy a bit too much modulation - I can rarely predict its exact vowel sound until the 2nd half of every 4th measure (0:10-0:11, for instance). At least the layered percussion that follows amicably gives it some solid footing.

I often find myself bobbing my head from side to side when listening to the beat. It's certainly helped by the dynamism of 0:58's sugary whistling lead and 1:55's carefree roamer. I also like 2:20-2:27 - even though it's not a very impactful climax, it still elevates my spirit along with the notes being played.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00002 - Bonk's Adventure "Prehistoric Xmas"
  • 7 years later...

I'm not hearing the xmas. What I hear is sort of a goofy kid's TV show tune, which I suppose is fitting for the source material? Maybe early 90's jpop vibes, like a fan remake of the Dual! theme I might randomly download off kazaa lite back in ye olden dayes.

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