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Wreck-It Ralph's Head Writer: We totally made this movie to appeal to old-school gamers and the modern day hardcore demographic!

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Now what are you going to do about....them?


But no seriously, this movie looks fucking incredible. I've not been as excited to see something since....well, since Silent Hill the movie came out.


Eh, it looks interesting because of the plot for sure. But typical generic western CG art style throughout and unappealing music after the chiptune parts in the trailer are some detractors.

Hopefully the music in the actual movie will be good.

It'd be cool to see like, well known Video game voice actors as characters too, but that'll be unlikely. It's hollywood after all and the only people who get voice over jobs are big name actors who's names work in a double way. "Oh' X person is in it! We gotta see it"


Even I do that sometimes, I guess brand recognition matters.

Either way the film does look cool and I do want to see it.

I'm afraid that it'll just be that one scene that has those characters and the rest of the movie will have little to no actual VG references.

I don't know, I'm thinking there will be many background cameos (as this thread is already showing) since I doubt the Big companies that are afraid to give their characters real voices would allow Disney to give them speaking roles.

maybe Mario and Sonic because they are pretty set in their voice actors. and can't forget about Q-Bert. but i am excited for this movie and all the inside jokes and references.

also just found the paperboy. ha ha (at 1:49) :)

Eh, it looks interesting because of the plot for sure. But typical generic western CG art style throughout and unappealing music after the chiptune parts in the trailer are some detractors.

Hopefully the music in the actual movie will be good.

It'd be cool to see like, well known Video game voice actors as characters too, but that'll be unlikely. It's hollywood after all and the only people who get voice over jobs are big name actors who's names work in a double way. "Oh' X person is in it! We gotta see it"


Even I do that sometimes, I guess brand recognition matters.

Either way the film does look cool and I do want to see it.

sorry it's not all animu japanimated for you. also sorry that you don't like popular music that must suck. here's a picture just for you. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3patbs/


also how dumb can you be, if you're making a film like this nobody's gonna be like "hmmmm I KNO LETZ MAKE MASTUR CHEEFS VOICE LEONARDO DICAPRIO THATD BE KEWL" stop trying to sound like you're cool and above it all, that's coincidentally the best way to sound like an idiot


Well any 3D animated film these days needs celebrity voices regardless of their actual skill in voice-acting or how cartoony their voice sounds (see: the Madagascar movies for example of celebrity voices for celebrity voices' sake). In fact that's the case with animated movies in general in the U.S.

Well any 3D animated film these days needs celebrity voices regardless of their actual skill in voice-acting or how cartoony their voice sounds (see: the Madagascar movies for example of celebrity voices for celebrity voices' sake). In fact that's the case with animated movies in general in the U.S.

Does the Zebra finally say the N word in the third movie?

I am trying to identify all the bad guys from the Bad-Anon group and caught more of them while staring at the video on pause. Other than the ones I've IDed anyone wanna help?


Not sure who the devil looking guy, the elf chick, and the yellow robot are... almost want to say the yellow robot is Razorfane from The Unholy War but that is kind of a stretch.

The demon guy is a demonic Eradar from Warcraft 3. They got some details wrong, though. They're supposed to have cloved hooves and face-tentecles. I'm guessing they looked at the tiny WC3 model instead of looking up WoW models like they should have. The girl is familiar and I'm pretty sure she's a vampire character from some older JRPG, but I can't remember. She doesn't look like Misery from Cave Story.

sorry it's not all animu japanimated for you. also sorry that you don't like popular music that must suck. here's a picture just for you. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3patbs/


also how dumb can you be, if you're making a film like this nobody's gonna be like "hmmmm I KNO LETZ MAKE MASTUR CHEEFS VOICE LEONARDO DICAPRIO THATD BE KEWL" stop trying to sound like you're cool and above it all, that's coincidentally the best way to sound like an idiot

You are a dick.


For me, it's all going to come down to story for me. References be damned.

Not that I don't get a kick out of the cameos, but it's got to stand on it's own as a film. The concept is intriguing.

You are a dick.

i was in a bad mood

but yeah sometimes. i really hate it when people act and sound snooty on the internet, of all of the places online ocr has been the one with the least asshattery and 'omg bland *western* style, how boring' and 'hollehwood wants to ruwin our funz wit big naem actors' are both asshat comments. straight up.

if he were to say 'i'm not a huge fan of the pixar styled animation,' 'i didn't really like the song that they picked' and 'i think it would diminish this movie if they cast famous people for well known video game characters,' hey. no problem. but he didn't say that instead he sounded like an animu hipster and that's super obnoxious.

i live in japan obviously i have no issue with anime, and the song is completely take it or leave it for me. but god damn just express yourself like a normal person instead of inserting bullshit badditude into your comments. whatever happened to quality control around here like the longest running ocr meme was 'lurk more' is that no longer in play?

on that note i'm done derailing this topic, i've watched the trailer for this movie like 50 times now at least i want it so bad


meh, you can't always judge a movie by it's trailer.

to me it really just looks like Monsters Inc. with video game characters. but i liked monsters inc so i'm sure i'll dig this too.

i watched the trailer about 50 times, too. mostly because of bowser.

above all, i'm most interested in how the obligatory video game is going to turn out. mmorpg/fps/dating simulator/survival/shmup/where's mickey

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