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Hey, this question is for a stats assignment.

For those of you who play video games (and I'm pretty sure that includes just about everyone on these forums), how many hours do you typically spend playing video games a day, including computer, console, hand-held, and cellular games?

30 minutes

1 hour


2 hours


3 hours


4 Hours


5 Hours


6 or more hours

If you could also include your gender and age, I would be very appreciative.

If this is a breach of privacy, I will cease and desist.

Thank you,



I'd say 1-2 hours a day. Male, 21 yrs.

It used to be like 4 hours back in high-school. And that would probably just be a 4-6 hour session of Civ IV!

Now my patience is only really geared towards short arcade games.



You might not get a very big sample of ages higher than 30. but I don't know what your sample ranges are :P

not to mention, this is not really a random sample either... more of a convenience sample... hahapretendingiknowwhatimtalkingabout


16/male/Way Too Much(As in eight or so hours every day, at LEAST)

Granted, it is the summer, and I do live in the exact geometric center of nowhere -- without transportation. However, I also happen to be watching to calculus videos on my second monitor, listening to audiobooks that I later write bookreports on to get into AP English next year, but still, that's an embarrassingly-large amount of time to be playing videogames every day.


Thanks for your input everyone, I really appreciate it. I put the data together before Newt posted, so his answer wasn't included, but I thought I would post a little bit:

There weren't very many females that responded, so I focused on male responses. The mean of the data collected overall: 1.91 hours a day. This included 23 male video gamers of ages 16 to 28. I included input from a few friends as well, so it's not just from OCR members.

Just out of curiosity, I averaged the females' responses as well. 7 women responded, from ages, 20 - 23, and 33.

Mean: 3.93 hours a day. It's hard to compare, since there weren't as many questioned, and the ages weren't as close together.

So the overall mean (including men and women) turned out to be 2.38 hours.

It wasn't for a stats class, just a stats portion of a survey of mathematical methods class. I know I've got a bit of study and work to do before I actually get to the Stats class. . .

Thanks again!

Thanks for your input everyone, I really appreciate it. I put the data together before Newt posted, so his answer wasn't included, but I thought I would post a little bit:

There weren't very many females that responded, so I focused on male responses. The mean of the data collected overall: 1.91 hours a day. This included 23 male video gamers of ages 16 to 28. I included input from a few friends as well, so it's not just from OCR members.

Just out of curiosity, I averaged the females' responses as well. 7 women responded, from ages, 20 - 23, and 33.

Mean: 3.93 hours a day. It's hard to compare, since there weren't as many questioned, and the ages weren't as close together.

So the overall mean (including men and women) turned out to be 2.38 hours.

It wasn't for a stats class, just a stats portion of a survey of mathematical methods class. I know I've got a bit of study and work to do before I actually get to the Stats class. . .

Thanks again!

As long as the study is over. 27/M/NY :< Reading this thread made me feel old! Guess my life is over afterall.

As you can see from the stats, I grew up during that small gap where playing games did not make you popular with the ladies. Any of them!

One thing i've always wanted to ask the OCR community is at what point do playing games become detrimental to your music making? Good to see some good people playing games for a good chunk of their day. It's Bad for society but it's Good for you!

For me it might be an hour a day on the weekdays if nothing else is going on a little more on weekends. Though when Sonic Generations came out i sat in front of my 360 for a solid 7 hours in one shot.

One thing i've always wanted to ask the OCR community is at what point do playing games become detrimental to your music making? Good to see some good people playing games for a good chunk of their day. It's Bad for society but it's Good for you!

I gave up practicing music years ago, but I had been keeping with art and trying to improve on it up until this past year. Then I had a choice due to limited time: hobby A or hobby B. I chose hobby B, which was video games. Besides, practicing something that's a creative process can be hard work and spends a bunch of mental energy. Playing games is a way to unwind and relax.

I'm going to guess that a lot of musicians here that have jobs/kids/classes/whatever are going to be the same, and have to chose between two things they love.


23 male, 30 minutes a day. Sometimes an hour.

I'm usually pretty busy with class or lab work or studying or whatever. When I have free time, I don't know... games just don't appeal to me like they used to. As a kid, I would play games for 5+ hours almost every day, usually with friends.

For the past several years, I've played retro games almost exclusively, usually NES games and DOS games with a smattering of SNES and N64, not necessarily for nostalgia, but because I genuinely believe games from those era are superior to what comes out nowadays.

And yeah, when I do get free time, I usually end up doing something other than making music because I don't feel the satisfaction of musicmaking til I finish a tune, and that can take a while with how little time I have these days. If I really want a quick music fix, I'll write a little loop to solo over on my MIDI keyboard, or I'll sit down at my Yamaha EP and improv or pick a video game tune and play variations or whatever. It does the trick, usually.

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