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So far...

- I like how the drums at 1:50ish and that harp-sounding instrument at aroung 3:00 pick up the tempo.

- There's one particular section running through 4:30 where what I assume are the snare drums have their biggest presence. It's a very unique-sounding snare drum sound; I haven't heard anything like it before.


Not quite as dissonant of a remix as you'd have expected from Shnabubula, as there's a fully coherent yet weird sounding melody flowing throughout most of the track. When the drums start at 2:30, you'll know where it takes you as a listener.

This i think is his finest remix sofar. Excellent work as always, Shna 8)


I have been waiting for a long, long time for this game to get a remix. It's one of the greatest games I've ever played, and yet hardly anyone knows about it.

That being said, this remix is great. I love more traditional orchestral-sounding remixes, and this is exactly the kind of thing I like listening to. It starts off very calm, and builds quite wonderfully to an exciting climax. It also evokes images of the game itself, and brings back memories of running around outside Inoa Village, destroying slimes and lizardfolk while trying to stop the forces of Melzas from destroying everything.

No doubt about it; this gets two thumbs up.


I have to say that my love for Shna's mixes is unendless. The music he creates makes love to my ears in the candlelight. While this isn't my favorite mix of his (I dig Pegasus Boots SO much and Anachronism holds a dear place in my heart) I definitely like it. It shows what an all-around musician he is. I'd love to hear Shna attempt something in genre that isn't what you'd expect. Like a rock piece. OOH! A collab with goat or maybe Ailsean! :D If you really wanted to rock my world, I'd love to see the return of CotMM and Shna collabing with him. Holy crap, that would be BUCKETS OF AWESOME.


Another 'different' approach from his norm (his last submission was, too). Infact, I'd go as far as saying that if he didn't send it to me directly or hadn't known it was him beforehand I wouldn't have guessed... at least not until about 2:48 where it becomes more apparent.

A man of many tricks it would seem. Piano solos, orchestral tracks, and any other varieties of weirdness =p.


This mix is pretty unique. The melody is strange, but surely enchanting, and grabs your attention throughout the whole mix. The orchestration is awesome, as well. When the drums come around everything just...clicks...and makes this extremelly listenable mix.

Very different and unique, yet beautiful. Two e-props for Shnabubula!


It always takes me a full month before I enjoy a shnabubula mix. Probably because they have actual complexity and meaning and so on, instead of just being... sonic shiny rocks.

Sonic shiny rocks have their place, but in the long run, shna's music rocks.

avant-garde (that's pretentiousese for "weird")



Damn, I had just thought this week about how much it bothered me that there was no alundra remixes on the site. The songs, especially the intro, were very badass.

I'd say it's debut is a bit late, but glad it's here nontheless.

Nice job.


I'm with Dark_T_Zeratul on this one. Alundra is an awesome game, and had some very good music scored to it. I don't think I'm hearing it properly right now (my friend is playing ssbm on the tv next to me) so I'll listen in and post my thoughts. What I can hear it sounds like you're watching the adventure this time instead of going through it.

EDIT: A more appropriate review this time after listening it in for a better time.

The piece starts off nicely, and then at :42 the timpani seems to give the piece a more definate "backbone" to the music. Nice job with the winds and strings coming together (intertwining)during and after this part. Again with the timpani's at 1:39 but the increased tempo does help move the piece along, into 2:26 where the snares do a nice job mixing up the piece to hook the listener back in.

Although for me, the piece seems to play certain parts the same way as your going along (can't put a better word for this). It feels a bit repetetive at the end, dragging it down a bit.

Good job on this piece, it's very well done.


Wonderful orchestral stuff. If I didn't know that this was a ReMix, I would think that it is taken from a RPG soundtrack; it reminds me a bit of the first two Suikoden.

That being said, I like the violin poppin' in shortly at appr. 2:00 and the end with the very low sound.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Not quite on par with Infinite Natalia as far as Shnabubula's orchestral works go, but good stuff nonetheless. Some of the instruments sound noticeably non-real at places, but the quality of the arrangement indeed trumps over such concerns, ultimately. The sound is maybe a bit muddy to my ears. Anyhow, very enjoyable. Slightly easier listening than Shnab's busier tracks, maybe. Not my favourite shnab-attack, but still very recommendable. It might grow on me even more in time.


  • 3 weeks later...

This piece is absolutely amazing. It's smooth at first, creating an atmosphere in which to get lost. Then it picks up a little, offering a light, thought provoking experience, almost as if on a roller coaster without the sudden shakes.

The only thing I wish this song had was a faded out ending. It ends a bit abruptly.

Overall, this is a great ride and one that shouldn't be passed up.

  • 5 months later...

the transitions on this one are strange due to the constantly shifting melodic focus, but overall it's a very pleasant listen throughout. I'd say aimless, but the connotations of that word are generally negative, and I mean it in a positive sense here. Maybe "free-spirited"?

There isn't any real tension until near the very end, so the journey here is very casual and fun. Comparing this to the source is pretty eye-opening, as this really goes in a completely different direction, and though it does wander, the tone of it sortof encourages it to do so. Sunny fun from start to finish.

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Such a complex and interesting arrangement, that constantly changes; loved it instantly. In particular, I found the woodwind and string writing to be extremely good. My only complaint with it at all was the ending - wasn't feeling what Shnab did there - but overall, great stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hell yeah I've learned to appreciate this track even more. OA had good insight about the piece being free-spirited, roaming about with all the change-ups - and especially the tempo changes. It really flows. Listening to it is a bit like following a river along its path, with the scenery changing, mostly lush and green, but majestic in the end. Pretty impressionistic in that way.


  • 7 months later...

mm fantastic arrangement. I love woodwind and string instruments, and this is absolutely amazing to listen to. There's a great sense of calmness yet also busy activity. :) The piece moves to and fro as if flitting from one horizon or group of people to another.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01421 - Alundra "Dreamwalker"
  • 2 years later...

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