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I am almost sure it was done in FruityLoops because of the drums and the cello.

Regardless, most instruments are pretty cool. The guitar was well executed, as I always can expect from GT. The saxophone did justice as well. Some effects that starts at 1:30 with the electric guitar reminds me of Protricity's 'Realms of Africa'. Man...that thing in the percussion is really awesome. All the transitions are sounding clean and I especially love the piano finishing the mix. Reverb and panning are working very well. In my opinion the beats could be replaced because they aren't good at all. but I love the random sequence of drums.

This is indeed very neat. Congratulations to both for the first OCReMix.


I agree with Dhsu that the background doesn't go very many places, but it can only be expected with a nice laid back piece like this. Some choice moments seemed a litttttttttle disjunct, but all in all, a VERY enjoyable piece. I love the bassline fills especially. Oh, and the run was just show-offy. I approve.


seven rejections later...

i'm so happy that this project turned out as well as it did. i actually started this project with Geoffery while on vacation, and it just flowed - this project came really easily.

if you liked this, check out the rest of my music over at Soundclick. the site is http://www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto - it hasn't been updated in almost a month, but the info is all there. The track that was rejected that djpretzel mentioned(A Star Freezes Ovcer) is there, as well as several others.

thanks for listening to our music!


The sax automatichally makes me think of jazz, but this is more like a ballad. If this one popped up in the radio I would believe that this was the real thing, not a remix.

The instruments works great together, there may be some issues about quality and such chit-chat, but this sounds more than good to me, it´s fabulous. The kick in of the electric guitar was great, sounds like something Ailsean would do, you guys finish it off well.

I couldn´t hear the part that might be RD, but sokay, I´m just hear for Relm. Very neat stuff dudes, and if every track have this standard maybe I´ll find some time to check your site Mephisto.


Both the leads -the sax and the guitar- have incredible tone. I disagree with djp about the bass; I thought it makes its presence known and drops out when I feel it should. The strings provide adequate harmonizing akshun when they're there and I think the loopiness of the drums doesn't detract from the song, but the acoustic strumming leaves something to be desired. It is very reminiscent to Roetaka's Dreaming by Your side, and he got criticized strongly for that. This is still my favorite rendition of relm though. Nice Work.


This is really nice, soulful stuff you guys have got here. I enjoyed listening to it, but I do have a minor gripe with it though. The section starting at 2:20 seems to be lacking direction and is rather unsatisfying in comparison to the rest of the song. Other than that, great stuff.

Edit: That part at 2:20 has really grown on me.


I've been waiting for this to make its debut on OCR for some time now. My one gripe is that out of both source tunes, djpretzel put this under Final Fantasy 6 (which already has 52 songs to its name) and not Radical Dreamers (which has about 10).


Among everything else, I'm glad someone finally did a remix where the sax wasn't used as the stereotyped "jazz" monster it's normally portrayed as. Don't get me wrong, Jazz is great, but a well vibratoed, warm sounding Saxophone can sound as beautiful as a violin.



I don't know about any of you others, but I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Sometimes repetitiveness can be a good thing, and this is a fine example of how it should be executed (in my opinion). Good lounge stuff. :D


I never want to hear the word "weaksauce" used in a writeup again. I don't care if it was about Kenny G or not. This is wicked's decree. "Weaksauce" sucks.

Anyway, I'm definitely digging this. I'd probably enjoy it a lot more if I weren't in the mood to turn on some Game Over/goat/Snappleman/something else heavy and kick something's ass but it's been so long since a track was posted ( :evil: ) I had to listen now. Great job.


This song is noteworthy for the awesome tone of the lead. It's very hard to make a lead that is substantial enough to carry a melody but still satisfying to the ears without getting repetitive.


Taucer and the Prophet,an excellent combo. I was one of those who was strongly in favor of their last submission, "A Star Freezes Over", and still believe that it should've been let in. In any case, I strongly suggest that people who haven't heard it go check it out. Is it still available on VG, Geoffrey?

But no matter, this piece is just as beautiful. Like I mean, "make me want to cry" beautiful. And such an excellent choice of songs to cover. There's that wonderful sax, played by Prophet, I believe. And listen to that guitar! The only thing this needs now is Pixie to do some vocals.

This is a beautiful piece. There are a couple things which kinda throw me off:

1- there are some sections here which employ the great art of silence over the guitar riff, but a couple of them seemed oddly placed. I think the one at 3:06 got me.

2- Occasionally, the melody seems unsure, and a little sloppy, or alternatively, a bit too improvisational without control.

Besides this, I only wish there had been more Radical Dreamer in here, as that ending part is very nice. In the end, I don't like this piece as much as "A Star Freezes Over," but I do like it a lot. 4/5.

Taucer and the Prophet,an excellent combo. I was one of those who was strongly in favor of their last submission, "A Star Freezes Over", and still believe that it should've been let in. In any case, I strongly suggest that people who haven't heard it go check it out. Is it still available on VG, Geoffrey?

no, it got booted over there for the same reason that it got un-accepted over here. the link is somewhere in the forum for originals and stuff - i think...

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