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OCR01435 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Falling Back"

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It's easy to complain about the quality of vocals when a number of other people have set the bar so high on OCR.

Personally, I'm actually impressed by the progress Darangen's made with his vocals. Some people simply just don't have a voice for singing, and I thought Darangen was one of them when I heard his FF6 piece "Solitary Sorrows". "Falling Back" has definitely dispelled that notion for me. And that's coming from someone who's been a vocalist for about six years now.

Now, Darangen, are you gonna give me a response to my e-mail or not? :o


I have to agree with what most people are saying. The voice needs some work. The music itself is excellent and the lyrics work pretty well with the song, which gives this song A LOT of potential. The only downside is the voice and I think it sounds (no offense) a bit whiney in some places. Give it some more practice and I'm sure you can be a much better singer. If this song just had to get posted I think recruiting somebody else to do the vocals would've really helped. This is admittedly easier said than done, but for a song with this much potential I think it'd be worth the extra time. Even with the current voice, this song is a keeper in my book.


great job! at the beggining i thought that the song was going to be full insturmental. when the words came in i was blown away. the only thing that would make this song better to me is, no words. still, great song.


I must say that I found the arrangement here pretty nice. I like the introduction and the songwriting. However, your vocals pretty much ruin the piece for me. Your pitch is all over the place and that pretty much makes this unlistenable for me. I don't like the ending either... at all.

No offense Darangen, I really enjoy your other works, especially "From Within". I just think your voice needs a lot of work. Maybe someday, after taking some vocal lessons, you can come back and remaster this potentially pretty cool track? :?


Not bad as a whole.

The vocals are better than the tripe most mainstream artists spew from their coke-addled cords, so take some solace in that fact.

You won't be singing with the three tenors any time soon though.


hmm...well, overall, I'm digging the premise. A good take on a classic theme, and I personally dig the rockout remix style. However, I think that the drums are a little stale, especially for a rock remix. I dunno, it was good. But, I find my groove in the drums, and it didn't do it for me, unfortunately. Even synthed, it would have been nice to see some changes.

That aside, it still was a great addition to ocremix's site. A great piece, one I think would totally rock if played in front of people.


It's on my Car CD for a reason. Intro seems ... almost rustic, I guess. May have rubbed Gray and Vig the wrong way, but it sounds appropriate in its way.

The lyrics man, the lyrics! My only gripe with them is that you sound ... well, boy-bandish I guess. Bit deeper, and it would've been great. Otherwise, good flow.

Yeah, only Gerudo Valley mix I actually like after sustained listening :) That's gotta say something.

Did I rate this anywhere else? Can't remember. BlueMage grants a 6 (>75%)


I agree with the karaoke sound that other commenters have said, but I honestly have no idea how you could make it mesh better.

Negatives out of the way, I LOVE IT! It was a bit jarring to hear Gerudo with vocals at first, but two listens later, I'm worshipful of your poetic skill and overall musical talent.

I must say that I found the arrangement here pretty nice. I like the introduction and the songwriting. However, your vocals pretty much ruin the piece for me. Your pitch is all over the place and that pretty much makes this unlistenable for me. I don't like the ending either... at all.

No offense Darangen, I really enjoy your other works, especially "From Within". I just think your voice needs a lot of work. Maybe someday, after taking some vocal lessons, you can come back and remaster this potentially pretty cool track? :?

I completely agree. When your skill level rises and you can get some good control over your voice, I would absolutely, positively want you to come back to this and rerecord your vocs. It deserves the attention.

I must say that I found the arrangement here pretty nice. I like the introduction and the songwriting. However, your vocals pretty much ruin the piece for me. Your pitch is all over the place and that pretty much makes this unlistenable for me. I don't like the ending either... at all.

No offense Darangen, I really enjoy your other works, especially "From Within". I just think your voice needs a lot of work. Maybe someday, after taking some vocal lessons, you can come back and remaster this potentially pretty cool track? :?

I completely agree. When your skill level rises and you can get some good control over your voice, I would absolutely, positively want you to come back to this and rerecord your vocs. It deserves the attention.

Exactly. Please, it really does have a lot of good elements (arrangment and harmonies work well, IMO) but please, think about taking some vocal lessons (or get a hot girlfriend with a good voice to sing it)


It was a very good song and the vocals only made it better. They definitely weren't the best vocals I've ever heard, but they were still good.

The song kind of had a "Linkin Park" feeling to it.


The lyrics are brilliantly written in terms of structure, except perhaps the "I'm falling back.. yeah falling back to you.." which I think is the most responsible for the above Linkin-Park-related comment.

The actual vocal work is not so hot. I wouldn't call it bad, but it doesn't compare to your instrumental work, Darangen, which continues to be frikkin' excellent.

I am barefoot, my socks having been once again rocked off by Darangen.


The composition in this mix is great. The guitar playing rocks, and the lyrics aren't bad. But -- I'm sorry -- the vocals ruin the mix. Your pitch is a little shaky in several places, and your vocal style is definitely "thin." That said, I'd love to hear a version of this song with better vocals, maybe some years down the line when your skill has gotten better. After all, look where djpretzel was years ago and where he is now in terms of vocals. I'm sure you have the same potential to improve, and this song is way too catchy to leave marred by subpar vocals.


It's pretty good overall but... the vocals could use improvement... The lyrics aren't that bad, but they aren't very tough to come up with. Also, you could have tried to link it to Ocarina of Time in someway...

Still, a nice first attempt at vocals, with definitive room for improvement. The guitar is simply amazing.

My only two gripes with it are:

-Vocals. Could be better and it's kinda annoying but still mildly enjoyable. Shows potential though.

-Another Gerudo Valley remix... don't take me wrong, I love the music, but Gerudo Valley has had way too much time in the Oot spotlight. Still a very good rendition of the theme though.


I absolutely love the artist (Darangen), but I can't say that I fully enjoy the vocals. Awesome mix and everything man! But may I request an intstrumental? This remix hits me very similar as the Flying Man remix - by Mustin (from the Bound Together Earthbound Project) - did. I really like the song, and I really like the lyrics, and the vocals are somewhat enjoyable. But I enjoy it more listening to his included instrumental version.

Anyways, I've been watching this one from the WIP stage, and I rather enjoy it. Keep up your insanely awesome and original work! (I love your Sonic remixes!)


I didn't download this at first because it said it had vocals and I normally hate them in vg remixes but it was done really well. One of the best remixes of the Gerudo tune. Well done dudes.


Congrats, Darangen, on being my favorite OCR remixer by far! This is really well done, and you've re-done a great track and improved it. Other Gerudo remixes weren't better than the original, but your guitaring is fantastic. The vocals are also good, even if you aren't a choir boy. I'd say take a chorus class or something so you can learn proper singing. But, aside from that, it's very nice; you have a good voice. This remix is just fantastic; I was surprised to hear you singing, but it's given me more confidence to make my own remixes with lyrics. I haven't made any yet, but I plan on submitting at least two before the end of '06. Thanks for the inspiration, and great job. I just downloaded this, and I've listened to it 3 times already. Keep it up, please!


I've been learning classical voice for four years now and studying music composition so reading people's comments on his vocals kinda made me dread listening to it. After I finally worked up the guts to listen to it though I was very pleasantly surprised.

Your voice shows real potential. It does need work but the verses were quite well done I thought. It takes a lot of courage to showcase your voice like that. Like other people have said, the chorus does sound a bit thin, nasal, reedy, whiny etc and your pitch was slightly off in places but as a whole I was able to overlook that because the lyrics worked really well with the melody, perfectly chosen words to fit the notes. Your voice isn't as bad as all these people have said and it shows real potential. If you ever try this one again I would absolutely LOVE to hear it to see how your vocals improve because you have a hell of a lot of potential that you're just sitting on instead of utilising. I seriously suggest taking some lessons because with only a small bit of effort you could be a really great singer. As it stands you are a relatively good singer.

As for the rest of the mix I have no qualms with it. The guitar and synthesizer were well done, you had a great drumbeat to meld with the other instruments and your voice managed to make the song, despite the small pointers about vocal quality.

What I suggest is that you really need to yawn at the back of your mouth when you breathe in, lifting the soft pallate in order to get rid of some of the nasal quality to your voice, that will also help with the pitching. The rest is just practice.

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