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from the game's creator

"also, please down load from capcom web even tho its slow. They are judging the game base on response there..."

Edited my post, thanks for the quote!


I mean, I understand it's slow but consider the following:

Capcom is looking at the download traffic to see how to proceed (in part). If everyone got fed up with the official site and used the unofficial mirror, then all Capcom would see is no traffic. Then they'd assume no one cares and we'd have dead Mega again.

This is why I urge you to please be patient and use the official site, even if it takes a few tries to load it up.

Mega Man has long been a hero on his own, saving the world countless times in countless forms. Now it's our turn to be his hero and show that we still want him around. The best way we can do that right now is by using the Capcom Unity site to get this.

I'm getting it just to show some support even though i was never the biggest mega man fan in the world.

Good chance that Megaman will become just another one of Capcom's beloved games that they decided to kill off for no reason.

Darkstalkers, Cyberbots, Star Gladiator (Plasma Sword).... Resident Evil :)

While I was of the opinion that Capcom was pretty much done with Megaman, seeing them officially distribute it gives me hope that they are willing to look back and see what earned them such a diehard fanbase in the first place. Capcom used to be my absolute favorite publisher and back in them good ol' days it seemed like they couldn't go wrong with their choices. Lately, it has seemed like the opposite, but I think this is a step in the right direction and I think we should do our best to show that we wanna see that Capcom again.

As far as Darkstalkers go, Vampire Savior: Resurrection Bundle is coming out pretty soon, and that is apparently the stepping stone to making a Darkstalkers 4!


Like I said, hopefully Capcom will realize that we all love what they used to be and start to hearken back to those days. As far as Resident Evil.... No comment :P


I haven't played Megaman since elementary school and damn this game is hard! I couldn't get above the second screen on Ryu's stage and Chun Li thoroughly whomped my ass. (though that was because the dpad on my controller is broken and i only successfully slid under her half the time. Who would buy a $15 controller with the name of THRUSTMASTER anyway?)

I'm excited to show my support for Darkstalkers but I am seriously thinking of boycotting this stupid capcom crap of rereleasing everything. I already bought the collection for my PSP I think that should count!


I'm surprised at how solid the game is. Like a few others have mentioned, the only issue I have so far is the lack of a password or save, but what the hey - it gives you continues. I've taken out Chun Li, Crimson Viper and Urien. COOL weapons.

Edit: Just beat it. It wasn't easy though. I had no extra lives and no energy tank by the time I took out the final boss. My favorite weapon is the one you get from C. Viper. The music on the ending credits is awesome. Also, Ryu's theme sounds great in chiptune style.

Is it just me, or is Mega Man completely and utterly obliterating the First Law of Robotics in this game? Are we witnessing and playing the moment Rock goes insane?

My god... the cataclysm theory was almost true! Except it wasn't Zero who killed everyone...



Well, just beat the game. It's pretty great. I feel like there was a tiny bit of an imbalance. I thought the levels were pretty easy, and that most of the boss fights were pretty darn amazing. I wish the game as a whole was a bit more difficult. Any of you who have played through Megaman 9 and 10 know what I mean. This doesn't include re-fighting the 8 bosses at the end. Doing that with no health between each boss was kinda total bullsh*t. But a very strong showing for a fan made game!

I particularly liked Uriens stage and Boss battle, and Vega's stage and Boss battle. Speaking of, if you wanna dodge the wall drop from Vega, as he climbs, try to dash to the other side as quick as you so can he can't change trajectory halfway down, and then dash away from him right before he lands at the bottom. I can't dodge him every time, but it's pretty darn consistent. I liked the dorky little fighting game consistencies too, like invulnerability for tatsu's (though it oughta be shoryu), the occasional cross up of ryu or dhalsim's projectiles, and other stuff I can't think of right now.

Anyway, it's bitchin. Get it.


I think you'll have a much easier time with a controller. The game didn't take long to beat and like that guy above said it's not as hard as 9 or 10, but it's definitely still a challenge. I'd say a couple hours if you're a seasoned Mega Man vet. Vega whooped my ass.


Fun things to try:

First, to enable Megaman's own ultra meter, hold Jump and Shoot for 6 seconds on the title screen until you hear a noise. Then you can throw fireballs (QCF, charge for red) with the buster active, and if you hit Swap 1 and Shoot at the same time...

Second, to remove your helmet, on the character select screen go to Ryu's profile, hold Shoot, and hit right, right, right, left.

Third and most importantly, to enable the best music for EVERY stage, go to the weapon select screen, hold jump, and hit up, down, down, down.


If you're like me and use a 360 controller to play PC games, check out Joy2Key. This is a program I use for playing games that don't have gamepad support or games that have limited gamepad support. I had a hard time playing SFxMM with the 360's left-stick (analog sticks aren't so great when playing a precision platformer like Mega Man) and the game doesn't support mapping the directions to the d-pad (pov switches), so Joy2Key was really useful in that regard. It basically maps keyboard keys to your controller, so you set the game to just use the keyboard as your input and map the in-game keyboard controls accordingly.

Joy2Key is also useful for flash games that can't feature controller support, like Rokko-chan.

Oh also I forgot to add, I played a little bit of SFxMM last night and it's really good! Chun-li's Stage is really hard though. xD

If you're like me and use a 360 controller to play PC games, check out Joy2Key. This is a program I use for playing games that don't have gamepad support or games that have limited gamepad support.
^ This.

Been using Joy2Key both for playing games and making music for years. It's a lightweight and stable program. Highly recommended. :)

Here's hoping this awesome tribute to Rockman does great, so Capcom brings us moar.

'Darkstalkers x Mega Man' would be nice, but a 16-bit Mega Man X9 would be BOSS.

One can dream. :wink:

Fun things to try:

First, to enable Megaman's own ultra meter, hold Jump and Shoot for 6 seconds on the title screen until you hear a noise. Then you can throw fireballs (QCF, charge for red) with the buster active, and if you hit Swap 1 and Shoot at the same time...

Second, to remove your helmet, on the character select screen go to Ryu's profile, hold Shoot, and hit right, right, right, left.

Third and most importantly, to enable the best music for EVERY stage, go to the weapon select screen, hold jump, and hit up, down, down, down.

Those were really neat man, thanks for posting that! I just beat the whole game again with that song playing the whole time! It doesn't stop for the whole game! I'm going to attribute being able to beat the whole thing in about 40 minutes this time to the song though!

Also, I thought the keyboard worked pretty well. I had to get used to it over playing like a single stage, but since it's so simple, I didn't think that it was too bad.

And I would totally drop like 50 bucks for a kickstarter or something for a 16-bit MMX9!


Okay y'all, if you're up to the challenge, get a perfect on 4 of the bosses and then beat the game :) Secret's will ensue.

You gotta make sure it's the primary 8 bosses as well, not the boss rush at the end. You get a perfect by killing them and having full health at the end.

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