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Section starting at 1:15 is my favorite part of the song (so far; it's not even done downloading). The textures Abadoss pulls off here are very pleasing to the ear and mind.

And let this be a lesson to all those who quit after the first or second set of NOs from the judges. This is a stunning example of how persistence pays off. ;)


Wow. This is pretty good, can't really say of what seeing as how i'm not very good at explaining, but I did come out of 2 or so years worth of inactivity just to tell you good job. You just can't do that everyday ya'know :wink:

Keep on keepin on. This is good stuff!


Djpretzel summarized this remix very well, beautiful and almost sad at the same spot, and although this is at the final end, it has a very fitting ancient arrangement. The different tracks doesn't repell each other, instead they blend very well and makes a very smooth walk-over from one after another.

All the instruments like bells, flutes, harps and strings is what making this mix special. It's very harmonic to listen to it, and the melody from the Millennial Fair suited this remix surprisingly good. It was nice that the remix picked up some more happiness along the way, it's one way to say that there's still hope in all of this.

This is an pure OCR material, no questions about it. Nice for you to finally have your own OCR remix. :wink:


This remix sounds like a PSX adaptation with slightly better samples. Its all very Midi, all very stiff.

The crotales need to not happen ever again in musical history the way they happen in this mix.

The mix overall especially in the ending section is cluttered with new age nonsense that has nothing to do with the source material.

A lot of the ideas between different themes could have been more relavent to the original source as well.

Largely this mix suffers in the listenability due in part to the sample desicions, the disregard to arranging FOR said samples.

If I were to ask for specific changes, I'd see the Bell part played on classical guitar instead or second piano,

There are characters to some of the chord choices and progression throughtout the mix that give the entire piece a sound that feels like Abadoss is simply rambling along not actually focused on a specific sound or Idea. Thats not a good thing.

I'd ask that the harp part be retooled completely so as not to clash with the rest of the mood.

I'd ask for more fluid transitions between themes instead of a near end of movement feeling.

Aside from the flute in the early parts of this mix, the samples are pretty nasty.

So while in my opinion this mix has some strong points, it has far many more issues that need to be dealt with or retooled.



Is it just me? Does this track sound like something you'd hear in a Miyazaki film? Because that's the kind of vibe I'm getting here. Very beautifully done, even if I had trouble trying to pick out where Zelda's Theme came into play in the song. 9/10

  • 3 weeks later...

From a professional standpoint, sure, this mix has some areas where it could be better tuned, but I think overall that it's an incredible piece! It amazes me how far remixes have come when you compare them to what they were several years ago - you wouldn't find much that was close to this kind of quality or detail. I enjoy the flow and mood of this piece - I thought the harps and bells were a very creative idea.

Nice work!

Wow. This is pretty good, can't really say of what seeing as how i'm not very good at explaining, but I did come out of 2 or so years worth of inactivity just to tell you good job. You just can't do that everyday ya'know :wink:

Keep on keepin on. This is good stuff!

More or less the same here. This becomes my favorite orchestral mix I've heard from OCR.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna hafta totally disagree with Trenthian. This tune really please my ear (with the Miyazaki feel): I see nothing wrong with new-age 'nonsense' or with the sampling choices.

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

wow.. i cant believe how much criticism this got and how hard it was to officially submit this.

ive always LOVED this remix for many reasons.. it has such an amazing vibe to it.. it makes me feel like im in the CT world for sure. i love listening to this track if im ever going out for a walk at night.

anyway, im really greatful for this remix. thank god it was eventually accepted.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This is a 6 minute track that the panel judged 3 times before it passed. So I was definitely surprised by djp's writeup criticism of this mix back when it went up, because it was only then that I noticed that the tempo indeed never changed throughout the course of the track.

But instead of being put off by that, or feeling that I missed a significant flaw in the arrangement, I only sat back and smiled at how impressed I was with the dynamics of the piece. IMO, the various changes in the instrumentation were extremely effective in making the piece feel fresh throughout.

I'm not saying this should be studied like Beethoven, but Kenneth's piece is nonetheless a great example of how to create a fluid, energetic piece despite fixing the tempo in place. Great stuff.

  • 6 months later...

I've liked this arrangement for a while. I never noticed the Zelda theme until now, nice touch. Overall, the change of instruments throughout the piece really keeps things moving, wonderful job on that.

The unfortunate thing is that Abadoss doesn't have the time/money/etc to really get some good sounds. Arranging in Finale is one thing, and he does that very well. Getting it done with some good sounds is totally different. Wouldn't it be great if we all had access to all those programs? I know I'd at least by trying to mix more if that were the case.

  • 2 months later...

I like that this doesn't sound directly like most other Chrono Trigger orchestral fare. There's a restraint, and perhaps a focus on serenity or reflection. Either way, I feel there is more going on than simply updating and rearranging melodies here. And whoever said that it channels the scores of Miyazaki's films, you are spot on.

The flow is really nice, it keeps at a constant rate, which at 6 minutes may be to its detriment, but the variation in themes deviates the ear somewhat from noticing the fatigue of the piece. I thought the Fair Theme was very welcome and nicely arranged, and I didn't even mind the gratuitous Zelda cameo. If it fits, it fits, and everything fits together quite pleasingly. I enjoyed this a lot.


If I would ever have to define music putting you in awe, this is the perfect definition for it. This is absolutely so tasteful that is has become one of my top favorites to OCremix list. Smooth, calm, makes you think or maybe focus on something (or not), but this is really something. I'm glad I found this based on the reviews.

Thank you guys for the reviews for helping me find this. A+ must listen!


  • 2 weeks later...

The mix reminds me of something one might here in some nature film; like the initial chimes would be timed with water dripping off a leaf, etc.

It has this weird mechanical/hydraulic precision going about it, and I can't really think of where else I've heard it.:?

Yet, it is completely placid and organic; a very contrasting and complicated mix and worthy of being listened to.

  • 2 weeks later...
Section starting at 1:15 is my favorite part of the song

Indeed! Also the part from 2:13, when the song just starts all over is done very well and i have to mention the differences from the first part of the song (especially from 3:19 till the end). It´s not just copied from before, I really love those kind of details in a song/remix!

I really love this song :) It´s one of many remixes from this page which found a way on my flashdrive for the daily way to work and back :)

Cya, DJMadMax

  • 8 months later...

Not bad work here. The glock kind of pervaded the mix for too long I think. Ultimately it goes on for a bit too long. I think the mix could have had some subtle percussion and there were some sounds that felt like they were sitting a bit too high on the mix. Overall if we could de-harshify that glock (it sounded digitally altered, which was odd compared to the lush sounding strings, etc.) then I think the mix would sound alot better.

  • 1 year later...

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