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Here's the thing, I think a lot of us who dislike the Xbone right now will probably have one, in say, 5 or so years, maybe 6. When you can buy the console for maybe $200, or you can find it used or with a coupon on Newegg or something like that for even cheaper. Deep discount after several years, it always happens.

Then, as games get older, they are also discounted. You could buy Halo 5 for maybe $20 on amazon or some other online retailer.

So while it may not be as integral of a part of our gaming lives like X360 or PS3 were, it's still not going to be so bad when the prices go down. We can play our Halo 5 and our Gears of War 7 or whatever number they're up to now and it won't be too bad. It'll just take maybe 7 years from now.

And if enough people are set in waiting for it instead of supporting it early on, the prices will likely drop sooner.

Here's the thing, I think a lot of us who dislike the Xbone right now will probably have one, in say, 5 or so years, maybe 6. When you can buy the console for maybe $200, or you can find it used or with a coupon on Newegg or something like that for even cheaper. Deep discount after several years, it always happens.

Then, as games get older, they are also discounted. You could buy Halo 5 for maybe $20 on amazon or some other online retailer.

So while it may not be as integral of a part of our gaming lives like X360 or PS3 were, it's still not going to be so bad when the prices go down. We can play our Halo 5 and our Gears of War 7 or whatever number they're up to now and it won't be too bad. It'll just take maybe 7 years from now.

And if enough people are set in waiting for it instead of supporting it early on, the prices will likely drop sooner.

This is true, though I'm laughing at how you're saying it'll take 7 years.

They just need to incorporate more stuff about the game part of the console rather than the not-game part. That's my only issue.

But as repeated thousands of times before, I still think the new feats are still cool, even if I'd like to see more video game action.

I'm just going to continue to support Nintendo and get a Wii U. Yeah, I've always been that guy. The one who just gets the Nintendo consoles (though I've got a Genesis... back in 1992 owning a Genesis but saying what I just said would be defying that statement completely hahaha... now SEGA and Nintendo are best friends... WTC happened)

This is true, though I'm laughing at how you're saying it'll take 7 years.

They just need to incorporate more stuff about the game part of the console rather than the not-game part. That's my only issue.

But as repeated thousands of times before, I still think the new feats are still cool, even if I'd like to see more video game action.

I'm just going to continue to support Nintendo and get a Wii U. Yeah, I've always been that guy. The one who just gets the Nintendo consoles (though I've got a Genesis... back in 1992 owning a Genesis but saying what I just said would be defying that statement completely hahaha... now SEGA and Nintendo are best friends... WTC happened)

WTC happened? ...never forget! :-P

Sure, buy a Wii U - it's pretty awesome. :-)

The added features will be good, honestly. As much crap as I have on my smartphone, it's still pretty darn good at making calls. As long as the core function of the system is good, playing games, which we know it WILL be, there isn't really an issue. You can't say "less is more" if having more doesn't cause any real issues.. can you? :-)


The Xbox One is going to be the best selling non-cablebox non-dvr television device with 8gb of ram ever next to the PS4 and possibly the steambox and also homemade computers.

Seriously, the entire reveal made me think they looked into the hearts of every gamer and took all people feared about the next generation of consoles and turned it into a product.

The Xbox One is going to be the best selling non-cablebox non-dvr television device with 8gb of ram ever next to the PS4 and possibly the steambox and also homemade computers.

Seriously, the entire reveal made me think they looked into the hearts of every gamer and took all people feared about the next generation of consoles and turned it into a product.

lol perty much

Posted (edited)
Funny pic I found. But uh... the PS1 was in like '94 or '95, right? There was the PS One, but I thought that was even earlier than 13 years ago.

Still a funny pic.

They didn't call it the PS One until 2000 because they didn't know there was going to be a PS2. The original PlayStation was abbreviated PSX. Not sure what the X was for. (It was the nineties. Everything was cooler with an X) Also, the PS One had totally remade hardware and a new operating system.

Edited by Cerrax
Posted (edited)


You know Wiki contains the dates of most console releases?

The original PlayStation (PS1) original model was released in the US 1995 (JP 1994)

The PSOne (the tiny and completely different model from other iterations) was released 2000 (US/JP/EU) which was 13 years ago

The joke is in the name scheme (hence a PSOne in the picture)

Edited by Crowbar Man

Gauging the success of current-gen systems, it's not an unimaginable goal...just severely unlikely. I hope neither company is banking much on these projections. I'd be very excited if either console can hit 500 million but unless there is a massive change in consumer behavior and interest, no f-ing way this will happen.

Gauging the success of current-gen systems, it's not an unimaginable goal...just severely unlikely. I hope neither company is banking much on these projections. I'd be very excited if either console can hit 500 million but unless there is a massive change in consumer behavior and interest, no f-ing way this will happen.

Yeah gonna have to agree here

I'm still having trouble seeing the rea market pull of either console. I mean, the PS4 sounds nice, but I'm so backlogged on PS3 games it'll probably be a year or more before I slap down cash for a new console that isn't the Wii U

And I doubt I'm the only one thinking that way

Yeah gonna have to agree here

I'm still having trouble seeing the rea market pull of either console. I mean, the PS4 sounds nice, but I'm so backlogged on PS3 games it'll probably be a year or more before I slap down cash for a new console that isn't the Wii U

And I doubt I'm the only one thinking that way

Nope, I'm the same. I have a bunch of PS3 and even some Wii games I haven't played yet. I haven't gotten a 3DS because I still have some PSP games that I picked up and haven't gotten around to playing yet. Probably the only thing I'll get in the next couple of years is a Wii U.

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