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Submitted. Frankensteined some melodies towards the end out of frustration and impatience with gauntlet material. Submitted but dear god what HAS SCIENCE DONEEEEE

Yeah dude, that remixer profile badge looks good on you :D

It's the only thing I'm wearing right now.

Yeah, congrats on your first mixpost! I had been wondering for a while when you were going to get a mix posted, after all you are pretty damn good...for a dentist.

Finally, I think I can say with confidence that I'm the best video game remixing dentist in the world.

So how long did it take from submission to posting? just curious.

2.5 months or so, but it was a direct post from an album project, so that sorta expedited the whole process.


Thanks for the feedback timaeus :D

I just want to give 2 cents from a lowly newbie.

Regarding timaeus, full disclosure I understand what people have said because I have felt that he can come across as overconfident and pushing his knowledge. That being said, if timaeus is the only one who took time and effort to respond--then by golly the pros definitely outweigh the cons and he can be as confident or whatever as he wants. Basically, I'm just trying to say THANKS timaeus.

I (like many others) have been desperately trying to improve for a long time so timaeus' help is infinitely welcome. And in any case, even if his feedback is "wrong," his intentions are always good; I've come to the conclusion that he would never intentionally try to steer someone in the wrong direction, it's always an attempt to improve the mix, even if it might be misguided (I wouldn't know as I am a NEWBIE) or if his 'wording' is off.

RANT OVER carry on .. sorry if I come off as dumb :/


That being said, if timaeus is the only one who took time and effort to respond--then by golly the pros definitely outweigh the cons and he can be as confident or whatever as he wants. Basically, I'm just trying to say THANKS timaeus.

I (like many others) have been desperately trying to improve for a long time so timaeus' help is infinitely welcome. And in any case, even if his feedback is "wrong," his intentions are always good; I've come to the conclusion that he would never intentionally try to steer someone in the wrong direction, it's always an attempt to improve the mix, even if it might be misguided (I wouldn't know as I am a NEWBIE) or if his 'wording' is off.

I meant to say this earlier, but it didn't quite come out. I would rather have advice that's 80% great, and 20% questionable and may have to be relearned, than no advice at all. For any web developers out there, it's kind of like W3Schools: Sure, people make fun of it because it encourages some bad programming habits, but it's also an amazing site for actually teaching stuff. I have now officially learned practical stuff from this whole experience (you may hear what I hope is light parallel compression on my brass this week, and some hopefully subtle ducking on my bass), and I'm bookmarking Timaeus's post for future reference. If anyone has a problem with that, feel free to do the same thing he did, but better, and more power to you.

Also, submitted my mix. It ended up coming out better than I thought. Certainly not the assault on the senses it was shaping up to be earlier.

Thanks for the feedback timaeus :D

I just want to give 2 cents from a lowly newbie.

Regarding timaeus, full disclosure I understand what people have said because I have felt that he can come across as overconfident and pushing his knowledge. That being said, if timaeus is the only one who took time and effort to respond--then by golly the pros definitely outweigh the cons and he can be as confident or whatever as he wants. Basically, I'm just trying to say THANKS timaeus.

I (like many others) have been desperately trying to improve for a long time so timaeus' help is infinitely welcome. And in any case, even if his feedback is "wrong," his intentions are always good; I've come to the conclusion that he would never intentionally try to steer someone in the wrong direction, it's always an attempt to improve the mix, even if it might be misguided (I wouldn't know as I am a NEWBIE) or if his 'wording' is off.

RANT OVER carry on .. sorry if I come off as dumb :/


Hey, it means a lot that you publicly thanked me like this, seriously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart (what about the top of my heart?), and may I say, I'm totally looking forward to both our tracks on Gunstar Heroes to get published (and others' toooooo).

Posted (edited)
Back in the good ol' days (2001-2002), posting time was about a week. Today, it's about 12-18 months. Mainly because soooooooo many people submit these days.

I was wondering if the time to get posted was going down at all but it may be going up even further. Putting my selfishness aside it's great to see such an abundance of talent dedicated to game music.

EDIT: Waaaait it was 2.5 months?!

I'm doing more albums.

Edited by Garpocalypse
I want mine :(

Wrapping up my mix in the morning. It's been a craaaaaaazy busy week, so I just started it late last night. I'm not quite sure what it ended up being exactly, but I suppose it's interesting :wink:

I'm sure some of you guys will get your remixes badges with some of the stuff I've heard in this compo.

I'm sure some of you guys will get your remixes badges with some of the stuff I've heard in this compo.

Thanks NutS :) I've actually got a couple things "to-be-posted", just waiting for the exciting day to come when they get posted :wink:

I'm in the process of cleaning up my song this morning. I'm just about to listen to it for the first time since late last night... now for that moment of "what the hell was I thinking?" :tomatoface:


Well, I probably won't be able to wrap this up as nicely as I'd hoped, but considering I worked almost 60 hours in five days, I'm satisfied with what I've got. Should be able to add a little more substance and polish before I pass out.

Hopefully my first attempt with guitar samples doesn't offend anyone too greatly.


OK! I just submitted my song for the round. I used the X4 and Command Mission Zero themes. This is by far the quickest song I've ever made. I started it late Friday night and wrapped it up this morning. For the time spent on it, I think it turned out alright :) I'm excited to hear what everyone else has come up with!


And subbed!

I went with a very different style this time around. Wasn't too pleased with it, and I got a little sick by the end and just wanted to send what I have, but I could feel myself getting even a little better.

Used X and X2, mostly because it wasn't too hard to insert.

Posted (edited)
Holy hell, has anyone seen this before?

Pure Awesome

I've only played the second game, and it was really impressive to me how they managed the levels with all the robot masters. Definitely worth your while to play.

e: Also they just started on a 3rd one.

DarkeSword, how's the songs looking right now?

Edited by NovaReaper

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