Garpocalypse Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 OKKUSENMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Why am i just hearing this for the first time now?! Quote
Ethan Rex Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Why am i just hearing this for the first time now?! Take it and share it with the world, my son. Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 OKKUSENMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN That's fucking awesome! Quote
DarkeSword Posted September 9, 2013 Author Posted September 9, 2013 You guys have never heard the Jam Project version of this song? I posted that video in the WCRG thread from 2011. Quote
DarkeSword Posted September 9, 2013 Author Posted September 9, 2013 Music is up. Tallies and scores will be updated sometime this week. Quote
Jivemaster Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Round 8 Entry: lyrics on the SoundCloud page Bro, above all else, you get the award for the most lyrics in a game vocal mix evar. XD Great to hear people still doing the vocal mixes. Respect. Quote
Damashii!! Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 *pokes head through the window* Heeeyyyy everybody... I keep forgetting to vote or consistently check out these compos (since apparently this is where all the cool people hang out), but SupX has kept on bringing my attention to this particular competition. After listening through a lot of the different arrangements I just wanted to say that you've all made some kick butt songs, and as an immense fan of vocal mixes you know I've gotta give props for that. good shiz all around the board. *ninja-smoke-bombs away* Quote
Ethan Rex Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWLLLLLLLLLLLLLAKJFDOAIKFLAD Silvernix: Sounds are pretty muddy and heavy in the low end; make sure to set up your instrumentation so there's not a lot of frequencies overlapping. Key issues between sources. Trism: Drum stuff is cool. It sounds like some of the leads hit a wrong note at times. Transition out of the slow section was a bit odd. Nice energy here though. GLL: Piano boner is strong here. Hats sound a little too prominent for my tastes and distract from the vocals. Vocals/lyrics are fuckin killer. Love the 80s style tom fills. Piano at around 3:00 sounds pretty fake, maybe because it's the only thing goin on at that point. Some of the high notes around 5:00 are a little off key. Xarn: Dig that you're doin orchestra this week. Chimes seemed a bit off rhythm in the beginning. Brass sounds pretty fake, but that's a bitch to get sounding good. Things sound a bit centered as well. Jive: Vocals are nice, although sometimes i think the distortion is a bit too heavy. Hard for me to pick out sources here. KingTiger: Vocals are pretty cheesy in the beginning, but I love cheesy vocals. Source useage is rockin; you blend sources vertically which I love. Transitions are nice too. timeaus: This track sounds like it was inspired by some artist In all seriousness, I'm a big madeon fan, and this is a pretty solid imitation. Arrangement seems pretty disjointed to me; each of the individual parts sound solid, but it sounds a little directionless at times. Esperado: This is some sick improvement dude. Intro builds a lot of energy, but the part after the Mega Man FX was a little disappointing in terms of energy or power. Rest of the song picks it back up though, so nice work. Gario: Accelerando works well here. Things seem to hit a groove and stick with it through most of the piece: it's nice, but I wish there was a change of pace somewhere. Hylian Lemon: Dig that bass. Groove is nice, and the transition to the more traditional chip part was solid. I also enjoyed the vertical source usage here. As I posted earlier, my track was heavily inspired by Boss Fight's Wily 2-1 remix. I typically make more groovy things and don't make uptempo stuff that often, so I'm looking forward to your guys' thoughts on it. TL;DR POST REVIEWS YOU DINGUSES I'M TIRED OF ONLY LIKE 3 PEOPLE DOIN' IT JEEEEEEEEEEEZ Quote
Jivemaster Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Your reviews are always appreciated therex. My lyrics and source breakdown are here at my soundcloud link: The sources are at times obscure in this one, but definitely in there. Have a listen to the chips and sitar throughout the song which are where elements of Top Man and Wily reside. The main bassline in the majority of the song is derived from the first half of the Mega Man tune (albeit different rhythm), and is also featured alternating in the sitar section at the bridge along with part of Wily theme. The distortion is intentional, in that I was going for a Prodigy vibe for this one Quote
Ethan Rex Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Your reviews are always appreciated therex.My lyrics and source breakdown are here at my soundcloud link: The sources are at times obscure in this one, but definitely in there. Have a listen to the chips and sitar throughout the song which are where elements of Top Man and Wily reside. The main bassline in the majority of the song is derived from the first half of the Mega Man tune (albeit different rhythm), and is also featured alternating in the sitar section at the bridge along with part of Wily theme. The distortion is intentional, in that I was going for a Prodigy vibe for this one Gotcha, and the source breakdown helps. Thanks! Quote
Mirby Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 just some notes this week SilvernixSP: Drones on a bit, though the random Contra got a chuckle from me, if only for how unexpected it was. Trism: Good energy here, really enjoyable GLL/WillRock: I was a bit nervous given the length (har har) but you really nailed the variety and arrangement to keep me interested all the way through. Xarnaphalactic Shock: Good arrangement, kind of short. Good work, man. Jivemeister: Very poppy song, nice lyrics KingTiger: Great lyrics, great flow. Nice way to summarize the story so far. Timaeus222: This reminded me of your BA track instantly. Which made me love it. Esperado: Great job, man. Good song this week. Gario: As usual, stellar work. Very enjoyable, great speed and variety. Zelda Citrus Guy: Once the chips came in, I was hooked. So much <3 for this track. Seriously, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ethan: Fantastic and fun energy here, really enjoyable, 'specially the part at 2:08 or so. good jorb mang Quote
NovaReaper Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Alright, listening party tomorrow 9 PM Eastern good? Quote
timaeus222 Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Poo, I have something to attend at exactly 9 EST. Perhaps starting at 9:30~11 PM EST tonight would fit in well for me in particular. Anyone else? Quote
Garpocalypse Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 I can go anytime if it's tonight but my days now start at 5:30am so i cant make 11pm's anymore after today. Quote
NovaReaper Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 (edited) Alright, 9:45 Eastern tonight then. Also congrats to Hakstock for finally getting posted! (And hopefully timaeus and Drum later too!) Edited September 9, 2013 by NovaReaper Quote
MindWanderer Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Reviews: Heated Plasma Gun: I'm sure you're tired of us saying that you need to watch your keys, but it's still true. At this point, I'm mainly just surprised that ZtM and PS haven't helped you out with this. Overall it's really not a bad arrangement, you have good instrumentation and a good soundscape; if only those keys lined up during the vertical arrangement sequences I'd be enjoying this a lot. Although wow, I was expecting a brief Contra cameo, not 1:10 of a 5:23 mix. It goes well (again, ignoring the key mismatch), and I guess if you don't expect to win votes anyway, why not? Storm the Gates!: This is actually my first time hearing this, as the WIP came in late and I didn't have free time this last weekend. It's not as bad as you'd led me to believe. It has a good, driving, dirty rock sound. It's certainly unpolished, and the ending is pretty bad, but the arrangement and instrumentation are solid. Sorry you got stuck with Duo, though, I can tell you couldn't figure out a great way to make it fit. Wily Must Die: I don't like criticizing singing voices, because it feels very personal, but in this case I know you can sing better than this. Definitely an off day for your voice here, I can hear you straining in places and there are more than a few flat notes. I also feel that the Wily part gets repetitive, especially since I heard only a few seconds of Quick Man, and Proto Man is in the intro only. Obviously I have no complaints about production. For Everlasting Peace: Some odd timing issues here, and a few sour notes. I know as well as anyone how hard it is to get orchestral arrangements sounding good, so keep working on that--your soundscape definitely isn't sounding full enough, and the strings in particular sound artificially jerky in places. It's a good arrangement, though, other than the abrupt ending. Blam: I think it succeeds at what it's trying to do. I hear nothing objectively bad about it. But the sources are still tough. I can tell they're there now that I know what to listen for, but when you change the rhythm of the notes, switch from a major to a minor key, and focus on very small sections of the source, I'm not sure it qualifies as a remix anymore. Prototype #2: Epic lyrics. Use of Proto Man is pretty light, and in some of the rap sections it was hard to hear any source at all. The rap over the main Wily theme worked especially well, though. Synths were a little thin, could have used something more complex. UMADEON, BRO?: I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Really nice soundscape and mostly good instrumentation (not a fan of the lead from 0:52-1:17), good job of arranging the sources liberally but recognizably. Transition at 1:37 is pretty glaring, and it's a little chaotic overall, but that's about my only criticism. My Castle is Burning Down: Props for using Duo as a primary source, you're the first to make heavy use of it so far. Too bad it came at the expense of Flame Man. I like the energy and the bass. Amnesia: Does everything that Gario does well, but I have a nagging feeling you were struggling for inspiration a little with this one. Nothing I can really put my finger on. Third Wave Roboethics: Really meshes those three themes together, over, on top of, and through each other. Classic Lemon chips over some nice pads. Really good work here, although there are a couple of off harmonies. In Everlasting Pieces: Funny that you decided to go with this style, we got several chippy tunes in a row. But you held your own even in the wake of Gario and Hylian Lemon, I think. Nice use of all three themes, excellent solo at the end. A bit short, but what you have is really good. Quote
timaeus222 Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Reviews: ... UMADEON, BRO?: I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Really nice soundscape and mostly good instrumentation (not a fan of the lead from 0:52-1:17), good job of arranging the sources liberally but recognizably. Transition at 1:37 is pretty glaring, and it's a little chaotic overall, but that's about my only criticism. Thanks! The lead at 0:52 is something I made a while back for fun; a C64 chippy lead with some extra XY controls (though I didn't have the time to implement those into the track). Funny, 1:37 is my favorite section, and 2:16 was just some dubstep craziness. Quote
MindWanderer Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Funny, 1:37 is my favorite sectionIt's good as it stands alone, I just think the transition into it is really awkward. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Liquid Metal 2 is coming along nicely. Has lyrics about bacon, cooking bacon, bacon accessories, and sexy mermaids. There's a slightly edited "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid. There's a debate about whether to eat bacon with fish sticks. There's threats of violence against cods. Quote
SuperiorX Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Liquid Metal 2 is coming along nicely. Has lyrics about bacon, cooking bacon, bacon accessories, and sexy mermaids. There's a slightly edited "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid. There's a debate about whether to eat bacon with fish sticks. There's threats of violence against cods. You have no idea how excited this makes me. Liquid Metal was a modern masterpiece. Quote
Gario Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Huh, sounds like my first effective foray into a more trance style didn't fly among audiences as well as I'd have hoped. I don't mind if people vote for others rather than myself (especially since people really pulled out all the stops this round), but I do find it odd that people think it's bland or uninspired. I just wanted to do something that different (that is, not 9-bit) for this round, that's all. *Shrug* Oh well, I still find it enjoyable. Quote
shadow24 Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Huh, sounds like my first effective foray into a more trance style didn't fly among audiences as well as I'd have hoped. I don't mind if people vote for others rather than myself (especially since people really pulled out all the stops this round), but I do find it odd that people think it's bland or uninspired. I just wanted to do something that different (that is, not 9-bit) for this round, that's all.*Shrug* Oh well, I still find it enjoyable. Just because you didn't get a vote doesn't mean it isn't good. Don't expect perfection in unexplored territories my friend although if this is a first attempt then its a very good one Quote
timaeus222 Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 It's good as it stands alone, I just think the transition into it is really awkward. I understand---just expressing my perspective! ;D Quote
ShrackAttack Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Here's my week 8 review since I've never written one. It is a lot of just "this is nice" or "this sounded weird" so don't put too much stock into it . The actual times I used might be a bit off as well. 1.) Heated Plasma Gun - A lot of key problems all through out the song. A bit too long for how long the same instruments were used. Use of the organ was cool though! 2.) Storm the Gates! - Good energy, drums are nice. 1:12 is pretty nice and 1:49 and on for a bit has its moments. The sections like 0:38 to 1:10 feel a bit weird like there is a bunch of things fighting for space (though it could just be that synth). I feel like you could’ve picked better synths there. 3.) Wily Must Die - Nice piano sound. Lead vocals are a bit pitchy/strained throughout, but I really like the backing vocal stuff. Willrocks guitar stuff is really nice. The lyrics are really nice as well. Nice job man. 4.) For Everlasting Peace - The instrumentation is pretty good from 0:00 to 0:24. There’s a few timing issues throughout. 0:24 to 0:50ish the strings and trumpets feel like they are fighting too much for what you need to be listening to. It’s hard to figure out what to focus on. 1:30 to the end is the best part and works a lot better than the other sections imo. It was overall pretty enjoyable regardless. 5.) Blam - I really like the intro a lot. The bitcrushed bass or whatever it is feels a bit too upfront to me. Both of the vocals are really good and the distortion works for the most part. Good job! 6.) Prototype #2 - I actually really like this one. It’s sort of basic for what it is but it really works. Occasionally, I felt like your rapping didn’t flow quite enough in parts, but it is still a really awesome job. The lyrics are really great as well. 7.) UMADEON, BRO - Backing stuff is reallycool and I like the intro. The transitions are really cool throughout as well. Nice job. 8.) My Castle is Burning Down - Piano (or something pianoish) panned to the left around 0:50ish sounds a bit weird in context, like it needs reverb or to be pushed back or something. Overall your mix was really interesting though. Nice job! 9.) Amnesia - Sounds pretty good for a first attempt at the genre (and i know nothing about the actual genre). My only thing is it seems a bit repetitive for how long it is so I found myself getting a bit bored around the 4:00 ish mark. Good job though. 10.) Third Wave Roboethics - Not a fan of the intro personally, but I like everything after it. The chip stuff is all really nice. The little strings in the back doing Waveman’s theme are cool. Really good track right here. 11.) In Everlasting Pieces - This is your best track for the whole compo imo. The whole arrangement is really interesting and the end is awesome. Very good job man! Quote
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