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OCR01472 - Super Double Dragon "No. 5 (Snapdragon)"


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Wow, this is some really slick stuff. Probably one of the best electronica mixes I've heard in a while, and I'm not familiar with the source material. The change ups are really slick, especially the flawless change in meter and the change into hardcore. And yes, the beat is really hot. Nice work.

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This is an excelent piece of remix if i've ever heard one. So good in fact, im playing Super Double Dragon as I type this. Any remix that makes me go back to the roots, is a good one indeed.

Congratulations, Paragonx9 !


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::listens:: expect an edit in a sec.

But yeah that intro beats my ass... (in a good way)

Edit1: wow... This is one of the only OCR's in the last 10 or so posts that i've liked.

Edit2: OMG. This is a work of art.




Man i was sad when thast crap stopped.

Okay, so yeah. Awesome awesome attention to everything that is just good musicality.

The rhythm destroys all manner of worlds.

The Basses are appropriate at asll times. The tone and voicing is flawless to near perfect all the time. There are lots of creative risks taken that work really well.

The remixer takes advantage of the good points of his rather less than steller strings, and as a result makes them sound amazing.

Overall there is some excellent sequencing going on at all times. How much of the rhythm was actually sequenced, or simply sampled I cannot know but it sounds great regardless of the methods employed. Im not one to typically enjoy stuff with such bell-like leads, but this is for whatever reason wholly the best choice I could fathom hearing. I love when this piece starts to Growl, I love everything about this one... really

EXCEPT! the ending. this piece needs to be about 10 minutes longer and just keep making me want to make bad decisions in the dark with multiple women.


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it was not very good.

until the style changeups. then my opinion of it improved a lot. Anyone can throw together sliced/acid beats and an arpeggiator in a sequencer, but not anyone can skillfully integrate style changes like that. That sort of thing takes talent and skill, and seperates musicians from wannabes.

Great mix.

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Ah hah, this is really cool. Love the bass support. The beat fits the forward movement of the piece perfectly. And just when I thought it maybe was getting a little repetitive, the section around the 2 minute section put things back into action. I remember when this was put in the WIP and it was all lo-fi and stuff. It was good then and it's even better now. Awesome stuff man! Major props XD.

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This piece starts off so strong. What a wonderfully succint introduction. It works extraordinarily well with the tempo. It really is quite a great effect you have created.

The rest is nice, too. The introduction is just so refreshing. Thanks.

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Um, this mix is cool. It is so cool... it almost parodies electronic music. The thought that a change of beat or tempo creates a new genre is utterly ridiculous; t'were that true, this song is guilty of genre crossing about six times.

Anywho, I'd give this mix an eleven... but then I'd be mistaking this for a different site :wink:

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Gman is WOWed! I haven't been around here in a while and desided to download a few songs. Ahh I've always been a huge fan of double Dragon.. was my first nintendo game ^.^ I've played super DD alot as well.

That being said, my WOWed factor is not only cause It brings back memories.. granted it gives me more love for it. But what hits me the most is the ENERGY of this song, I can picture myself kicking some ass in DD while listening to this and changing lvls or maybe boss's when the tempo changes.

The style changes... Wicked cool, brings the energy of the song even higher and removes any chance of the song being repetitive (as I thought when I was lestening to the song the first time) it was just WHAM!!! IN YOUR FACE!!! and by all means not in my face cause the transitions sucked.. in my face cause I wasnt expecting such a nice change for the song and and so well executed.

i am looking forward to more mix's from you, surprise me some more!


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I remember this game; every time I watched someone play it, they'd be so addicted to it, I'd never get to have a crack at it even if I ask. :lol:

The original tune for this track was really catchy. I'd always hear myself humming it after watching my buddies play the game, and even never letting me get a taste of SDD. The remix itself has some really tight drumwork while being honourable to the Japanese composer's roots using synthetic key type synths, some ethnic patches, and very artistic riffs with all instruments. Didn't like the distorted kick coming in though, but the beginning beat gave me a Ziwtra kinda feel. Speaking of which, where the heck is that guy? Will he submit more tracks? Let's find out in the near future of "A-Ron's OC ReMix Review and Watch"... :mrgreen: ... :|:?: No? Too soon?

Anway, love this song. 9.5/10

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Double Dragon is a great game for fun and music, and this is one amazing remix. I haven't heard a remix this good for a while, a definate 10/10 song.

My favourite parts are the intro and where it starts to pick-up after the 1:45 & 2:50 point, reminds me of some of the music me anda friend used to play. ^^

I look forward to hearing future remixes by you. :)

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I really like this beat. It sounds very positive to me and I like the style switching. It's good, not too strong as to take away from the already established goodness.

My only complaint is the song is little dead at 4:20 to the end. I know it is a bit nit picky to complain about the least 30 seconds of the song. The song keeps getting better and better until 4:20 where it just reapets a litte previous section.

It's like watchnig a marshmellow in the microwave get bigger and bigger and waiting for the explody. Yet it doesn't happen.

But if I was gonna rate this song

A for sure!

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But this deserves one from so bad so I gotta lay it down. Just seeing No.5 gave me an idea of what to expect, because I've been thinking for the longest time this song needed to be remixed as it was my favorite from playing the game. I never expected THIS though. Loving the electronic tranced out intro, that gives you no sense of the song until about 0:52. The fast rhythm makes you imagine the game in the future, at really high speeds, and probably high from too much sugar and caffine. then the change up at 1:50 is like fighting a boss in distortion, before it picks back up to the melody at 2:02 in an ambient swing. Its so freekin' awesome that its a much for Double Dragon Song fans as well as remix and electronica fans. Everything is nice about this.

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