anclunn Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 He'll probably do another little flutter whenever he's in the air and fires and egg. What I want to know is this: In Melee, Yoshi could use his up+b multiple times in the air because it wasn't actually a third jump. Will Yoshi be restricted to a single toss per jump this time around because it will help him recover?
eternal Zero Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 He'll probably do another little flutter whenever he's in the air and fires and egg. What I want to know is this: In Melee, Yoshi could use his up+b multiple times in the air because it wasn't actually a third jump. Will Yoshi be restricted to a single toss per jump this time around because it will help him recover? I'm thinking diminishing returns. As you continue to use it, you'll be propelled less and less. They might add something that gives you more lift when you use it, but cuts your momentum.
FuriousFure Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Dude, using homo with a pejorative meaning is kinda... offensive you know.Please stop doing so. well, if fact, it was sorta up the reader on how to interpret in what context "homo" was suppose to be. in the initial phrase, the writer didn't have any demeaning or disparaging meaning to the sentence. he was merely pointing out that yoshi does seem, to him, a little more homosexual in brawl. I didn't take offense to it, nor did i think that he was putting down yoshi for seeming this way. It was you, in all actuality, who put the negative meaning into the word "homo", not him. Anyways. Yoshi is a fine example showing they are trying to capture the look of each characters finest moments. and yoshi's is on the SNES on which claymation-type animation was king. When Ness is announced he should look very similar to yoshi in the claymation type of way. as he is from that era in gaming and I've seen the original clay figure of ness on wiki and i hope that he looks like a "living" version of that on Brawl.
The Author Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 well, if fact, it was sorta up the reader on how to interpret in what context "homo" was suppose to be. in the initial phrase, the writer didn't have any demeaning or disparaging meaning to the sentence. he was merely pointing out that yoshi does seem, to him, a little more homosexual in brawl. I didn't take offense to it, nor did i think that he was putting down yoshi for seeming this way. It was you, in all actuality, who put the negative meaning into the word "homo", not him. I beg to differ. The context was: "I like yoshi, but he looks homo now." The but following an affirmation of appreciation for yoshi means that whatever follows is gonna go against the original statement. "I like candy but I don't like gobstoppers." So, whatever followed the but was supposed to go against the general sentiment of the sentence. Secondly, what does "homo" look like? Is there an actual definition of what all homosexuals are supposed to look like? Is there a memo (Hey, now that you are out of the closet, you have to put these clothes")? Looking "homo" usually refers to stereotypical depiction of homosexuals. In fact, I am sure that if I told you you looked homo, you would not like it. So, we have the use of a word in a negative context (the but) and with a meaning that is dependent on preconceived ideas of how homosexuals look like. Had the word been effeminate, queer (meaning odd) or even flaming (because flaming can refer to a style) I would not have taken offense. Finally, I have a question: How does Yoshi look a little more homosexual in brawl? I did not see him profess his love to another male, he is not engaging in intercourse with another male Yoshi, heck, he doesn't even have a speech bubble that says "Hi, I'm homosexual." Homosexuality is NOT A PHYSICAL TRAIT. You cannot have a homo look. But enough derailing this thread to try to educate some people to the notion of respect.
Final_metroid Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 jesus christ, i SHOULD be offended at what he said before about the yoshi thing but not really
Cerrax Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Anyways. Yoshi is a fine example showing they are trying to capture the look of each characters finest moments. and yoshi's is on the SNES on which claymation-type animation was king. Actually, Yoshi's design in Smash Bros Melee and Brawl is a hybrid of new and old Yoshi. Old Yoshi has very small, short arms and wore a saddle. He did not stand fully upright and models of him were made out of clay. The new Yoshi walks upright, has much larger arms and head and has a very clean/polished look as his is computer animated. The Yoshi in SSBM and SSBB has features of both. He walks like the old yoshi (in a sort of raptor-like pose) but does stand upright for most attacks. He has a large head and bigger arms, but retains a clay/scaly sort of texture to his skin.
The Author Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 That's real hit or miss with you, RD. But whatever, education is important regardless. When it comes to respect, I go on a case by case basis. I never dislike entire groups, I only dislike individuals. (which means I could say that the previous dude was being a real Eric because I remember a person who assumed he was not being offensive because his remarks were followed by a "disclaimer" that he liked "those guys" anyway.) As for yoshi's third jump, what if he launched an egg downwards pushing himself up? Or there could be two upBs, one when he is on the ground and the other when he is in midair.
eternal Zero Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 When it comes to respect, I go on a case by case basis. I never dislike entire groups, I only dislike individuals.(which means I could say that the previous dude was being a real Eric because I remember a person who assumed he was not being offensive because his remarks were followed by a "disclaimer" that he liked "those guys" anyway.) As for yoshi's third jump, what if he launched an egg downwards pushing himself up? Or there could be two upBs, one when he is on the ground and the other when he is in midair. 1. It was a lame thing for me to say. I do believe I deleted that post. Whatever. Moving on. 2. Said that multiple times already. I agree with the notion.
FuriousFure Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 It's a cartoon dinosaur with no genitals. I wouldn't worry about his sexual preference too much regardless. Don't all the Yoshis look the same anyways? I think what you are trying to say is that he needs a few guns like Shadow the hedgehog so he can be more hardcorez? You mean like this? and Radical Dreamer, you're right. i misunderstood the situation and i was wrong. but then again nobody can deny that there hasn't been changes in yoshi's mannerisms since Smash Bros on the N64. which i beilive was the point of the ill-worded post of discussion.
The Author Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Well, we do have birdo the travestite (possible pre-op transexual) pink lizard, so I don't mind Yoshi being gay.
Fo0dNippl3 Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Anyways. Yoshi is a fine example showing they are trying to capture the look of each characters finest moments. and yoshi's is on the SNES on which claymation-type animation was king. When was Yoshi clay-like on the SNES?
OceansAndrew Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 You mean like this? needz moar gunz!!!! like this anyways, I know Yoshi is the new info guy now, but I really want some detailed info on Pit. I'd love for him to play like a slightly more floaty version of Link. No matter how many times I play other characters, I just really like the heft of Link's attacks. Not too strong and slow, but can do some good damage if you find an opening. Pit'd Probably sacrifice a little bit of damage done to have better recovery. Just as long as he doesn't play like a jiggly/kirby superlightweight.
Arek the Absolute Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 I sure hope Ness is still in the game. Imagine if he wasn't? The people over at probably wouldn't be too happy.. lol. That would be stupid. Kirby and Ness are both Hal's love children, though Ness is more like the child locked up in the basement while Kirby gets all the attention.
FuriousFure Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 When was Yoshi clay-like on the SNES? Super Mario RPG. the first pseudo 3d game with yoshis in it. and remember, they could have tried to make yoshi more like a real dinosaur by giving him scales and fangs ala Super Mario Bros: The Movie. just how they gave Mario detailed denim overals and realsitic clothing.http oh yeah. look at this! sorta familar looking...
Fo0dNippl3 Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 The Yoshi from SMW, his original appearance, and SMW2 is more storybook, hand-drawn looking than clay-like. That's what I was saying.
Tenucha Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Boshi should be an alternitive Yoshi character And I'm digging the Aquabats signature
Kiyosuki Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Hmm EDIT: What the fuck did they honestly expect us to think when they showed this of all images. Was the first thing on my mind too. You have to wonder whether it was on Sakurai or whoever takes these screenshots minds or not. Its not important, but whenever something like this happens I always wonder if it was intentional or not. Like can someone really be that dense?
FuriousFure Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Hmm Was the first thing on my mind too. You have to wonder whether it was on Sakurai or whoever takes these screenshots minds or not. Its not important, but whenever something like this happens I always wonder if it was intentional or not. Like can someone really be that dense? well honestly, the first thing that popped into my head upon viewing that pic was that Yoshi is "picking" the bugs out of DK's hair like the stereo-typical monkey behavior we all know.
AMT Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 For Yoshi's Up+B giving him a jump, I just pictured it like Ice Climbers when you have no partner, except a bit further, and in that same hand motion he throws an egg the same way he does now.
friendlyHunter Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Made of clay?? What the fuck did they honestly expect us to think when they showed this of all images. C'mon, you guys's imaginations are out of control. I totally didn't notice anything about the screenshots, until I read Kiyosuki's latest post. I did however notice immediately that the main character pose was a little... err, a LOT... ummm, "queer", so to speak. When I saw it I thought "oh, so THAT's why they haven't shown Yoshi until now." Actually, a couple weeks ago I hypothesized that his new Brawl look (whatever it was going to be) was why they hadn't shown such a major character yet. They've made sure to get us completely hooked via 15 seconds of gameplay footage before they show us all the iffy stuff =P Let's just hope we don't see Captain Falcon in a pose like that. "Show me your moves!" Oh, I'm not even gonna go th- oh, it's too late =[ I'm sorry..... Sooo.... how about that egg throwing move? Personally I'm wondering why some of us here are thinking "Hmmm, how on earth will Yoshi be able to triple jump...? Maybe he throws an egg at himself! Or maybe throws an egg downwards!" News flash: ALL the characters can triple jump already! It doesn't need to make ANY sense at all! Chances are, Yoshi simply jumps and then throws an egg, or floats and throws an egg. Either that, or he literally "increases the distance of his jump", or does something like DeathBySpoon said. Does it obey the law of gravity? nNooooOOooOOo! Since when did Smash Bros. moves (and especially B-up moves) make any sense physically?? I'm hoping Yoshi's eating/put-you-in-egg B move actually has a use besides occasionally killing dumb CPU players (and beginners, who are not necessarily dumb). It'd be great if it caused a decent amount of damage without putting a halt to the action - perhaps the player in the egg could hop and jump around, like the infinitely maneuverable eggs that follow Yoshi in Yoshi's island And does anybody EVER use Yoshi's turn-into-an-egg-and-try-not-to-roll-into-the-pit-oh-god-how-do-I-cancel-this-move move from Melee? What is it FOR??? I'm actually curious, I want to know if that move has ever caused any sort of minuscule gameplay advantage to a person using it, besides confusing his/her opponent. Trivia: try that move in the Flat Zone stage, and when you change direction you'll see the egg turn like a flat paper a la Paper Mario. Hey... do you think characters can land on each other now? Or maybe just on DK? Maybe just allies? That'd be interesting. And landing on Bowser could cause damage =p ... and I'll say this once more: where's Mario's stomp-on-enemy move? He should totally be able to stomp on an opponent (via aerial down-A or neutral-A perhaps) and bounce up off him. Even a small bounce, exactly like Link's aerial A-down, would be perfect for Mario & Luigi. Homage to the original characters my ass. Oh yes, one more thing: clay Ness!!!
Bigfoot Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 well honestly, the first thing that popped into my head upon viewing that pic was that Yoshi is "picking" the bugs out of DK's hair like the stereo-typical monkey behavior we all know. Haha, me too. And dammit friendlyhunter, I thought they made an update with Ness haha
friendlyHunter Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Ness is from Mother 2, and of course is returning to fight in Smash Bros. again. It looks like he is made of clay! When he shoots thunder, you can change its direction with the control stick, so look out! (screenshot) Ness is rockin'! BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM!! Sigh... I can dream......
Bigfoot Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Yeah, and his final smash will be that Paula prays and everyone is hit for 15000%+ lol.
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