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Sakurai got himself a girl.

Naw. Clearly he was just drunk.


Hmmm, another update that doesn't tell us much what the move actually DOES. Looks like you're supposed to run away from DK, or... maybe not? Maybe you're supposed to camp out on the safest ground (middle of the stage?)

  FuriousFure said:
hmmm... those who want to can look into this update and maybe see something deeper.

Go to bed. We waited an hour to see a product placement cleverly disguised as a ridiculous Final Smash.


Ah, DK Final Smash. Oh, cool, so you can actually play the bongos to the beat if you want? That's cool. Not as impressive as I was hoping, but interesting none the less.

to celebrate the absence of Knuckle Joe's taunting stare, and his fall from power at the top of the SmashBros.com website, I've created this image while waiting for the update....


... it passed the time.*sigh* oh Photoshop, you card.

  Nicholas said:
It is a game. The website will be here in the morning. Either go to sleep or do something to pre occupy your mind.

Fucking obsessors are acting as though the update is something that will kill you if you don't see. That is a sure sign of you needing take a break and go fucking outside.

... its all in good fun. The only real overreaction I see here is your last post.... but that's it. I enjoy the update, and it's fun to get riled up about it, but again, its all in good fun and not serious at all... it's all playful.


Ohh, what's that font??

like at only certain times FS's can be invincible. stuff like that.

Seems logical that ALL the final smashes make you invincible until they're over... unless you fall off the stage. Heh, I hope you can't interrupt FS's by breaking the ground underneath the guy =p

  Makai said:
Go to bed. We waited an hour to see a product placement cleverly disguised as a ridiculous Final Smash.

If referencing other games is "product placement," how are any of the Smash Bros. games anything but?

  Eulogic said:
If referencing other games is "product placement," how are any of the Smash Bros. games anything but?

I think it's pushing the Smash Bros. concept a little when they introduce peripherals into the gameplay. Of course, I'm forgetting the Super Scope and the like they had in Melee, but imagine if the Nintendo DS was announced as a playable item.

EDIT: Screw whatever I just said, that'd be awesome :D


I'd be interested to see how they incorporated it, but not surprised about the nature of the item itself. I could see a stylus item before a DS though.

Not to mention that the bongos do appear in the Donkey Konga games (and maybe some of the others that utilize the bongo controller).

  Makai said:
I think it's pushing the Smash Bros. concept a little when they introduce peripherals into the gameplay.

OMG! that'll be like Metal Gear Solid 4 having snake use a Ps3 Controller in game!

yeah, it's been happening for awhile... nothing anybody can do about it. guess we'll just have to be good little consumers and enjoy the in-game advertising.

for some reason i want to try Donkey Konga now. hmmm....


Wow some of you guys sure are obsessing over these updates - and are disappointed nearly every time? Anyway I wonder whether it means you play the drums in time with the level music or if some music is overlaid when you do the final smash that you play to. Either way it sounds like a great idea, way more creative than, say, Mario's variation on 'big laser'.

  Sir_NutS said:
I must say this is one of the funniest updates so far. The expression of mario in the first pic, and wario in the third, lmao. The captions were fun too.

I noticed Mario, too. Wario's in the third pic is jsut his getting hurt animation I would think, but I really want to know how to make Mario do that.

  FuriousFure said:
OMG! that'll be like Metal Gear Solid 4 having snake use a Ps3 Controller in game!

yeah, it's been happening for awhile... nothing anybody can do about it. guess we'll just have to be good little consumers and enjoy the in-game advertising.

for some reason i want to try Donkey Konga now. hmmm....

Well, even the inclusion of Nintendo characters could be called 'in-game advertising'.

By the way, get DK Jungle Beat - It's very fun, and the Bongos do seriously kick ass.

  eternal Zero said:
I noticed Mario, too. Wario's in the third pic is jsut his getting hurt animation I would think, but I really want to know how to make Mario do that.

Isn't that the way Mario ends his spinning (down+B I think it was) move?

  Neo Samus said:
I hope all the Final Smashes are this creative. We already know Kirby's will be.

The Kirby's Final Smash...hmm...it's unknown how it will works...maybe you can do some damage to someone and create food?

I hope that Kirby could inale food in quantity with the B button...

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