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I never consider more characters in a fighting game a bad thing. I'm not the biggest fan of Pokémon, but I certainly don't lament them including Pikachu in the game. If anything, you should be excited that Snake is in the game. Now you get to kick his ass personally.

Speculation time: Suitless Samus and Snake will have the same control style ala Captain Falcon/Ganondorf.

Remember how you played as Samus in the second half of Zero Mission? Think about it...

I don't think we see as many clone characters now...



Dude this is insane! Icarus, Wario, and Metaknight EVERYONE knew would be in it. A possible new suit for Samus, a given. This one...? No.


Megaman and Sonic are next YOU WATCH!!! I wonder just how FAR they'll take Sonic. ie: Tails/Knuckles/Shadow/ect?

I'm sorry but the only real response I think ANYONE can give right now is this.


(and I'm serious...)

At least maybe now the music will be more than background noise with Uematsu on the team

Don't get your hopes up.

He's already booked for 3 games right now, and the main theme for FFXIII. I'm betting he's only doing the main theme for this one, too.


I dont have any hopes. Uematsu is talented to be sure, but he's not on my top list of video game composers. If it was my choice, I'd love to get some old school composers in on it to get some bad-ass music goin (Ryuji Sasai, Hajime Hirasawa, Koji Kondo)


I think Mario's Ultra Flame and Link's Triforce Omnislash strongly points to a super attack meter of some sort. Sounds fun, but I'm worried it might break the game. Thoughts?

BTW, I thought this GIF was hilarious.



I think Mario's Ultra Flame and Link's Triforce Omnislash strongly points to a super attack meter of some sort. Sounds fun, but I'm worried it might break the game. Thoughts?

I'm worried about that too. I've always worried about too much complexity ruining the Smash Bros formula, but I trust that they'll handle it correctly.

I think Mario's Ultra Flame and Link's Triforce Omnislash strongly points to a super attack meter of some sort. Sounds fun, but I'm worried it might break the game. Thoughts?

BTW, I thought this GIF was hilarious.



In the trailer, it looks like you have to grab an item in order to use the super attack, which is no big deal since items break the game anyway. It looks very interesting, and could add a new dimension to the standard Smash Bros. fighting formula.


The Super Attacks look to be keyed to a type of item (namely, that flashing SSB Logo). If that's the case, they can be turned off, just like any other item.

I think that was always the beauty of Smash Brothers for me. The way you can tweak almost anything in the game if you don't like the way it works. Find health-restoring items too cheap and imbalancing? Switched off! And so on.

EDIT: Jacked, dammit!


ok when we were saying who we wanted to see in SSB3. some one had to of said. " it problay wont happen but. Solid snake" well you were right....this is sweet, and pit, and meta knight.... AHHHHH OMG.


The first way they can do that is to have Pit as playable character!

Yes! Praise the Lord!

As for Solid Snake, OH MY GOD!!! Sorry, I just found out about this about five minutes ago. This is the sort of thing I've always dreamt about but would never have thought possible. Now my friend and I can settle our eight-year-old debate of who could kick whose ass, Link or Snake.

I'm gonna be a Pitwhore.

Sorry, I'm going for Snake whore. At first. Then I'll realize he isn't top tier, and go to kirby as usual.

I'm still going to play any and every character I can. Which just makes this all the more awesome.

Of course! I sure know I've mastered pretty much everyone on SSBM...

By the way... Trailer's music FTW. Is it the FF guy? Who was it? You think it'll be in game??


According to what I've read on Smash Bros Dojo (the official site), the theme is composed by Nobuo Uematsu, the composer of most Final Fantasy games (he left Squaresoft to be an independent contractor a couple years ago; Final Fantasy 12 is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto of Breath of Fire V and others), but it doesn't sound like the whole soundtrack will be Uematsu.

That's okay, though. I'm not all that much a fan of Uematsu himself. I'd be just as happy to get some Nintendo in-house composers to rearrange the classic melodies like in SSBM.


By the way, which characters do you guys think you wouldn't mind losing? I know it'll be necessary, since I hate it when the character-select screens for games are super-huge, plus the more characters you have the more difficult it is to balance them all.

Personally, I wouldn't mind losing Pichu, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Young Link, maybe Peach... After all, those are games we already have too many characters from. Maybe even Marth or Roy, if necessary.

Characters I would hate to lose (obviously, Pikachu, Mario, Link, and Kirby aren't at risk here): Jigglypuff and Falco, mostly.


I am extremely excited about this game. Toward the end of the trailer when they showed Snake I nearly died laughing. Hilarious.

I am curious how many characters they are keeping from the last one. Ideally, all would come back, along with all the old levels from both games but that is just wishful thinking.

I think Mario's Ultra Flame and Link's Triforce Omnislash strongly points to a super attack meter of some sort. Sounds fun, but I'm worried it might break the game. Thoughts?

BTW, I thought this GIF was hilarious.



In the trailer, it looks like you have to grab an item in order to use the super attack, which is no big deal since items break the game anyway. It looks very interesting, and could add a new dimension to the standard Smash Bros. fighting formula.

Wasn't it mentioned that the single player mode would be a little different this time around?

The super attack thing may be the idea there.

Also, meta knight ftw.

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