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Giga Bowser looks hella aweseome. The look of a cartoon-esque Bowser with round snout transforms into something that has a scary semi-real reptilian look to it is crazy awesome. Look at all the details...

So I guess you can control him? Is that the way it goes? Really sweet.



If Ganondorf is in this game, I guess we can expect him to turn into Ganon for a Final Smash, eh?



If Ganondorf is in this game, I guess we can expect him to turn into Ganon for a Final Smash, eh?

That would be beyond awesome. Ganon vs. Giga Bowser would be the best battle ever.

EDIT- Also, whenever Bowser transforms, the music must change to the Kooopa Theme.

That would be beyond awesome. Ganon vs. Giga Bowser would be the best battle ever.

EDIT- Also, whenever Bowser transforms, the music must change to the Kooopa Theme.

Either that or he'll finally get to use his sword for once.

see Super Smash Bros Melee: Event 51

Oh commooon. They glamorized everything else about him. I'm hoping his flames look even more kick ass too.

EDIT: and he's 10x cooler in adventure mode. If no other reasons than his intro, and that he's actually difficult to defeat.


Man, if he landed on someone in that throw, they'd have to turn flat... like a cartoon pancake flat.

I wonder just how crazy his damage is. I mean he is as big as most of the stages we've seen... his flames must cover half the area....

Yeah, i hope we get some custom Bowser music during this phase!! Maybe his music from Mario 64. ^_^

Bowser grabs a Smash Ball! TRANSFORM!

I just got back from a certain movie, and I'm hoping to see OptiMetroid Prime fight Gigatron in Transformers II. The latter will be assisted by Star FoxScream, of course.

And Ness wearing yellow looks like a Bumblebee.


i'm a little late but... HOLY FUCKING SHIT. those words first came to mind when i saw the second picture.


now, i am going start looking for a wii and by the time this games going to be released, i'll just be finding one.

I just got back from a certain movie, and I'm hoping to see OptiMetroid Prime fight Gigatron in Transformers II. The latter will be assisted by Star FoxScream, of course.

And Ness wearing yellow looks like a Bumblebee.

Nice play on words..... lawl

I saw that a couple hours before I saw this as well. They're both beastly awesome


Oh crap, I didn't think Giga Bowser would be returning and not only is he returning but he also looks bigger and scarier. Damn, whatever you do don't let Bowser get the smash orb (unless your playing as Bowser of-course).

Surely Giga Bowser will return now. He'd look amazing judging by this update. Hmmm. Maybe transforming into Giga Bowser temporarily could be Bowsers Final Smash.

OMFG I want your future foreseing powers!

This update ROCKS. Giga Bowser looks awesome and this final smash will finally give me a reason to play bowser and HAVE FUN with him :D

Damn this game is looking hotter and hotter with each passing day.


Best Final Smash imo so far!

I love it :D

I wonder... If Ganondorf is in the game, what will his FS will be? (transform into Ganon maybe?)

Best Final Smash imo so far!

I love it :D

I wonder... If Ganondorf is in the game, what will his FS will be? (transform into Ganon maybe?)

If it's his Twillight version he might summon them ghostly horse riders :)

OMFG I want your future foreseing powers!

Lol. I can't believe I got that prediction right. Me and Sakurai must think alike.

Ganon being Ganondorf's final, would be equally sexy as people have said already. Are there any other characters that could have transformations? Can't think of any.

Lol. I can't believe I got that prediction right. Me and Sakurai must think alike.

Ganon being Ganondorf's final, would be equally sexy as people have said already. Are there any other characters that could have transformations? Can't think of any.

Mr. L from Super Paper Mario! Yeah, Mr. L and Luigi are actually the same guy - it took me several weeks to figure it out. They left JUST ENOUGH subtle clues, without making it the slightest bit apparent at first glance. Those clever developers!

...any ideas what Pit, Fox, Wario, Yoshi, Zelda, or Metaknight might do? I'm looking at you, Vidilian!

Yoshi should totally throw bouncy eggs everywhere, like in Yoshi's Island. Would be great fun both to shoot and to dodge =)

Mr. L from Super Paper Mario! Yeah, Mr. L and Luigi are actually the same guy - it took me several weeks to figure it out. They left JUST ENOUGH subtle clues, without making it the slightest bit apparent at first glance. Those clever developers!

I'm sorry but... Your kidding right? That's sarcasm, right?

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