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probably something that's been said a dozen times, but i really want to express how much I want to see Olimar (seems very likely right?)

I don't even really like the pikmin games, but come on. A cute little guy using all kinds of pikmin related moves :D

Should be awesome.

Oh, and a pikmin theme stage while they're on it. Fighting in een gigantic garden. Pikmins attacking hulking beast in the background.

Yeah, gettin fanboyish excited :S

I can't tell if DK is horrified or pleased. O__o

"He's so complex" *gasp*


Aww but yay, I'm happy to see Yoshi back :) He's one of my favourite characters in the Mario universe.

I expect many cute sounds and happiness!

probably something that's been said a dozen times, but i really want to express how much I want to see Olimar (seems very likely right?)

I don't even really like the pikmin games, but come on. A cute little guy using all kinds of pikmin related moves :D

Should be awesome.

Oh, and a pikmin theme stage while they're on it. Fighting in een gigantic garden. Pikmins attacking hulking beast in the background.

Yeah, gettin fanboyish excited :S

I am 100% sure that he'll be in this game if only as an Assist Trophy.

Well, unless they shorten the range of yoshi's hover, yoshi will have the greatest recovery of all the characters.

Not quite. Yoshi always had awesome distance and height on his second jump but compare it to the likes of Samus or Peach or Jigglypuff, and there are plenty of other characters out there with great recovery that would still be just as good or better as Yoshi's recovery. But what hurt worse was the fact that he was so predictable and that, despite being heavier, you knock yoshi one time and he's got nothing. Any other character with a third jump gets to jump again after being hit. That was the problem.


Ooh he's cute, and looks more like old yoshi. Something about his nose kind of bugs me though, I know Yoshi has always had a big head, but his snout seems a little too round or something?

I never found any need for a third jump on him before, but it's cool if he has one. They probably nerfed the way he used to jump somehow though if he has a true third jump now, and not just some weird little boost from egg throwing, which would change his game play quite a bit.

Course they did say not to expect the characters to play the same so I guess that's to be expected.


you knock yoshi one time and he's got nothing. Any other character with a third jump gets to jump again after being hit. That was the problem.

Most of the time hitting yoshi mid-jump doesn't knock him back or out, or even disrupt his jump much, it can yes, but it depends on when exactly you hit him.

I never found any need for a third jump on him before, but it's cool if he has one. They probably nerfed the way he used to jump somehow though if he has a true third jump now, and not just some weird little boost from egg throwing, which would change his game play quite a bit.

I disagree. Yoshi's lack of a third jump makes him so easy to edgeguard, and very predictable. Yoshi has limited invincibility during the rise in his jump, yes, but most players know what exactly when he's vulnerable to attack and just wait. The fact that Yoshis often use their air dodge as means of a third jump also makes them very predictable and punishable. He is a great character on the ground- I've seen good players own with him. His lack of a jump cancellable shield is another handicap though. Yoshi just loses ownage value when he is knocked off the edge. Yoshi needs that extra jump for sure.


Okay, but here's another question for ya guys: how in the heck is Yoshi gonna jump a third time using the egg toss???

The first thing that comes to mind is Ness' recovery, but it makes no sense for an egg to come back, knock Yoshi in his behind, and give him the extra boost a la PK Thunder 0_0;

So how does he do it? How will tossing an egg make him jump another time?

Actually, it says it INCREASES his jump DISTANCE, not nessesarily add a third "jump".

Hmm, a mystery...*dies*

I disagree. Yoshi's lack of a third jump makes him so easy to edgeguard, and very predictable. Yoshi has limited invincibility during the rise in his jump, yes, but most players know what exactly when he's vulnerable to attack and just wait. The fact that Yoshis often use their air dodge as means of a third jump also makes them very predictable and punishable. He is a great character on the ground- I've seen good players own with him. His lack of a jump cancellable shield is another handicap though. Yoshi just loses ownage value when he is knocked off the edge. Yoshi needs that extra jump for sure.

Ok you need a third jump, I've never had a huge problem with edge guarders or being "very predictable."


Glad to see Yoshi is back (what a suprise!). I just like using Yoshi agianst my friends. They get so pissed when I own them with him because they think he is a crappy character. One word "Juggle". His lack of a 3rd jump is a big weakness for him but if you play him enough, you get used to it after a while. Great character to play in friendly matches.


But I don't know... Yoshi looks kinda like a homo now...



It's a cartoon dinosaur with no genitals. I wouldn't worry about his sexual preference too much regardless. Don't all the Yoshis look the same anyways?

I think what you are trying to say is that he needs a few guns like Shadow the hedgehog so he can be more hardcorez? ;-)


When I mentioned "propulsion" I meant that it probably will work similarly to Ness's third jump. Except this time around I assume you can aim your eggs in a direction. Fire an egg, get recoil. Fire downward, break fisiks. Of course physics never mattered to begin with.

It's a cartoon dinosaur with no genitals. I wouldn't worry about his sexual preference too much regardless.

Yoshis are in fact asexual creatures. He can lay an egg on demand. And really, he has little empathy for his offspring--an interesting characteristic, no doubt.

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